Source code for concepts.benchmark.gridworld.crafting_world.crafting_world_crow_gen.cw_20230913_mixed

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 06/18/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Sequence, Dict

from concepts.benchmark.gridworld.crafting_world.crafting_world_rules import get_all_mining_locations, get_all_mining_outcomes
from concepts.benchmark.gridworld.crafting_world.crafting_world_rules import get_all_crafting_ingradients, get_all_crafting_locations, get_all_crafting_outcomes, CRAFTING_RULES
from concepts.benchmark.gridworld.crafting_world.utils import underline_to_pascal, underline_to_space

problem "crafting-world-v20230106-p{problem_id}"
domain "crafting-world-v20230106"




[docs] def gen_linear_tile(n: int) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Generate the object string and init string for a linear 1D map. .. code:: t1 t2 t3 t4 ... tn Args: n: the length of the map. Returns: a tuple of the object string and init string. """ object_str = "" init_str = "" for i in range(1, n + 1): object_str += f"t{i}: Tile\n" # if i > 1: # init_str += f"(tile-right t{i - 1} t{i})\n" # init_str += f"(tile-left t{i} t{i - 1})\n" return object_str, init_str
[docs] def gen_locations_and_objects(n: int, inventory_size: int, station_agnostic: bool = True) -> Tuple[str, str, int, list, list]: """Sample a linear map by randomly placing mining locations and tools on the map.""" all_locations = get_all_mining_locations() + get_all_crafting_locations(use_only_workstation=station_agnostic) mining_tools = ['axe', 'pickaxe'] # + ['coal'] * 5 nr_objects = len(all_locations) + len(mining_tools) + inventory_size map_location = [None for _ in range(n)] map_objects = [[] for _ in range(n)] assert len(all_locations) < n, 'Map is too small to fit all locations: {} < {}'.format(n, len(all_locations)) object_str = '' init_str = '' location_assignments = npr.choice(np.arange(n), len(all_locations), replace=False) for i, x in enumerate(location_assignments): map_location[x] = (i + 1, all_locations[i]) object_str += f'o{i + 1}: Object\n' init_str += 'object_of_type(o{}, {})\n'.format(i + 1, underline_to_pascal(all_locations[i])) init_str += 'object_at(o{}, t{})\n'.format(i + 1, x + 1) mining_tool_assignments = npr.choice(np.arange(n), len(mining_tools), replace=False) for i, x in enumerate(mining_tool_assignments): map_objects[x].append((i + 1 + len(all_locations), mining_tools[i])) object_str += f'o{i + 1 + len(all_locations)}: Object\n' init_str += 'object_of_type(o{}, {})\n'.format(i + 1 + len(all_locations), underline_to_pascal(mining_tools[i])) init_str += 'object_at(o{}, t{})\n'.format(i + 1 + len(all_locations), x + 1) for i in range(inventory_size): object_str += f'o{i + 1 + len(all_locations) + len(mining_tools)}: Object\n' object_str += f'i{i + 1}: Inventory\n' init_str += 'object_of_type(o{}, Hypothetical)\n'.format(i + 1 + len(all_locations) + len(mining_tools)) init_str += 'inventory_empty(i{})\n'.format(i + 1) return object_str, init_str, nr_objects, map_location, map_objects
[docs] def gen_v20230913_instance_record(problem_id: str, split: str, n: int = 25, inventory_size: int = 8, goal_index: Optional[int] = None, station_agnostic: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: import jacinle all_outcomes = get_all_crafting_outcomes() + get_all_mining_outcomes() if goal_index is not None: assert goal_index < len(all_outcomes), 'Invalid goal index: {} >= {}'.format(goal_index, len(all_outcomes)) goal = all_outcomes[goal_index] else: goal = npr.choice(all_outcomes) obj_object_str, obj_init_str, nr_objects, map_location, map_objects = gen_locations_and_objects(n, inventory_size) map_object_str, map_init_str = gen_linear_tile(n) object_str = obj_object_str + map_object_str init_str = obj_init_str + map_init_str init_str += 'agent_at(t1)\n' goal_nl = 'Mine or craft a {}.'.format(underline_to_space(goal)) # goal_str = f'(and (inventory-holding i{inventory_size} o{nr_objects})\n(object-of-type o{nr_objects} {underline_to_pascal(goal)}))\n' goal_str = f""" exists i: Inventory where: ( exists o: Object where: ( inventory_holding(i, o) and object_of_type(o, {underline_to_pascal(goal)}) ) ) """ problem_cdl = PROBLEM_CDL_TEMPLATE.format( problem_id=problem_id, objects_str=jacinle.indent_text(object_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), init_str=jacinle.indent_text(init_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), goal_str=jacinle.indent_text(goal_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), ) return dict( problem_id=problem_id, split=split, problem_cdl=problem_cdl, goal_nl=goal_nl, goal=goal, map_location=map_location, map_objects=map_objects, nr_objects=nr_objects, inventory_size=inventory_size, )
[docs] def gen_v20240622_instance_record(problem_id_1: str, problem_id_2: str, split: str, n: int = 25, inventory_size: int = 15, goal_index1: Optional[int] = None, goal_index2: Optional[int] = None, station_agnostic: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: import jacinle all_outcomes = get_all_crafting_outcomes() + get_all_mining_outcomes() if goal_index1 is not None: assert goal_index1 < len(all_outcomes), 'Invalid goal index: {} >= {}'.format(goal_index1, len(all_outcomes)) goal1 = all_outcomes[goal_index1] else: goal1 = npr.choice(all_outcomes) if goal_index2 is not None: assert goal_index2 < len(all_outcomes), 'Invalid goal index: {} >= {}'.format(goal_index2, len(all_outcomes)) goal2 = all_outcomes[goal_index2] else: goal2 = npr.choice(all_outcomes) obj_object_str, obj_init_str, nr_objects, map_location, map_objects = gen_locations_and_objects(n, inventory_size) map_object_str, map_init_str = gen_linear_tile(n) object_str = obj_object_str + map_object_str init_str = obj_init_str + map_init_str init_str += 'agent_at(t1)\n' goal_nl = 'Mine or craft a {} and a {}.'.format(underline_to_space(goal1), underline_to_space(goal2)) goal_str = f""" symbol x1 = exists i: Inventory where: ( exists o: Object where: ( inventory_holding(i, o) and object_of_type(o, {underline_to_pascal(goal1)}) ) ) symbol x2 = exists i: Inventory where: ( exists o: Object where: ( inventory_holding(i, o) and object_of_type(o, {underline_to_pascal(goal2)}) ) ) x1 and x2 """ problem_cdl = PROBLEM_CDL_TEMPLATE.format( problem_id=f'double-{problem_id_1}-{problem_id_2}', objects_str=jacinle.indent_text(object_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), init_str=jacinle.indent_text(init_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), goal_str=jacinle.indent_text(goal_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), ) return dict( problem_id=f'double-{problem_id_1}-{problem_id_2}', split=split, problem_cdl=problem_cdl, goal_nl=goal_nl, goal=(goal1, goal2), map_location=map_location, map_objects=map_objects, nr_objects=nr_objects, inventory_size=inventory_size, )
[docs] def gen_v20240625_instance_record(problem_id: str, goals: Sequence[str], split: str = 'default', n: int = 25, inventory_size: int = 15, station_agnostic: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: import jacinle obj_object_str, obj_init_str, nr_objects, map_location, map_objects = gen_locations_and_objects(n, inventory_size) map_object_str, map_init_str = gen_linear_tile(n) object_str = obj_object_str + map_object_str init_str = obj_init_str + map_init_str init_str += 'agent_at(t1)\n' goal_nl = 'Mine or craft the following items: {}.'.format(', '.join(map(underline_to_space, goals))) goal_strings = list() for i, goal in enumerate(goals): goal_strings.append(f""" symbol x{i} = exists i: Inventory where: ( exists o: Object where: ( inventory_holding(i, o) and object_of_type(o, {underline_to_pascal(goal)}) ) ) """) goal_str = ''.join(goal_strings) + ' and '.join(f'x{i}' for i in range(len(goals))) problem_cdl = PROBLEM_CDL_TEMPLATE.format( problem_id=problem_id, objects_str=jacinle.indent_text(object_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), init_str=jacinle.indent_text(init_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), goal_str=jacinle.indent_text(goal_str, indent_format=' ').strip(), ) return dict( problem_id=problem_id, split=split, problem_cdl=problem_cdl, goal_nl=goal_nl, goal=tuple(goals), map_location=map_location, map_objects=map_objects, nr_objects=nr_objects, inventory_size=inventory_size, )