Source code for concepts.benchmark.logic_induction.boolean_normal_form

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 03/18/2018
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import collections
import jacinle.random as random

__all__ = ['CNF', 'DNF', 'random_generate_cnf']

[docs] class NormalForm(object): merge1 = None merge2 = None init1 = None init2 = None split1 = None split2 = None
[docs] def __init__(self, nr_variables, exprs, varnames=None): self.nr_variables = nr_variables self.exprs = exprs self.idx2name = varnames
[docs] def __call__(self, assigns=None, **kwargs): if assigns is None: return self.eval(kwargs) return self.eval(assigns)
[docs] def eval(self, assigns): assert self.nr_variables == len(assigns) if isinstance(assigns, collections.Mapping): assert self.idx2name is not None assigns = [assigns[self.idx2name[k]] for k in range(self.nr_variables)] else: assert isinstance(assigns, collections.Sequence) assigns = list(map(bool, assigns)) v1 = type(self).init1 for e1, neg1 in self.exprs: v2 = type(self).init2 for e2, neg2 in e1: if neg2: v2 = type(self).merge2(v2, not assigns[e2]) else: v2 = type(self).merge2(v2, assigns[e2]) if neg1: v1 = type(self).merge1(v1, not v2) else: v1 = type(self).merge1(v1, v2) return v1
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, expr): expr = expr.strip().replace(' ', '') # canonicalize closures = [] variables = set() ands = expr.split(cls.split1) for a in ands: this_closure = [] if a[0] == '!': a = a[1:] nega = True else: nega = False assert a[0] == '(' and a[-1] == ')' a = a[1:-1] ors = a.split(cls.split2) for o in ors: if o.startswith('!'): o = o[1:] nego = True else: nego = False this_closure.append([o, nego]) variables.add(o) closures.append([this_closure, nega]) variables = sorted(variables) var2idx = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(variables)} nr_variables = len(variables) for a, _ in closures: for o in a: o[0] = var2idx[o[0]] return cls(nr_variables, closures, varnames=variables)
[docs] def to_string(self): if self.idx2name is not None: idx2name = self.idx2name else: assert self.nr_variables <= 26 idx2name = [chr(97 + i) for i in range(26)] s1 = '' for e1, neg1 in self.exprs: if len(s1) != 0: s1 += type(self).split1 s2 = '' for e2, neg2 in e1: if len(s2) != 0: s2 += type(self).split2 if neg2: s2 += '!' + idx2name[e2] else: s2 += idx2name[e2] if neg1: s2 = '!(' + s2 + ')' else: s2 = '(' + s2 + ')' s1 += s2 return s1
[docs] class CNF(NormalForm): init1 = True init2 = False split1 = '&' split2 = '|' merge1 = lambda x, y: x and y merge2 = lambda x, y: x or y
[docs] class DNF(NormalForm): init1 = False init2 = True split1 = '|' split2 = '&' merge1 = lambda x, y: x or y merge2 = lambda x, y: x and y
def _canonicalize_max(m): if type(m) is int: m = [max(m // 2, 1), max(m, 1)] else: assert m[0] > 0 and m[1] > 0 return m
[docs] def random_generate_cnf(nr_variables, max_ands, max_ors): max_ands = _canonicalize_max(max_ands) max_ors = _canonicalize_max(max_ors) closures = [] nr_ands = random.randint(max_ands[0], max_ands[1] + 1) for i in range(nr_ands): nr_ors = random.randint(max_ors[0], max_ors[1] + 1) vars = random.randint(0, nr_variables, size=nr_ors) nots = random.randint(0, 2, size=nr_ors) this_closures = [(v, n) for v, n in zip(vars, nots)] closures.append((this_closures, random.randint(0, 2))) return CNF(nr_variables, closures)