Source code for concepts.benchmark.manip_tabletop.pybullet_tabletop

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 08/01/2023
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import os.path as osp
from typing import Optional, Union, List

import numpy as np

from concepts.simulator.pybullet.client import BulletClient
from concepts.simulator.pybullet.default_env import BulletEnvBase
from import WorldSaver
from concepts.simulator.pybullet.components.ur5.ur5_robot import UR5Robot
from concepts.simulator.pybullet.components.panda.panda_robot import PandaRobot
from concepts.simulator.pybullet.rotation_utils import rpy
from concepts.pdsketch.domain import State
from concepts.pdsketch.executor import PDSketchExecutor
from concepts.utils.typing_utils import Vec2f, Vec3f, Vec4f, BroadcastableVec3f

__all__ = ['TableTopEnv', 'SimpleTableTopEnv', 'get_tabletop_base_domain_filename']

[docs]class TableTopEnv(BulletEnvBase): """TableTopEnv is a environment for manipulating tools in a 3D but table-top-only environment. So there is only minimal amount of 3D information involved. The environment will be simulated by pybullet. """
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Optional[BulletClient] = None, executor: Optional[PDSketchExecutor] = None, seed: int = 1234): super().__init__(client, seed=seed) self.robot = None self.saver = WorldSaver(client.w, save=False) self.metainfo = dict() self._executor = executor
@property def executor(self) -> PDSketchExecutor: if self._executor is None: raise RuntimeError('Executor is not initialized yet.') return self._executor
[docs] def set_executor(self, executor: PDSketchExecutor): self._executor = executor
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError('The reset method should be implemented by the subclass.')
[docs] def restore(self) -> None: """Restore the environment to the last saved state.""" self.saver.restore()
[docs] def set_default_debug_camera(self, distance: float = 1.5): """Set the default debug camera of the environment.""" target =, 90, -25, target=target)
PLANE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/plane.urdf' WORKSPACE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/workspace.urdf' PLANE_LARGE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/plane_large.urdf' WORKSPACE_LARGE_FILE = 'assets://basic/plane/workspace_large.urdf'
[docs] def add_workspace(self, large: bool = False) -> int: """Add a table-top workspace to the environment. Returns: the body id of the collision shape of the body. """ if not large: # The actual table with collision shape. plane_id = self.client.load_urdf(type(self).PLANE_FILE, (0, 0, -0.001), static=True, body_name='table') # Just a visual shape for the table. self.client.load_urdf(type(self).WORKSPACE_FILE, (1, 0, 0), static=True, body_name='workspace') else: plane_id = self.client.load_urdf(type(self).PLANE_LARGE_FILE, (0, 0, -0.001), static=True, body_name='table') self.client.load_urdf(type(self).WORKSPACE_LARGE_FILE, (1, 0, 0), static=True, body_name='workspace') return plane_id
CLIPORT_PLANE_FILE = 'assets://cliport/plane/plane.urdf' CLIPORT_WORKSPACE_FILE = 'assets://cliport/workspace/workspace.urdf'
[docs] def add_cliport_workspace(self): plane_id = self.client.load_urdf(type(self).CLIPORT_PLANE_FILE, (0, 0, -0.001), static=True, body_name='table') self.client.load_urdf(type(self).CLIPORT_WORKSPACE_FILE, (0.5, 0, 0), static=True, body_name='workspace') return plane_id
[docs] def add_robot(self, robot: str = 'panda', pos: Optional[Vec3f] = None) -> int: """Add a robot to the environment. Args: robot: the type of the robot. Currently only ``['ur5', 'panda']`` are supported. pos: the initial position of the robot. If not given, the robot will be placed at the origin. Returns: the body id of the robot. """ if robot == 'ur5': self.robot = UR5Robot(self.client, pos=pos) elif robot == 'panda': self.robot = PandaRobot(self.client, pos=pos) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown robot type: {robot}.') return self.robot.get_robot_body_id()
[docs] def add_region( self, size_2d: Vec2f, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'region', *, color_rgba: Vec4f = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) ) -> int: """Add a visual-only region indicator to the environment. Args: size_2d: the size of the region. location_2d: the location of the region, asssumed to be on the table (z = 0). name: the name of the region. color_rgba: the color of the region. Returns: the body id of the region. """ visual_shape = self.p.createVisualShape(self.p.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=[size_2d[0] / 2, size_2d[1] / 2, 0.0001], rgbaColor=color_rgba) shape = self.p.createMultiBody( baseMass=0, baseVisualShapeIndex=visual_shape, basePosition=[location_2d[0], location_2d[1], 0.001], baseOrientation=(0, 0, 0, 1) ), name, 'region') return shape
[docs] def add_box( self, size: BroadcastableVec3f, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'box', *, static: bool = False, z_height: float = 0, mass: float = 0.2, lateral_friction: float = 1.0, color_rgba: Vec4f = (1, 0.34, 0.34, 1.), quat: Optional[Vec4f] = None ) -> int: if isinstance(size, float): size = (size, size, size) return self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/box/box-template.urdf', {'DIM': size, 'MASS': mass, 'COLOR': color_rgba, 'LATERAL_FRICTION': lateral_friction}, pos=(location_2d[0], location_2d[1], size[2] / 2 + z_height), quat=quat, body_name=name, static=static, )
# TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 08/12): use better typing like Vector2f.
[docs] def add_container( self, size_2d: Vec2f, depth: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'container', *, static=True, color_rgba: Optional[Vec4f] = None, quat: Optional[Vec4f] = None, ) -> int: container_id = self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/container/container-template.urdf', { 'DIM': (size_2d[0], size_2d[1], depth), 'HALF': (size_2d[0] / 2, size_2d[1] / 2, depth / 2), }, (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], depth / 2), quat=quat, rgba=(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0), body_name=name, static=static, ) if color_rgba is not None: self.p.changeVisualShape(container_id, -1, rgbaColor=color_rgba) return container_id
[docs] def add_bar( self, size_2d: Vec2f, thickness: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'bar-shape', *, static: bool = False, quat: Vec4f = (0, 0, 0, 1) ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/simple-tools/bar-shape-template.urdf', {'DIM': (size_2d[0], size_2d[1], thickness)}, (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], thickness / 2), quat, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def add_l_shape( self, size1_2d: Vec2f, size2_2d: Vec2f, thickness: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'l-shape', *, static: bool = False, quat: Vec4f = (0, 0, 0, 1) ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/simple-tools/l-shape-template.urdf', { 'DIMX': (size1_2d[0], size1_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFX': (size1_2d[0] / 2, size1_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DIMY': (size2_2d[0], size2_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFY': (size2_2d[0] / 2, size2_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DISP': ((size1_2d[0] + size2_2d[0]) / 2, (size2_2d[1] - size1_2d[1]) / 2, 0.0) }, (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], thickness / 2), quat, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def add_l_shape_with_tip( self, size1_2d: Vec2f, size2_2d: Vec2f, size3_2d: Vec2f, thickness: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'l-shape-with-tip', *, static=False, quat: Vec4f = (0, 0, 0, 1) ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/simple-tools/l-shape-with-tip-template.urdf', { 'DIMX': (size1_2d[0], size1_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFX': (size1_2d[0] / 2, size1_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DIMY': (size2_2d[0], size2_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFY': (size2_2d[0] / 2, size2_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DIMZ': (size3_2d[0], size3_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFZ': (size3_2d[0] / 2, size3_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DISPY': ((size1_2d[0] + size2_2d[0]) / 2, (size2_2d[1] - size1_2d[1]) / 2, 0.0), 'DISPZ': ((-size2_2d[0] - size3_2d[0]) / 2, (size2_2d[1] - size3_2d[1]) / 2, 0.0) }, (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], thickness / 2), quat, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def add_t_shape( self, size1_2d: Vec2f, size2_2d: Vec2f, thickness: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 't-shape', *, static: bool = False, quat: Vec4f = (0, 0, 0, 1) ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/simple-tools/t-shape-template.urdf', { 'DIMX': (size1_2d[0], size1_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFX': (size1_2d[0] / 2, size1_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DIMY': (size2_2d[0], size2_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFY': (size2_2d[0] / 2, size2_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DISP': ((size1_2d[0] + size2_2d[0]) / 2, 0, 0.0) }, (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], thickness / 2), quat, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def add_t_shape_with_tip( self, size1_2d: Vec2f, size2_2d: Vec2f, size3_2d: Vec2f, thickness: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 't-shape-with-tip', *, static: bool = False, quat: Vec4f = (0, 0, 0, 1) ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf_template( 'assets://basic/simple-tools/t-shape-with-tip-template.urdf', { 'DIMX': (size1_2d[0], size1_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFX': (size1_2d[0] / 2, size1_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DIMY': (size2_2d[0], size2_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFY': (size2_2d[0] / 2, size2_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DIMZ': (size3_2d[0], size3_2d[1], thickness), 'HALFZ': (size3_2d[0] / 2, size3_2d[1] / 2, thickness / 2), 'DISPY': ((size1_2d[0] + size2_2d[0]) / 2, 0.0, 0.0), 'DISPZ1': ((-size2_2d[0] - size3_2d[0]) / 2, (size2_2d[1] - size3_2d[1]) / 2, 0.0), 'DISPZ2': ((-size2_2d[0] - size3_2d[0]) / 2, (-size2_2d[1] + size3_2d[1]) / 2, 0.0) }, (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], thickness / 2), quat, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def add_plate( self, scale: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'plate', *, static: bool = False, z_height: float = 0.0 ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf( 'assets://objects/kitchenware/plate1/model_normalized.obj.urdf', (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], 0.063 * scale + z_height), rpy(90, 0, 0), scale=scale, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def add_thin_plate( self, scale: float, location_2d: Vec2f, name: str = 'plate', *, static: bool = False, z_height: float = 0.0 ) -> int: return self.client.load_urdf( 'assets://objects/ycb/029_plate/textured.obj.urdf', (location_2d[0], location_2d[1], 0.063 * scale + z_height), scale=scale, body_name=name, static=static, )
[docs] def get_support(self, body_id: int, return_name: bool = True) -> List[Union[str, int]]: return _get_support(self, body_id, return_name=return_name)
[docs]class SimpleTableTopEnv(TableTopEnv): """A simple table-top environment that overrides two methods. - :meth:`_reset_scene` is the method to be implemented by the subclass. This function will be called by :meth:`reset`. This method should return a dictionary of metainfo of the objects in the environment. After the metainfo is returned, the environment will be saved by the :meth:`` method, so that the scene can be restored using :meth:`restore`. - :meth:`get_pds_state` is a method that returns the current state of the environment. See `pybullet_tabletop_base.pdsketch` for details. """
[docs] def reset(self): with self.client.disable_rendering(disable_rendering=True): metainfo = self._reset_scene() self.metainfo = metainfo
def _reset_scene(self) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_pds_state(self) -> State: objects = dict() for name, info in self.metainfo.items(): object_type = self.executor.domain.types['robot'] if name == 'robot' else self.executor.domain.types['item'] objects[name] = object_type state, ctx = self.executor.new_state(objects, create_context=True) for name, info in self.metainfo.items(): index = info['id'] if name == 'robot': ctx.set_value('robot-qpos', [name], self.robot.get_qpos()) ctx.set_value('robot-identifier', [name], index) else: ctx.set_value('item-pose', [name], ctx.set_value('item-identifier', [name], index) for name, info in self.metainfo.items(): if name not in ('robot', 'table', 'panda'): for name2 in self.get_support(info['id']): if name2 not in ('robot', 'panda'): ctx.set_value('support', [name, name2], True) ctx.init_feature('moveable') for name, info in self.metainfo.items(): if 'moveable' in info and info['moveable']: ctx.set_value('moveable', [name], True) if hasattr(self.robot, 'gripper_constraint'): if self.robot.gripper_constraint is None: ctx.define_predicates([ctx.robot_hands_free('robot')]) else: constraint = name =[constraint.child_body] ctx.define_predicates([ctx.robot_holding_item('robot', name)]) return state
[docs]def get_tabletop_base_domain_filename() -> str: return osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'pybullet_tabletop_base.pdsketch')
def _get_support(env: TableTopEnv, body_id: int, return_name: bool = True) -> List[Union[str, int]]: all_contact = supported_by_list = set() for contact in all_contact: body_name = contact.body_b_name if body_name == 'robot': continue normal = contact.contact_normal_on_b if normal[2] > np.cos(np.deg2rad(45)): if return_name: supported_by_list.add(body_name) else: supported_by_list.add(contact.body_b) return list(supported_by_list)