Source code for concepts.benchmark.namo.namo_polygon.namo_polygon_primitives

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 05/27/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import jacinle
import random
import pymunk
import numpy as np
from queue import PriorityQueue, Queue
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, List, NamedTuple

from concepts.benchmark.namo.namo_polygon.namo_polygon_env import NamoPolygonEnv, is_point_close_to_body
from concepts.simulator.pymunk.collision import SpacePositionRestorer, collision_test_current

[docs] class BoundingBox(NamedTuple): x0: int y0: int x1: int y1: int
[docs] def inside(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: return self.x0 <= x < self.x1 and self.y0 <= y < self.y1
[docs] def point_inside(self, point: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool: return self.inside(point[0], point[1])
def _heuristic(pos1: Tuple[int, int], pos2: Tuple[int, int]) -> float: return float(np.linalg.norm(np.array(pos1) - np.array(pos2), ord=1)) def _cfree_valid(env: NamoPolygonEnv, pos: Tuple[int, int], allow_collision_with_movables: bool = False) -> bool: if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= env.world_width or pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= env.world_height: return False env.set_agent_pos(pos) if not allow_collision_with_movables: return len(collision_test_current(, bodies=[env._agent])) == 0 collisions = collision_test_current(, bodies=[env._agent]) for collision in collisions: if collision[0].startswith('wall_') or collision[1].startswith('wall_'): return False return True def _cfree_valid_with_attached_body(env: NamoPolygonEnv, pos: Tuple[int, int], body: pymunk.Body, pos2: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool: env.set_agent_pos(pos) body.position = pos2 rv = len(collision_test_current(, bodies=[env._agent, body])) == 0 return rv
[docs] def find_cfree_path(env: NamoPolygonEnv, goal: Tuple[int, int], goal_atol: float = 2, allow_collision_with_movables: bool = False, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]]: agent_pos = env.agent_pos[0], env.agent_pos[1] queue = PriorityQueue() queue.put((_heuristic(agent_pos, goal), [agent_pos])) visited = set() visited.add(agent_pos) with SpacePositionRestorer( while not queue.empty(): _, path = queue.get() current = path[-1] if np.linalg.norm(np.array(current) - np.array(goal), ord=2) < goal_atol: return path for next_pos in [(current[0] + 1, current[1]), (current[0] - 1, current[1]), (current[0], current[1] + 1), (current[0], current[1] - 1)]: if bounding_box is not None and not bounding_box.point_inside(next_pos): continue if next_pos not in visited and _cfree_valid(env, next_pos, allow_collision_with_movables=allow_collision_with_movables): new_path = list(path) new_path.append(next_pos) queue.put((_heuristic(next_pos, goal) + len(new_path), new_path)) visited.add(next_pos) return None
[docs] def find_blocking_obstacles(env: NamoPolygonEnv, trajectory: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[pymunk.Body]: with SpacePositionRestorer( blocking_obstacles = dict() for pos in trajectory: env.set_agent_pos(pos) collisions = collision_test_current(, bodies=[env._agent]) for collision in collisions: if collision[1].startswith('obstacle_'): if collision[1] not in blocking_obstacles: blocking_obstacles[collision[1]] =[1]) return list(blocking_obstacles.values())
[docs] def sample_valid_obstacle_pos(env: NamoPolygonEnv, body: pymunk.Body, nr_samples: int = 100, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None, reference_path: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = None) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: with SpacePositionRestorer( for _ in range(nr_samples): if bounding_box is not None: x = random.randint(bounding_box.x0, bounding_box.x1 - 1) y = random.randint(bounding_box.y0, bounding_box.y1 - 1) else: x = random.randint(0, env.world_width - 1) y = random.randint(0, env.world_height - 1) body.position = x, y if len(collision_test_current(, bodies=[body])) == 0: if reference_path is not None: validated = True for pos in reference_path: env.set_agent_pos(pos) collisions = collision_test_current(, bodies=[env.agent]) if body in collisions: validated = False if validated: return x, y else: return x, y return None
[docs] def sample_valid_agent_pos(env: NamoPolygonEnv, nr_samples: int = 100, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: with SpacePositionRestorer( for _ in range(nr_samples): if bounding_box is not None: x = random.randint(bounding_box.x0, bounding_box.x1 - 1) y = random.randint(bounding_box.y0, bounding_box.y1 - 1) else: x = random.randint(0, env.world_width - 1) y = random.randint(0, env.world_height - 1) env.set_agent_pos((x, y)) if len(collision_test_current(, bodies=[env.agent])) == 0: return x, y return None
[docs] def find_cfree_path_with_attached_body(env: NamoPolygonEnv, goal: Tuple[int, int], goal_atol: float = 2, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]]: body = env.current_attached_body body_pos = body.position agent_pos = int(env.agent_pos[0]), int(env.agent_pos[1]) assert is_point_close_to_body(agent_pos, env.current_attached_body) queue = PriorityQueue() queue.put((_heuristic(body_pos, goal), [agent_pos])) visited = set() visited.add(body_pos) relative_pos = np.array(agent_pos) - np.array(body_pos) with SpacePositionRestorer( while not queue.empty(): _, path = queue.get() current = path[-1] current_body_pos = np.array(current) - relative_pos if np.linalg.norm(np.array(current_body_pos) - np.array(goal), ord=2) < goal_atol: return path for next_pos in [(current[0] + 1, current[1]), (current[0] - 1, current[1]), (current[0], current[1] + 1), (current[0], current[1] - 1)]: if bounding_box is not None and not bounding_box.point_inside(next_pos): continue next_body_pos = tuple(np.array(next_pos) - relative_pos) if next_body_pos not in visited and _cfree_valid_with_attached_body(env, next_pos, body, next_body_pos): new_path = list(path) new_path.append(next_pos) queue.put((_heuristic(next_body_pos, goal) + len(new_path), new_path)) visited.add(next_body_pos) return None
[docs] def find_reachable_points(env: NamoPolygonEnv, return_path: bool = False, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: agent_pos = int(env.agent_pos[0]), int(env.agent_pos[1]) queue = Queue() queue.put(agent_pos) outputs = set() outputs.add(agent_pos) with SpacePositionRestorer( while not queue.empty(): current = queue.get() for next_pos in [(current[0] + 1, current[1]), (current[0] - 1, current[1]), (current[0], current[1] + 1), (current[0], current[1] - 1)]: if bounding_box is not None and not bounding_box.point_inside(next_pos): continue if next_pos not in outputs and _cfree_valid(env, next_pos): queue.put(next_pos) outputs.add(next_pos) return list(outputs)
[docs] def find_reachable_points_near(env: NamoPolygonEnv, body: pymunk.Body, max_distance: float = 17, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: all_points = find_reachable_points(env, return_path=True, bounding_box=bounding_box) all_points = [pos for pos in all_points if is_point_close_to_body(pos, body, max_distance)] return all_points
[docs] def find_moving_path(env: NamoPolygonEnv, body: pymunk.Body, goal_pos: Tuple[int, int], nr_sample_points: int = 5, goal_atol: float = 2, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None, ultimate_goal: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None) -> Optional[Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], List[Tuple[int, int]]]]: all_points = find_reachable_points_near(env, body, bounding_box=bounding_box) random.shuffle(all_points) jacinle.indent_print('Finding an attachment point for the obstacle:', body, 'length:', len(all_points)) for point1 in all_points[:nr_sample_points]: jacinle.indent_print(' Trying to move the obstacle using the attachment point:', point1) restorer = SpacePositionRestorer( try: with SpacePositionRestorer( path1 = find_cfree_path(env, point1, goal_atol=1, bounding_box=bounding_box) if path1 is None: jacinle.indent_print(' No path found for path1') continue env.set_agent_pos(path1[-1]) env.attach_object(body) if env.current_attached_body is None: continue with SpacePositionRestorer( path2 = find_cfree_path_with_attached_body(env, goal_pos, goal_atol=goal_atol, bounding_box=bounding_box) if path2 is None: jacinle.indent_print(' No path found for path2') continue env.set_agent_pos(path2[-1]) body.position = goal_pos if ultimate_goal is not None: path3 = find_cfree_path(env, ultimate_goal, goal_atol=goal_atol, bounding_box=bounding_box) if path3 is None: jacinle.indent_print(' No path found for path3') continue return path1, path2 else: if path2 is not None: return path1, path2 finally: restorer.restore() env.detach_object()