Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 05/11/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

from import get_default_parser

[docs] def lex_cdl_file(filename: str): with open(filename, 'r') as f: return list(get_default_parser().parser.lex(
[docs] def lex_cdl_string(string: str): return list(get_default_parser().parser.lex(string))
def _color(r, g, b): return '#' + str(hex(r))[2:].zfill(2) + str(hex(g))[2:].zfill(2) + str(hex(b)[2:].zfill(2))
[docs] def get_token_styles(): styles = { 0: '#c24f1a', # orange 1: '#c24f1a', # orange 2: '#308822', # dark green 3: '#538135', # green 4: _color(230, 219, 116), # light yellow 5: '#2e75b5', # blue 6: _color(60, 60, 60), } # Token style is a number. # style % 10 === its color # style // 10 === its weight (1 for bold) token_styles = { "COLON": 5, "SEMICOLON": 5, "COMMA": 2, "LBRACE": 5, "RBRACE": 5, "LSQB": 5, "RSQB": 5, '_LLSQB': 5, # [[ '_RRSQB': 5, # ]] "_RIGHT_ARROW": 5, # -> "TRUE": 0, "FALSE": 0, "NULL": 0, 'ELLIPSIS': 5, "STRING": 1, "LONG_STRING": 1, "NUMBER": 1, "DEC_NUMBER": 1, "BIN_NUMBER": 1, "OCT_NUMBER": 1, "HEX_NUMBER": 1, 'ESCAPED_STRING': 1, 'SIGNED_NUMBER': 1, 'LPAR': 3, 'RPAR': 3, 'PLUS': 3, 'MINUS': 3, 'STAR': 3, 'FLOORDIV': 3, 'TILDE': 3, 'AT': 3, 'SLASH': 3, 'PERCENT': 3, 'EQUAL': 3, 'DOUBLE_EQUAL': 3, # == 'NOT_EQUAL': 3, # != 'GREATER_EQ': 3, # >= 'LESS_EQ': 3, # <= "RSHIFT": 3, # >> "LSHIFT": 3, # << 'CIRCUMFLEX': 3, 'EXISTS': 1, 'FORALL': 1, 'FOREACH': 1, 'FINDALL': 1, 'MEM_QUERY': 1, 'FOR': 1, 'IF': 1, 'ELSE': 1, 'AND': 1, 'OR': 1, 'NOT': 1, } for keyword in { 'LOCAL', 'LET', 'EXPR', 'RETURN', 'PASS', 'PREAMBLE', 'PROMOTABLE', 'DO', 'BIND', 'ACHIEVE', 'PACHIEVE', 'ASSERT', 'WHERE', 'ACHIEVE_ONCE', 'ACHIEVE_HOLD', 'PACHIEVE_ONCE', 'PACHIEVE_HOLD', 'ASSERT_ONCE', 'ASSERT_HOLD', 'UNTRACK', 'SEQUENTIAL', 'UNORDERED', 'CRITICAL', 'VECTOR', }: token_styles[keyword] = 2 for keyword in { '_PRAGMA_KEYWORD', # #!pragma 'DOMAIN', 'PROBLEM', 'INCLUDE', 'TYPEDEF', 'FEATURE', 'DEF', 'GENERATOR', 'UNDIRECTED_GENERATOR', 'CONTROLLER', 'ACTION', 'BEHAVIOR', 'OBJECTS', 'GOAL', 'INIT', 'EFFECT', 'EFF', 'PRE', 'BODY', 'IN', 'OUT', 'IS', }: token_styles[keyword] = 12 return styles, token_styles
[docs] def check_cdl_token_styles(string): _, g_token_styles = get_token_styles() other_types = set() for token in lex_cdl_string(string): if token.type in ('_INDENT', '_DEDENT', '_NEWLINE', 'BASIC_TYPENAME', 'VARNAME'): pass elif token.type not in g_token_styles: other_types.add(token.type) if len(other_types) > 0: print('Unknown token types:', other_types)
[docs] def format_cdl_html(string, input_file: str = '<cdl>'): tokens = lex_cdl_string(string) g_styles, g_token_styles = get_token_styles() fmt = '' fmt += f'<title>{input_file}</title>' fmt += f'<body style="background: {_color(255,255,255)}; color: {_color(192, 192, 192)}; font-family: monospace; "><div>' last_index = 0 for token in tokens: if token.start_pos is None: continue if token.start_pos > last_index: this_string = string[last_index:token.start_pos].replace(' ', '&nbsp;').replace("\n", "<br />") fmt += f'<span style="color: {_color(192,192,192)}">{this_string}</span>' if token.type == '_NEWLINE': fmt += token.value.replace(' ', '&nbsp;').replace("\n", "<br />") elif token.type in ('_INDENT', '_DEDENT'): continue elif token.type in g_token_styles: style = g_token_styles[token.type] this_color = g_styles[style % 10] weight_str = 'font-weight: 700' if style >= 10 else '' fmt += f'<span data-type="{token.type}" style="color: {this_color}; {weight_str}">{token.value}</span>' else: fmt += f'<span style="color:{_color(60,60,60)}">{token.value}</span>' last_index = token.start_pos + len(token.value) fmt += '</div>' return fmt
[docs] def format_cdl_latex(string): tokens = lex_cdl_string(string) g_styles, g_token_styles = get_token_styles() fmt = '' def colored_print(text, r, g, b, weight=False): nonlocal fmt text = text.replace('\\', '\\textbackslash').replace('{', '\\{').replace('}', '\\}') text = text.replace('_', '\\_').replace('^', '\\^').replace('%', '\\%') text = text.replace('&', '\\&').replace('$', '\\$').replace('#', '\\#') text = text.replace('<', '\\textless').replace('>', '\\textgreater') text = text.replace(' ', '~') if r == -1: text = text.replace('\n', '~\\\\%\n') if weight: fmt += f'{text}' else: fmt += f'{text}' else: parts = text.split('\n') for i, part in enumerate(parts): if len(part) == 0 and i < len(parts) - 1: fmt += '~\\\\%\n' else: if weight: fmt += f'\\textcolor[RGB]{{{r},{g},{b}}}{{{part}}}' else: fmt += f'\\textcolor[RGB]{{{r},{g},{b}}}{{{part}}}' if i < len(parts) - 1: fmt += '~\\\\%\n' last_index = 0 for token in tokens: if token.start_pos > last_index: this_string = string[last_index:token.start_pos] colored_print(this_string, 192, 192, 192) if token.type == '_NEWLINE': this_string = token.value colored_print(this_string, 192, 192, 192) elif token.type in ('_INDENT', '_DEDENT'): continue elif token.type in g_token_styles: style = g_token_styles[token.type] this_color = g_styles[style % 10] colored_print(token.value, int(this_color[1:3], 16), int(this_color[3:5], 16), int(this_color[5:7], 16), style > 10) else: colored_print(token.value, -1, -1, -1) last_index = token.start_pos + len(token.value) header = r'''\noindent\fbox{% \parbox{\textwidth}{\tt\small% ''' footer = r'''}% }%''' header = r'''\begin{mdframed}\tt\small''' footer = r'''\end{mdframed}%''' fmt = header + fmt + footer return fmt