Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 03/21/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, Tuple, List

import concepts.dsl.expression as E
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import Variable
from concepts.dsl.expression import ObjectOrValueOutputExpression
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorValue

from import CrowBehavior
from import CrowUntrackExpression, CrowBindExpression, CrowMemQueryExpression, CrowAssertExpression
from import CrowRuntimeAssignmentExpression, CrowFeatureAssignmentExpression
from import CrowBehaviorOrderingSuite
from import format_behavior_statement
from import CrowControllerApplicationExpression
from import ScopedCrowExpression, SupportedCrowExpressionType

__all__ = ['replace_variable_with_value', 'format_regression_statement', 'canonicalize_bounded_variables', 'split_simple_sequential']

[docs] def replace_variable_with_value(expr: ObjectOrValueOutputExpression, scope) -> ObjectOrValueOutputExpression: """Replace the variables in the expression with the values in the scope. Args: expr: the expression to edit. scope: the scope containing the variable-value pairs. Returns: the expression with all variables replaced. """ if isinstance(expr, E.VariableExpression): if isinstance(scope[], TensorValue): return E.ConstantExpression(scope[]) return E.ObjectConstantExpression(scope[]) elif isinstance(expr, E.FunctionApplicationExpression): return E.FunctionApplicationExpression(expr.function, [replace_variable_with_value(x, scope) for x in expr.arguments]) else: return expr
[docs] def format_regression_statement(stmt: ScopedCrowExpression, scopes: Optional[dict]) -> str: """Format a regression statement into a human-readable string. Args: stmt: the regression statement. scopes: the scopes of the regression statement. Returns: the formatted string. """ assert isinstance(stmt.statement, SupportedCrowExpressionType) inner_stmt = stmt.statement scope_id = stmt.scope_id return format_behavior_statement(inner_stmt, scopes=scopes, scope_id=scope_id) + '@' + str(scope_id)
[docs] def canonicalize_bounded_variables(scopes, scope_id): """canonicalize the bounded variables in the scope. This function is used to resolve the scope references in the regression trace. Args: scopes: a set of scopes of the regression trace. scope_id: the scope id to resolve. Returns: the resolved scope in `scopes[scope_id]`. """ scope = scopes[scope_id].copy() for var, value in scope.items(): if isinstance(value, Variable): assert value.scope > -1 for i in range(100): if isinstance(value, Variable): value = scopes[value.scope][] else: break else: raise RuntimeError('Too deep scope reference.') scope[var] = value return scope
[docs] def split_simple_sequential(program: Sequence[Union[CrowBehavior, CrowBehaviorOrderingSuite]], scope_id: int) -> Tuple[ Sequence[Union[CrowBehavior, CrowBehaviorOrderingSuite]], List[ScopedCrowExpression] ]: """Split a program into a complex part and a simple part. The simple part is a list of statements that can be executed sequentially. This function extracts a suffix of the program containing only :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, and :class:``. Args: program: the program to split. scope_id: the scope id of the program. Returns: the complex part and the simple part. """ simple_part = list() for i in reversed(range(len(program))): if isinstance(program[i], (CrowAssertExpression, CrowControllerApplicationExpression, CrowBindExpression, CrowMemQueryExpression, CrowUntrackExpression, CrowRuntimeAssignmentExpression, CrowFeatureAssignmentExpression)): simple_part.append(ScopedCrowExpression(program[i], scope_id)) else: break complex_part = program[:len(program) - len(simple_part)] return complex_part, list(reversed(simple_part))