Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 07/23/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import numpy as np
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, NamedTuple
from concepts.utils.typing_utils import VecNf, Vec3f, Vec4f
from concepts.math.interpolation_utils import PoseSpline
from import GeneralArmArmMotionPlanningInterface, MotionPlanningResult
from import pose_distance

[docs] class OperationSpaceTrajectory(NamedTuple): qpos_trajectory: Sequence[VecNf] pose_trajectory: Sequence[Tuple[Vec3f, Vec4f]]
[docs] def gen_joint_trajectory_from_cartesian_path_with_differential_ik( arm: GeneralArmArmMotionPlanningInterface, start_qpos: VecNf, cartesian_path: Sequence[Tuple[Vec3f, Vec4f]], step_size: float = 0.01, target_tolerance: float = 0.01 ): qpos = np.asarray(start_qpos) pose_spline = PoseSpline.from_pose_sequence(cartesian_path) goal_pose = cartesian_path[-1] qpos_trajectory = [qpos] pose_trajectory = [cartesian_path[0]] assert pose_distance(pose_trajectory[0], < 1e-3, f'The start qpos does not match the start pose: {pose_trajectory[0]} vs {}' solved = False for i in range(1000): last_qpos, last_pose = qpos_trajectory[-1], pose_trajectory[-1] if pose_distance(last_pose, goal_pose) < target_tolerance: solved = True break _, next_pose_target = pose_spline.get_next(last_pose, step_size=1) dq = arm.differential_ik_qpos_diff(last_qpos, last_pose, next_pose_target) next_qpos = last_qpos + dq / np.linalg.norm(dq) * step_size qpos_trajectory.append(next_qpos) pose_trajectory.append( progress = pose_distance(last_pose, pose_trajectory[-1]) if progress < 1e-6: return'No progress made at step {i}. Current progress: {progress}.') if not solved: return'Failed to reach the goal pose after 1000 steps.') return MotionPlanningResult.success(OperationSpaceTrajectory(qpos_trajectory, pose_trajectory))