Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 08/31/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import itertools
from typing import Optional, Iterator, Tuple, List, NamedTuple

from jacinle.utils.cache import cached_property

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d

from concepts.math.rotationlib_xyzw import find_orthogonal_vector, quat_mul, rotate_vector, enumerate_quaternion_from_vectors, quaternion_from_axes, euler2quat
from concepts.math.cad.mesh_utils import mesh_line_intersect
from import PlanningWorldInterface
from import SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface
from import ContactPointProposal, gen_ee_pose_from_contact_point, pairwise_sample, _sample_points_uniformly
from import is_collision_free_qpos

__all__ = [
    'GraspContactPairProposal', 'gen_grasp_contact_pair',
    'GraspParameter', 'gen_grasp_parameter', 'gen_grasp_parameter_boxtopgrasp',
    'PlacementParameter', 'gen_placement_parameter', 'gen_placement_parameter_on_table',

[docs] class GraspContactPairProposal(NamedTuple): object_id: int point1: np.ndarray normal1: np.ndarray point2: np.ndarray normal2: np.ndarray center: np.ndarray distance: float @cached_property def contact_point1(self) -> ContactPointProposal: return ContactPointProposal(self.object_id, self.point1, self.normal1) @cached_property def contact_point2(self) -> ContactPointProposal: return ContactPointProposal(self.object_id, self.point2, self.normal2)
[docs] @classmethod def from_contact_points(cls, contact_point1: ContactPointProposal, contact_point2: ContactPointProposal): return cls( object_id=contact_point1.object_id, point1=contact_point1.point, normal1=contact_point1.normal, point2=contact_point2.point, normal2=contact_point2.normal, center=(contact_point1.point + contact_point2.point) / 2, distance=np.linalg.norm(contact_point1.point - contact_point2.point) )
[docs] def gen_grasp_contact_pair( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, object_id: int, gripper_distance: float, *, gripper_min_distance: float = 0.0001, surface_pointing_tol: float = 0.9, mesh_filename: Optional[str] = None, mesh_scale: float = 1.0, max_test_points_before_first: int = 250, max_test_points: int = 100000000, batch_size: int = 100, max_intersection_distance: float = 10, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[GraspContactPairProposal]: """Given the name of the object, sample a 6D grasp pose. Before calling this function, the program should make sure that the gripper is open.""" if np_random is None: np_random = np.random mesh = planning_world.get_object_mesh(object_id, mesh_filename=mesh_filename, mesh_scale=mesh_scale) t_mesh = o3d.t.geometry.TriangleMesh.from_legacy(mesh) found = False nr_test_points_before_first = 0 for _ in range(int(max_test_points / batch_size)): # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/01/02): accelerate the computation. pcd = _sample_points_uniformly(mesh, batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True, seed=np_random.randint(0, 1000000)) indices = list(range(len(pcd.points))) np_random.shuffle(indices) for i in indices: if not found: nr_test_points_before_first += 1 point = np.asarray(pcd.points[i]) normal = np.asarray(pcd.normals[i]) if verbose: print('sample_grasp_v2_gen', 'point', point, 'normal', normal) point2 = point - normal * max_intersection_distance other_intersection = mesh_line_intersect(t_mesh, point2, normal) if verbose: print(' other_intersection', other_intersection) # if no intersection, try the next point. if other_intersection is None: if verbose: print(' skip: no intersection') continue other_point, other_normal = other_intersection # if two intersection points are too close, try the next point. if np.linalg.norm(other_point - point) < gripper_min_distance: if verbose: print(' skip: too close') continue # if the surface normals are too different, try the next point. if np.abs(, other_normal)) < surface_pointing_tol: if verbose: print(' skip: normal too different') continue grasp_center = (point + other_point) / 2 grasp_distance = np.linalg.norm(point - other_point) if grasp_distance > gripper_distance: if verbose: print(' skip: too far') continue found = True yield GraspContactPairProposal( object_id=object_id, point1=point, normal1=normal, point2=other_point, normal2=other_normal, center=grasp_center, distance=grasp_distance ) if not found and nr_test_points_before_first > max_test_points_before_first: if verbose: print(f'Failed to find a grasp after {nr_test_points_before_first} points tested.') return
[docs] def gen_grasp_contact_pair_with_support_constraint( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, object_id: int, support_id: int, gripper_distance: float, *, gripper_min_distance: float = 0.0001, surface_pointing_tol: float = 0.9, support_normal_tol: float = 0.1, mesh_filename: Optional[str] = None, mesh_scale: float = 1.0, max_test_points_before_first: int = 250, max_test_points: int = 100000000, batch_size: int = 100, max_intersection_distance: float = 10, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[GraspContactPairProposal]: support_normal = planning_world.get_single_contact_normal(object_id, support_id) for grasp_contact_pair in gen_grasp_contact_pair( planning_world, object_id, gripper_distance, gripper_min_distance=gripper_min_distance, surface_pointing_tol=surface_pointing_tol, mesh_filename=mesh_filename, mesh_scale=mesh_scale, max_test_points_before_first=max_test_points_before_first, max_test_points=max_test_points, batch_size=batch_size, max_intersection_distance=max_intersection_distance, np_random=np_random, verbose=verbose ): if np.abs(, grasp_contact_pair.normal1)) < support_normal_tol: yield grasp_contact_pair
[docs] class GraspParameter(NamedTuple): contact_pair: Optional[GraspContactPairProposal] robot_ee_pose: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] robot_qpos: np.ndarray
[docs] def gen_grasp_parameter( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, robot: SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface, object_id: int, gripper_distance: float, *, gripper_min_distance: float = 0.0001, surface_pointing_tol: float = 0.9, mesh_filename: Optional[str] = None, mesh_scale: float = 1.0, max_test_points_before_first: int = 250, max_test_points: int = 100000000, batch_size: int = 100, max_intersection_distance: float = 10, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[GraspParameter]: for grasp_contact_pair in gen_grasp_contact_pair( planning_world, object_id, gripper_distance, max_intersection_distance=max_intersection_distance, mesh_filename=mesh_filename, mesh_scale=mesh_scale, max_test_points_before_first=max_test_points_before_first, max_test_points=max_test_points, batch_size=batch_size, surface_pointing_tol=surface_pointing_tol, gripper_min_distance=gripper_min_distance, np_random=np_random, verbose=verbose ): grasp_center = ee_d = grasp_contact_pair.normal1 # ee_u and ee_v are two vectors that are perpendicular to ee_d ee_u = find_orthogonal_vector(ee_d) ee_v = np.cross(ee_u, ee_d) # enumerate four possible grasp orientations for ee_norm1 in [ee_u, ee_v, -ee_u, -ee_v]: ee_norm2 = np.cross(ee_d, ee_norm1) ee_quat = quaternion_from_axes(ee_norm2, ee_d, ee_norm1) if verbose: print('Trying grasp position', grasp_center) print('Trying grasp orientation', ee_quat) qpos = robot.ik(grasp_center, ee_quat) if qpos is not None: rv = is_collision_free_qpos(robot, qpos, verbose=False) if verbose: print('is_collision_free_qpos', rv) if not rv: from import PyBulletPlanningWorldInterface from import pprint_contact_list if isinstance(planning_world, PyBulletPlanningWorldInterface): backup = robot.get_qpos() robot.set_qpos(qpos) contacts = pprint_contact_list(contacts) planning_world.client.wait_for_user('Press any key to continue.') robot.set_qpos(backup) if rv: yield GraspParameter( contact_pair=grasp_contact_pair, robot_ee_pose=(grasp_center, ee_quat), robot_qpos=qpos ) elif verbose: print(' gripper pos', grasp_center) print(' gripper quat', ee_quat) print(' skip: collision')
[docs] def gen_grasp_parameter_boxtopgrasp( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, robot: SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface, object_id: int, grasp_depth: float = 0.01, max_trial: int = 1000, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[GraspParameter]: if np_random is None: np_random = np.random pointcloud = planning_world.get_object_point_cloud(object_id) top_center = np.array([*pointcloud[..., :2].mean(axis=0), pointcloud[..., 2].max()]) grasp_center = top_center grasp_center[2] += grasp_depth for _ in range(max_trial): yaw_angle = 2 * np.pi * np_random.rand() ee_quat = euler2quat([0., 0., yaw_angle]) print('Trying grasp position', grasp_center) print('Trying grasp orientation', ee_quat) qpos = robot.ik(grasp_center, ee_quat) if qpos is not None: rv = is_collision_free_qpos(robot, qpos, verbose=verbose) if rv: yield GraspParameter(contact_pair=None, robot_ee_pose=(grasp_center, ee_quat), robot_qpos=qpos) elif verbose: print(' gripper pos', grasp_center) print(' gripper quat', ee_quat) print(' skip: collision')
[docs] def calc_grasp_approach_ee_pose_trajectory(grasp_parameter: GraspParameter, pregrasp_distance: float = 0.1) -> List[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Given the name of the object, the grasp pose, generate a trajectory of 6D poses that the robot should follow to grasp the object.""" grasp_pos, grasp_quat = grasp_parameter.robot_ee_pose trajectory = [(grasp_pos + rotate_vector([0, 0, -pregrasp_distance], grasp_quat), grasp_quat)] for i in reversed(range(10)): trajectory.append(( grasp_pos + rotate_vector([0, 0, -pregrasp_distance / 10 * i], grasp_quat), grasp_quat )) return trajectory
[docs] class BimanualGraspParameter(NamedTuple): contact_pair: GraspContactPairProposal pre_contact_distance: float post_contact_distance: float robot1_ee_pose: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] robot1_qpos: np.ndarray robot2_ee_pose: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] robot2_qpos: np.ndarray
[docs] def gen_bimanual_grasp_parameter( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, robot1: SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface, robot2: SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface, object_id: int, support_id: int, gripper_distance: float, *, ee_contact_side: str = 'front', pre_contact_distance: float = 0.05, post_contact_distance: float = 0.01, gripper_min_distance: float = 0.0001, surface_pointing_tol: float = 0.9, mesh_filename: Optional[str] = None, mesh_scale: float = 1.0, max_test_points_before_first: int = 250, max_test_points: int = 100000000, batch_size: int = 100, max_intersection_distance: float = 10, max_ik_attempts: int = 5, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[BimanualGraspParameter]: def gen_ee_poses(c1, c2, s1 = ee_contact_side, s2 = ee_contact_side): # contact point 1, contact point 2, side 1, side 2 for x in pairwise_sample( gen_ee_pose_from_contact_point(planning_world, robot1, object_id, c1, distance=pre_contact_distance, z_delta=0.00, side=s1), gen_ee_pose_from_contact_point(planning_world, robot2, object_id, c2, distance=pre_contact_distance, z_delta=0.00, side=s2), product=True ): yield c1, c2, *x for contact_pair in gen_grasp_contact_pair_with_support_constraint( planning_world, object_id, support_id, gripper_distance, gripper_min_distance=gripper_min_distance, surface_pointing_tol=surface_pointing_tol, mesh_filename=mesh_filename, mesh_scale=mesh_scale, max_test_points_before_first=max_test_points_before_first, max_test_points=max_test_points, batch_size=batch_size, max_intersection_distance=max_intersection_distance, np_random=np_random, verbose=verbose ): for c1, c2, ee_pose1, ee_pose2 in itertools.chain(gen_ee_poses(contact_pair.contact_point1, contact_pair.contact_point2), gen_ee_poses(contact_pair.contact_point2, contact_pair.contact_point1)): for qpos1, qpos2 in zip(robot1.gen_ik(*ee_pose1, max_returns=max_ik_attempts), robot2.gen_ik(*ee_pose2, max_returns=max_ik_attempts)): with planning_world.checkpoint_world(): if robot1.check_collision(qpos1, checkpoint_world_state=False) or robot2.check_collision(qpos2, checkpoint_world_state=False): continue yield BimanualGraspParameter( contact_pair=GraspContactPairProposal.from_contact_points(c1, c2), pre_contact_distance=pre_contact_distance, post_contact_distance=post_contact_distance, robot1_ee_pose=ee_pose1, robot1_qpos=qpos1, robot2_ee_pose=ee_pose2, robot2_qpos=qpos2 ) break # If we have found a valid pair of qpos, we can break the loop for zip(robot1.gen_ik, robot2.gen_ik)
[docs] def pybullet_visualize_binamual_grasp_parameter( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, robot1: SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface, robot2: SingleGroupMotionPlanningInterface, object_id: int, support_id: int, parameter: BimanualGraspParameter ): from import PyBulletPlanningWorldInterface assert isinstance(planning_world, PyBulletPlanningWorldInterface) client = planning_world.client # Visualize the contact points as a line start_pos = parameter.contact_pair.point1 + parameter.contact_pair.normal1 * 0.1 end_pos = parameter.contact_pair.point2 + parameter.contact_pair.normal2 * 0.1 client.add_debug_line(start_pos, end_pos, [1, 0, 0], name='grasp_contact_line') with # Visualize the robot poses robot1.set_qpos(parameter.robot1_qpos) robot2.set_qpos(parameter.robot2_qpos) client.update_viewer_twice() client.wait_for_user('Press any key to continue.')
[docs] class PlacementParameter(NamedTuple): object_id: int support_id: int target_pos: np.ndarray target_quat: np.ndarray support_normal: np.ndarray
[docs] def gen_placement_parameter( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, target_id: int, support_id: int, *, retain_target_orientation: bool = False, batch_size: int = 100, max_attempts: int = 10000, placement_tol: float = 0.03, support_dir_tol: float = 30, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[PlacementParameter]: """Sample a placement of the target object on the support object. Args: planning_world: the planning world. robot: the robot interface. target_id: the id of the target object. support_id: the id of the support object. retain_target_orientation: if True, the target object will be placed with the same orientation as the current one. batch_size: the number of samples in batch processing. max_attempts: the maximum number of attempts for sampling. placement_tol: the tolerance for the placement. To check collision, we will place the object at a position that is `placement_tol` away from the support surface and check for collision. support_dir_tol: the tolerance for the support direction. We will sample the placement direction such that the support direction is within `support_dir_tol` degree from the gravity direction. np_random: the random state. verbose: whether to print the sampling information. Yields: the placement parameters. """ if np_random is None: np_random = np.random target_mesh = planning_world.get_object_mesh(target_id) support_mesh = planning_world.get_object_mesh(support_id) nr_batches = int(max_attempts / batch_size) for _ in range(nr_batches): support_points = _sample_points_uniformly(support_mesh, batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True, seed=np_random.randint(0, 1000000)) normals = np.asarray(support_points.normals) support_indices = np.where([0, 0, 1])) > np.cos(np.deg2rad(support_dir_tol)))[0] target_points = _sample_points_uniformly(target_mesh, batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True, seed=np_random.randint(0, 1000000)) if retain_target_orientation: normals = np.asarray(target_points.normals) target_indices = np.where([0, 0, -1])) > np.cos(np.deg2rad(support_dir_tol)))[0] else: target_indices = list(range(batch_size)) all_pair_indices = list(itertools.product(target_indices, support_indices)) np_random.shuffle(all_pair_indices) for target_index, support_index in all_pair_indices: target_point_pos = np.asarray(target_points.points[target_index]) target_point_normal = -np.asarray(target_points.normals[target_index]) support_point_pos = np.asarray(support_points.points[support_index]) support_point_normal = np.asarray(support_points.normals[support_index]) current_target_pos, current_target_quat = planning_world.get_object_pose(target_id) # Solve for a quaternion that aligns the tool normal with the target normal if retain_target_orientation: candidate_quaternions = [current_target_quat] else: candidate_quaternions = enumerate_quaternion_from_vectors(target_point_normal, support_point_normal, 4) for rotation_quat in candidate_quaternions: # This is the world coordinate for the tool point after rotation. new_target_point_pos = current_target_pos + rotate_vector(target_point_pos - current_target_pos, rotation_quat) # Now compute the displacement for the tool object final_target_pos = support_point_pos - new_target_point_pos + current_target_pos final_target_pos += support_point_normal * placement_tol final_target_quat = quat_mul(rotation_quat, current_target_quat) success = True with planning_world.checkpoint_world(): planning_world.set_object_pose(target_id, (final_target_pos, final_target_quat)) contacts = planning_world.get_contact_points(target_id) for contact in contacts: if contact.body_b != target_id: success = False break if success: rv = PlacementParameter( object_id=target_id, support_id=support_id, target_pos=final_target_pos, target_quat=final_target_quat, support_normal=support_point_normal ) yield rv
[docs] def gen_placement_parameter_on_table( planning_world: PlanningWorldInterface, target_id: int, support_id: int, table_x_range: Tuple[float, float], table_y_range: Tuple[float, float], table_z: float, *, retain_target_orientation: bool = True, batch_size: int = 100, max_attempts: int = 10000, placement_tol: float = 0.03, support_dir_tol: float = 30, np_random: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> Iterator[PlacementParameter]: """Sample a placement of the target object on the support object. Args: planning_world: the planning world. robot: the robot interface. target_id: the id of the target object. support_id: the id of the support object. retain_target_orientation: if True, the target object will be placed with the same orientation as the current one. batch_size: the number of samples in batch processing. max_attempts: the maximum number of attempts for sampling. placement_tol: the tolerance for the placement. To check collision, we will place the object at a position that is `placement_tol` away from the support surface and check for collision. support_dir_tol: the tolerance for the support direction. We will sample the placement direction such that the support direction is within `support_dir_tol` degree from the gravity direction. np_random: the random state. verbose: whether to print the sampling information. Yields: the placement parameters. """ if np_random is None: np_random = np.random target_mesh = planning_world.get_object_mesh(target_id) support_mesh = planning_world.get_object_mesh(support_id) nr_batches = int(max_attempts / batch_size) for _ in range(nr_batches): # support_points = _sample_points_uniformly(support_mesh, batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True, seed=np_random.randint(0, 1000000)) # normals = np.asarray(support_points.normals) # support_indices = np.where([0, 0, 1])) > np.cos(np.deg2rad(support_dir_tol)))[0] support_points = np.array([ (np_random.uniform(table_x_range[0], table_x_range[1]), np_random.uniform(table_y_range[0], table_y_range[1]), table_z) for _ in range(batch_size) ], dtype=np.float32) support_indices = list(range(batch_size)) target_points = _sample_points_uniformly(target_mesh, batch_size, use_triangle_normal=True, seed=np_random.randint(0, 1000000)) if retain_target_orientation: normals = np.asarray(target_points.normals) target_indices = np.where([0, 0, -1])) > np.cos(np.deg2rad(support_dir_tol)))[0] else: target_indices = list(range(batch_size)) all_pair_indices = list(itertools.product(target_indices, support_indices)) np_random.shuffle(all_pair_indices) for target_index, support_index in all_pair_indices: target_point_pos = np.asarray(target_points.points[target_index]) target_point_normal = -np.asarray(target_points.normals[target_index]) support_point_pos = np.asarray(support_points[support_index]) support_point_normal = np.asarray([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float32) current_target_pos, current_target_quat = planning_world.get_object_pose(target_id) # Solve for a quaternion that aligns the tool normal with the target normal if retain_target_orientation: candidate_quaternions = [current_target_quat] else: candidate_quaternions = enumerate_quaternion_from_vectors(target_point_normal, support_point_normal, 4) for rotation_quat in candidate_quaternions: # This is the world coordinate for the tool point after rotation. new_target_point_pos = current_target_pos + rotate_vector(target_point_pos - current_target_pos, rotation_quat) # Now compute the displacement for the tool object final_target_pos = support_point_pos - new_target_point_pos + current_target_pos final_target_pos += support_point_normal * placement_tol final_target_quat = quat_mul(rotation_quat, current_target_quat) success = True with planning_world.checkpoint_world(): planning_world.set_object_pose(target_id, (final_target_pos, final_target_quat)) contacts = planning_world.get_contact_points(target_id) for contact in contacts: if contact.body_b != target_id: success = False break if success: rv = PlacementParameter( object_id=target_id, support_id=support_id, target_pos=final_target_pos, target_quat=final_target_quat, support_normal=support_point_normal ) yield rv