Source code for concepts.dsl.tensor_value

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 11/02/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""Data structures and simple shape-related operations for tensor values. Internally, we use torch.Tensor to represent tensor values."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, Tuple, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, List

import warnings
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import jactorch
from jacinle.utils.printing import indent_text

from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import TensorValueTypeBase, BOOL, INT64, FLOAT32, NamedTensorValueType, ScalarValueType, VectorValueType, PyObjValueType, BatchedListType, QINDEX
from concepts.dsl.value import ValueBase

    from concepts.dsl.constraint import OptimisticValue

__all__ = [
    'TensorizedPyObjValues', 'MaskedTensorStorage', 'TensorValue',  # Basic tensorized representations.
    'from_tensor', 'vector_values', 'scalar',  # Tensor value creation.
    'concat_tvalues', 'index_tvalue', 'set_index_tvalue', 'expand_as_tvalue', 'expand_tvalue', 'expand_pyobj_value',
    'is_tvalue_simple_quantizable', 'simple_quantize_tvalue'

[docs] class TensorizedPyObjValues(object): """A value object with nested lists of Python objects. Note that this implies that we can not use list as the Python object type when shape is not specified."""
[docs] def __init__(self, dtype: PyObjValueType, values: Union[Any, List[Any], List[List[Any]], List[List[List[Any]]]], shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None): self.dtype = dtype if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): self.values = values self.shape = shape if shape is not None else self._infer_shape() elif shape is None: self.values = np.array(values, dtype=object) self.shape = shape if shape is not None else self._infer_shape() else: self.values = np.empty(shape, dtype=object) _recursive_assign(self.values, values) self.shape = shape
@property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape)
[docs] def numel(self) -> int: return int(
[docs] def item(self): assert self.ndim == 0 return self.values.item()
[docs] def fast_index(self, arguments: Tuple[int, ...]): # assert len(arguments) == self.ndim # value = self.values # for i in arguments: # value = value[i] # return value return self.values[arguments]
[docs] def fast_set_index(self, arguments: Tuple[int, ...], value): self.values[arguments] = value
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): return TensorizedPyObjValues(self.dtype, self.values[item])
def __setitem__(self, key, value: 'TensorizedPyObjValues'): self.values[key] = value.values def _infer_shape(self): """Infer the shape of the values by recursively checking the first element.""" # if self.dtype.pyobj_type is list: # raise TypeError('BatchedPyObjValue can not have list as the Python object type when shape is not specified.') # def _infer_shape_recursive(values): # if type(values) is list: # return (len(values), ) + _infer_shape_recursive(values[0]) # else: # return tuple() # return _infer_shape_recursive(self.values) return self.values.shape
[docs] @classmethod def make_empty(cls, dtype: PyObjValueType, shape: Iterable[int]): shape = tuple(shape) values = np.empty(shape, dtype=object) return cls(dtype, values, shape)
# def _make_empty_recursive(s): # if len(s) == 0: # return None # return [_make_empty_recursive(s[1:]) for _ in range(s[0])] # return cls(dtype, _make_empty_recursive(shape), shape)
[docs] def clone(self, deep_copy: bool = False): """Recursively clone the values.""" if deep_copy: return deepcopy(self) else: return type(self)(self.dtype, self.values.copy(), self.shape)
# if deep_copy: # new_values = deepcopy(self.values) # else: # def _clone_recursive(values): # if type(values) is list: # return [_clone_recursive(v) for v in values] # else: # return values # new_values = _clone_recursive(self.values) # return TensorizedPyObjValues(self.dtype, new_values, self.shape)
[docs] def permute(self, indices: Tuple[int, ...]): """Permute the axes in the nested list of values.""" return type(self)(self.dtype, np.transpose(self.values, indices), tuple(self.shape[i] for i in indices))
[docs] def expand(self, target_size: Tuple[int, ...]): return type(self)(self.dtype, np.broadcast_to(self.values, target_size), target_size)
[docs] def unsqueeze(self, dim: int): return type(self)(self.dtype, np.expand_dims(self.values, dim), (1, ) + self.shape)
def __str__(self): if self.values.ndim == 0: return str(self.values.item()) return f'TensorizedPyObjValues[{self.dtype}, shape={self.shape}]' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
def _recursive_assign(np_array: np.ndarray, values: Union[Any, List[Any], List[List[Any]], List[List[List[Any]]]]): if len(np_array.shape) == 0: np_array[()] = values elif len(np_array.shape) == 1: for i, v in enumerate(values): np_array[i] = v else: for i, v in enumerate(values): _recursive_assign(np_array[i], v)
[docs] @dataclass class MaskedTensorStorage(object): """A storage for quantized tensors.""" value: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues] """The unquantized tensor.""" mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None """The mask of the value. If not None, entry = 1 if the value is valid, and 0 otherwise.""" optimistic_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None """The optimistic values for the tensor. 0 for non-optimistic values.""" quantized_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None """The quantized values for the tensor. -1 for non-quantized values."""
def _canonicalize_batch_variables(batch_variables: Union[Iterable[str], int]) -> Tuple[str, ...]: if isinstance(batch_variables, int): batch_variables = tuple([f'#{i}' for i in range(batch_variables)]) assert all(isinstance(v, str) for v in batch_variables), 'All batch variables should be strings.' return tuple(batch_variables)
[docs] class TensorValue(ValueBase): """A value object with an internal :class:`torch.Tensor` storage."""
[docs] def __init__( self, dtype: Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, BatchedListType], batch_variables: Union[Iterable[str], int], tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues, MaskedTensorStorage], batch_dims: int = 0, quantized: Optional[bool] = None, *, _check_tensor: bool = False, _mask_certified_flag: bool = True ): """Instantiate a Value object for storing intermediate computation results. The tensor is assumed to have the following layout: ``tensor[B1, B2, B3, ..., V1, V2, V3, ..., D1, D2, D3, ...]``. - The first `batch_dims` dimensions are "batch". - The next `len(batch_variables)` dimensions are "variables". - The next `dtype.ndim()` dimensions are data dimensions (e.g., images, vectors). - A special case is that `dtype.ndim()` can be zero (scalar). Args: dtype: The data type of the Value object. batch_variables: A sequence of variables that are processed in "batch." This typically corresponds to "quantified variables." It can also be a single integer, indicating the number of batched variables. tensor: The actual tensor batch_dims: The additional batch dimensions at the beginning. Defaults to 0. _check_tensor: internal flag, whether to run the tensor shape/type sanity check. _mask_certified_flag: internal flag, indicating whether self.tensor_mask is guaranteed to be the correct mask. This flag will be marked false when we do expand_as. """ super().__init__(dtype) self.batch_variables = _canonicalize_batch_variables(batch_variables) self.batch_dims = batch_dims self.tensor_mask = None self.tensor_optimistic_values = None self.tensor_quantized_values = None self.quantized = quantized if quantized is not None else self._guess_quantized() if quantized is not None: if not hasattr(TensorValue, '_deprecated_quantized_warning'): TensorValue._deprecated_quantized_warning = True warnings.warn('TensorValue.quantized is deprecated. Please remove any usage of this flag. This flag will be removed by 2023/12/31', DeprecationWarning) if isinstance(tensor, MaskedTensorStorage): self.tensor = tensor.value self.tensor_mask = tensor.mask self.tensor_optimistic_values = tensor.optimistic_values self.tensor_quantized_values = tensor.quantized_values elif isinstance(tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues): assert isinstance(self.dtype, PyObjValueType) self.tensor = tensor elif isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): # TODO (Joy Hsu @ 2023/10/04): assert TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType. self.tensor = tensor assert isinstance(self.tensor, (torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues)) if _check_tensor: self._check_tensor('tensor') self._check_tensor('tensor_optimistic_values', is_index=True) self._check_tensor('tensor_quantized_values', is_index=True) self._check_tensor('tensor_mask', is_index=True) self._mask_certified_flag = _mask_certified_flag self._backward_function = None self._backward_args = tuple() self.tensor_grad = None
dtype: Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, BatchedListType] """The data type of the Value object.""" batch_variables: Tuple[str, ...] """The list of batch variable names.""" batch_dims: int """Additional batch dimensions at the beginning.""" quantized: bool """Whether the values in self.tensor is quantized.""" tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues] """The internal tensor storage.""" tensor_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] """A mask of the tensor, indicating which elements are valid.""" tensor_optimistic_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] """The optimistic values for the tensor. 0 for non-optimistic values.""" tensor_quantized_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] """The quantized values for the tensor. -1 for non-quantized values.""" def _guess_quantized(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self.dtype, TensorValueTypeBase) and self.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized() @property def total_batch_dims(self): return self.batch_dims + len(self.batch_variables) @property def nr_variables(self): return len(self.batch_variables) @property def is_torch_tensor(self): return isinstance(self.tensor, torch.Tensor) @property def is_tensorized_pyobj(self): return isinstance(self.tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues) @property def variable_shape(self): return self.tensor.shape[self.batch_dims:self.total_batch_dims]
[docs] def get_variable_size(self, variable_name_or_index: Union[str, int]) -> int: if isinstance(variable_name_or_index, str): variable_name_or_index = self.batch_variables.index(variable_name_or_index) if self.is_torch_tensor: return self.tensor.size(variable_name_or_index + self.batch_dims) return self.tensor.shape[variable_name_or_index + self.batch_dims]
[docs] def to_masked_tensor_storage(self, clone_tensor: bool = False) -> MaskedTensorStorage: if clone_tensor: return MaskedTensorStorage(_maybe_clone_tensor(self.tensor), _maybe_clone_tensor(self.tensor_mask), _maybe_clone_tensor(self.tensor_optimistic_values), _maybe_clone_tensor(self.tensor_quantized_values)) return MaskedTensorStorage(self.tensor, self.tensor_mask, self.tensor_optimistic_values, self.tensor_quantized_values)
[docs] def to_masked_tensor_storage_with_padding(self, target_shape: Tuple[int, ...]): # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2025/01/07): figure out the default value for tensor_mask. return MaskedTensorStorage( _maybe_pad_tensor(self.tensor, target_shape, self.dtype, self.batch_dims), _maybe_pad_tensor(self.tensor_mask, target_shape, self.dtype, self.batch_dims), _maybe_pad_tensor(self.tensor_optimistic_values, target_shape, self.dtype, self.batch_dims), _maybe_pad_tensor(self.tensor_quantized_values, target_shape, self.dtype, self.batch_dims) )
[docs] def clone(self, clone_tensor=True, dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, BatchedListType]] = None) -> 'TensorValue': storage = self.to_masked_tensor_storage(clone_tensor=clone_tensor) return type(self)( dtype if dtype is not None else self.dtype, self.batch_variables, storage, self.batch_dims, _check_tensor=False, _mask_certified_flag=self._mask_certified_flag )
[docs] def pad(self, target_shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> 'TensorValue': storage = self.to_masked_tensor_storage_with_padding(target_shape) return type(self)( self.dtype, self.batch_variables, storage, self.batch_dims, _check_tensor=False, _mask_certified_flag=self._mask_certified_flag )
[docs] def rename_batch_variables(self, new_variables: Sequence[str], dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, BatchedListType]] = None, force: bool = False, clone: bool = False): if not force: assert len(self.batch_variables) == len(new_variables) rv = self.clone() if clone else self rv.dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else self.dtype rv.batch_variables = _canonicalize_batch_variables(new_variables) return rv
[docs] def init_tensor_optimistic_values(self): if self.tensor_optimistic_values is None: if self.is_torch_tensor: self.tensor_optimistic_values = torch.zeros(self.tensor.shape[:self.total_batch_dims], dtype=torch.int64, device=self.tensor.device) else: self.tensor_optimistic_values = torch.zeros(self.tensor.shape, dtype=torch.int64)
# Simple creation.
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensor(cls, value: torch.Tensor, dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, BatchedListType]] = None, batch_variables: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, batch_dims: int = 0) -> 'TensorValue': return from_tensor(value, dtype, batch_variables, batch_dims)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tensorized_pyobj(cls, value: TensorizedPyObjValues, dtype: Optional[PyObjValueType] = None, batch_variables: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, batch_dims: int = 0) -> 'TensorValue': return from_tensorized_pyobj(value, dtype, batch_variables, batch_dims)
[docs] @classmethod def from_values(cls, *args: Any, dtype: Optional[TensorValueTypeBase] = None) -> 'TensorValue': return vector_values(*args, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def from_scalar(cls, value: Any, dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None) -> 'TensorValue': return scalar(value, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def make_empty(cls, dtype: Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, BatchedListType], batch_variables: Iterable[str] = tuple(), batch_sizes: Iterable[int] = tuple(), batch_dims: int = 0): if isinstance(dtype, TensorValueTypeBase): tensor = torch.zeros(tuple(batch_sizes) + dtype.size_tuple(), dtype=dtype.tensor_dtype()) else: tensor = TensorizedPyObjValues.make_empty(dtype, batch_sizes) return cls(dtype, batch_variables, tensor, batch_dims=batch_dims)
[docs] @classmethod def from_optimistic_value(cls, value: 'OptimisticValue') -> 'TensorValue': rv = cls.make_empty(value.dtype) rv.init_tensor_optimistic_values() rv.tensor_optimistic_values[...] = value.identifier return rv
[docs] @classmethod def from_optimistic_value_int(cls, identifier: int, dtype: Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]) -> 'TensorValue': rv = cls.make_empty(dtype) rv.init_tensor_optimistic_values() rv.tensor_optimistic_values[...] = identifier return rv
# Simple tensor access. @property def is_scalar(self): return self.total_batch_dims == 0 and (isinstance(self.dtype, PyObjValueType) or self.dtype.ndim() == 0)
[docs] def item(self) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Any, 'OptimisticValue']: from .constraint import is_optimistic_value, OptimisticValue assert self.is_scalar if self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and is_optimistic_value(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item()): return OptimisticValue(self.dtype, int(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item())) if self.is_tensorized_pyobj: return self.tensor.values.item() return self.tensor.item()
@property def is_single_elem(self): return self.total_batch_dims == 0
[docs] def single_elem(self) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Any, 'OptimisticValue']: from .constraint import is_optimistic_value, OptimisticValue assert self.is_single_elem if self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and is_optimistic_value(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item()): return OptimisticValue(self.dtype, int(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item())) if self.is_tensorized_pyobj: return self.tensor.values.item() return self.tensor
[docs] def has_optimistic_value(self) -> bool: return self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and self.tensor_optimistic_values.any()
[docs] def is_single_optimistic_value(self) -> bool: from .constraint import is_optimistic_value return self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and self.is_single_elem and is_optimistic_value(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item())
[docs] def fast_index(self, arguments: Tuple[int, ...], wrap: bool = True) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Any, 'OptimisticValue']: from .constraint import is_optimistic_value, OptimisticValue arguments = tuple(arguments) assert len(arguments) == self.total_batch_dims if self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and is_optimistic_value(self.tensor_optimistic_values[arguments]): return OptimisticValue(self.dtype, int(self.tensor_optimistic_values[arguments])) if self.is_tensorized_pyobj: if wrap: return TensorValue.from_scalar(self.tensor.fast_index(arguments), self.dtype) return self.tensor.fast_index(arguments) if wrap: return TensorValue.from_scalar(self.tensor[arguments], self.dtype) return self.tensor[arguments]
[docs] def fast_set_index(self, arguments: Tuple[int, ...], value: Union[torch.Tensor, Any, 'OptimisticValue']): from .constraint import OptimisticValue if isinstance(value, OptimisticValue): value = value.identifier self.init_tensor_optimistic_values() self.tensor_optimistic_values[arguments] = value return if self.is_tensorized_pyobj: self.tensor.fast_set_index(arguments, value) else: self.tensor[arguments] = value
def __bool__(self): if self.dtype == BOOL: return bool(self.item()) else: raise TypeError('Cannot convert Value object {} into bool.'.format(self)) # Value indexing.
[docs] def index(self, key: 'ValueIndexType') -> 'TensorValue': if self.is_torch_tensor: return index_tvalue(self, key) else: return index_pyobj_value(self, key)
[docs] def set_index(self, key: 'ValueIndexType', value: 'ValueSetIndexType') -> 'TensorValue': if self.is_torch_tensor: return set_index_tvalue(self, key, value) else: return set_index_pyobj_value(self, key, value)
[docs] def iter_batched_indexing(self, dim: int = 0) -> Iterator['TensorValue']: """Iterate over one of the batch dimensions.""" assert isinstance(self.dtype, BatchedListType) assert 0 <= dim < self.dtype.ndim() new_dtype = self.dtype.iter_element_type() index_target = self.batch_variables.index(f'@{dim}') indices = [slice(None) for _ in range(self.total_batch_dims)] for i in range(self.get_variable_size(index_target)): indices[dim] = i this_rv = self.index(tuple(indices)) this_rv.dtype = new_dtype yield this_rv
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item) -> 'TensorValue': return self.index(item)
def __setitem__(self, key: 'ValueIndexType', value: 'ValueSetIndexType'): self.set_index(key, value) # Value shape manipulation.
[docs] def expand(self, batch_variables: Iterable[str], batch_sizes: Iterable[int]) -> 'TensorValue': # NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/08/16): expand_tvalue work for both pyobj and torch tensor. return expand_tvalue(self, batch_variables, batch_sizes)
[docs] def expand_as(self, other: 'TensorValue') -> 'TensorValue': return expand_as_tvalue(self, other)
# Simple value quantization.
[docs] def is_simple_quantizable(self) -> bool: return is_tvalue_simple_quantizable(self)
[docs] def simple_quantize(self) -> 'TensorValue': return simple_quantize_tvalue(self)
# Stringify functions. STR_MAX_TENSOR_SIZE = 100
[docs] @classmethod def set_print_options(cls, max_tensor_size=STR_MAX_TENSOR_SIZE): cls.STR_MAX_TENSOR_SIZE = max_tensor_size
[docs] def format(self, content: bool = True, short: bool = False) -> str: from .constraint import is_optimistic_value, optimistic_value_id if short: if self.total_batch_dims == 0 and self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and is_optimistic_value(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item()): return f'@{optimistic_value_id(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item())}' if self.is_scalar: if self.is_torch_tensor: return str(self.item()) else: value = self.tensor.values.item() return str(f'{type(value).__name__}@{hex(id(value))}') if content: if self.is_torch_tensor: return str(self.tensor.tolist()) else: return str(self.tensor.values.tolist()) else: axes = ', '.join(('B', ) * self.batch_dims + self.batch_variables) return f'{self.dtype}<{axes}>' if self.total_batch_dims == 0 and self.tensor_optimistic_values is not None and is_optimistic_value(self.tensor_optimistic_values.item()): return f'OptValue[{self.dtype}]{{@{optimistic_value_id(self.single_elem().identifier)}}}' axes = ', '.join(('B', ) * self.batch_dims + self.batch_variables) quantized_flag = ', quantized' if self.quantized else '' backward_flag = ', backward=' + str(self._backward_function) if self._backward_function is not None else '' tensor_content = '' if content: if self.tensor_grad is not None: tensor_content = str(self.tensor) + '\ngrad:\n' + str(self.tensor_grad) else: tensor_content = str(self.tensor) if self.tensor.numel() < type(self).STR_MAX_TENSOR_SIZE: if self.tensor.numel() < 10 and self.tensor.ndim <= 1: tensor_content = '{' + tensor_content.replace('\n', ' ') + '}' else: tensor_content = '{\n' + indent_text(tensor_content) + '\n}' return f'Value[{self.dtype}, axes=[{axes}], tdtype={self.tensor.dtype}, tdshape={tuple(self.tensor.shape)}{quantized_flag}{backward_flag}]{tensor_content}' return f'Value[{self.dtype}, axes=[{axes}], tdtype={self.tensor.dtype}, tdshape={tuple(self.tensor.shape)}{quantized_flag}{backward_flag}]'
[docs] def short_str(self): return self.format(content=True, short=True)
def __str__(self): return self.format(content=True) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() # Internal dtype and shape sanity check. def _check_tensor(self, tensor_name: str, is_index: Optional[bool] = False): tensor = getattr(self, tensor_name) if tensor is None: return try: if isinstance(self.dtype, NamedTensorValueType): dtype = self.dtype.parent_type else: dtype = self.dtype if isinstance(dtype, ScalarValueType): if self.total_batch_dims == 0: if dtype in (BOOL, INT64): assert isinstance(tensor, (bool, int, torch.Tensor)) if isinstance(tensor, (bool, int)): setattr(self, tensor_name, torch.tensor(tensor, dtype=torch.int64)) else: if dtype == BOOL and tensor.dtype == torch.bool: pass elif dtype == BOOL and tensor.dtype == torch.int64: setattr(self, tensor_name, elif dtype == INT64 and tensor.dtype == torch.int64: pass else: assert tensor.dtype == torch.float32 else: raise TypeError('Unsupported dtype: {}.'.format(self.dtype)) else: assert torch.is_tensor(tensor) assert tensor.ndim == len(self.batch_variables) + self.batch_dims if dtype in (BOOL, INT64): if dtype == BOOL and tensor.dtype == torch.bool: pass elif dtype == BOOL and tensor.dtype == torch.int64: setattr(self, tensor_name, elif dtype == INT64 and tensor.dtype == torch.int64: pass else: assert tensor.dtype == torch.float32 else: raise TypeError('Unsupported dtype: {}.'.format(self.dtype)) elif isinstance(dtype, VectorValueType): assert torch.is_tensor(tensor) if is_index: assert tensor.ndim == len(self.batch_variables) + self.batch_dims else: assert tensor.ndim == len(self.batch_variables) + dtype.ndim() + self.batch_dims elif isinstance(dtype, PyObjValueType): assert isinstance(tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues) assert tensor.dtype == dtype assert tensor.ndim == len(self.batch_variables) + self.batch_dims else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported dtype: {}.'.format(self.dtype)) except AssertionError as e: axes = ', '.join(self.batch_variables) raise ValueError(f'Tensor {tensor_name} shape/dtype mismatch for Value[{self.dtype}, axes=[{axes}], batch_dims={self.batch_dims}, tdtype={tensor.dtype}, tdshape={tuple(tensor.shape)}]') from e TRUE: 'TensorValue' FALSE: 'TensorValue'
def _maybe_clone_tensor(tensor: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues]]) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: return tensor if tensor is None else tensor.clone() def _maybe_pad_tensor(tensor: Optional[torch.Tensor], target_shape: Tuple[int, ...], dtype: Optional[TensorValueTypeBase], batch_dims: int, constant_value: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: if tensor is None: return None return _pad_tensor(tensor, target_shape, dtype=dtype, batch_dims=batch_dims, constant_value=constant_value)
[docs] def from_tensor(value: torch.Tensor, dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, BatchedListType]] = None, batch_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, batch_dims: int = 0) -> TensorValue: if dtype is None: dtype = TensorValueTypeBase.from_tensor(value) if batch_variables is None: batch_variables = list() if not isinstance(dtype, BatchedListType) else [f'@{i}' for i in range(dtype.ndim())] return TensorValue(dtype, batch_variables, value, batch_dims=batch_dims)
[docs] def from_tensorized_pyobj(value: TensorizedPyObjValues, dtype: Optional[PyObjValueType] = None, batch_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, batch_dims: int = 0) -> TensorValue: if dtype is None: dtype = PyObjValueType(value.dtype.pyobj_type, value.dtype.typename) if batch_variables is None: batch_variables = len(value.shape) return TensorValue(dtype, batch_variables, value, batch_dims=batch_dims)
[docs] def vector_values(*args: Any, dtype: Optional[TensorValueTypeBase] = None) -> TensorValue: if dtype is None: dtype = VectorValueType(FLOAT32, len(args), 0) assert isinstance(dtype, TensorValueTypeBase) tensor_dtype = dtype.tensor_dtype() return TensorValue(dtype, [], torch.tensor(args, dtype=tensor_dtype))
[docs] def scalar(value: Union[TensorValue, torch.Tensor, bool, float, int, str, Any], dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None) -> TensorValue: if isinstance(value, TensorValue): return value if dtype is None: if not isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): value = torch.tensor(value) dtype = TensorValueTypeBase.from_tensor(value) if torch.is_tensor(value): return TensorValue(dtype, [], value) if isinstance(dtype, PyObjValueType): if isinstance(value, int): raise RuntimeError('Invalid branch: report to developers.') else: return TensorValue(dtype, [], TensorizedPyObjValues(dtype, value, shape=())) assert isinstance(dtype, TensorValueTypeBase) tensor_dtype = dtype.tensor_dtype() return TensorValue(dtype, [], torch.tensor(value, dtype=tensor_dtype))
[docs] def t(value: torch.Tensor, dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, BatchedListType]] = None, batch_variables: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> TensorValue: """Alias for :func:`from_tensor`.""" return from_tensor(value, dtype, batch_variables)
[docs] def v(*args: Any, dtype: Optional[TensorValueTypeBase] = None) -> TensorValue: """Alias for :func:`values`.""" return vector_values(*args, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def s(value: Any, dtype: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None) -> TensorValue: """Alias for :func:`scalar`.""" return scalar(value, dtype)
TensorValue.TRUE = TensorValue.from_scalar(True, BOOL) TensorValue.FALSE = TensorValue.from_scalar(False, BOOL)
[docs] def concat_tvalues(*args: TensorValue): # will produce a Value with batch_dims == 1, but the input can be either 0-batch or 1-batch. assert len(args) > 0 include_tensor_optimistic_values = any([v.tensor_optimistic_values is not None for v in args]) include_tensor_quantized_values = any([v.tensor_quantized_values is not None for v in args]) # Sanity check. for value in args[1:]: assert value.is_torch_tensor assert value.dtype == args[0].dtype assert value.batch_variables == args[0].batch_variables if include_tensor_optimistic_values: pass # we have default behavior for None. if include_tensor_quantized_values: assert value.tensor_quantized_values is not None device = args[0].tensor.device # Collect all tensors. all_tensor = [v.tensor for v in args] all_tensor_mask = [v.tensor_mask for v in args] all_tensor_optimistic_values = [v.tensor_optimistic_values for v in args] all_tensor_quantized_values = [v.tensor_quantized_values for v in args] target_shape = tuple([ max([v.get_variable_size(i) for v in args]) for i in range(args[0].nr_variables) ]) for i in range(len(args)): tensor, tensor_mask, tensor_optimistic_values, tensor_quantized_values = all_tensor[i], all_tensor_mask[i], all_tensor_optimistic_values[i], all_tensor_quantized_values[i] all_tensor[i] = _pad_tensor(tensor, target_shape, args[i].dtype, args[i].batch_dims) if tensor_mask is None: tensor_mask = torch.ones(target_shape, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) else: tensor_mask = _pad_tensor(tensor_mask, target_shape, args[i].dtype, args[i].batch_dims) all_tensor_mask[i] = tensor_mask if include_tensor_optimistic_values: if tensor_optimistic_values is None: tensor_optimistic_values = torch.zeros(target_shape, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) else: tensor_optimistic_values = _pad_tensor(tensor_optimistic_values, target_shape, args[i].dtype, args[i].batch_dims) all_tensor_optimistic_values[i] = tensor_optimistic_values if include_tensor_quantized_values: tensor_quantized_values = _pad_tensor(tensor_quantized_values, target_shape, args[i].dtype, args[i].batch_dims) all_tensor_quantized_values[i] = tensor_quantized_values if args[0].batch_dims == 0: all_tensor[i] = all_tensor[i].unsqueeze(0) all_tensor_mask[i] = all_tensor_mask[i].unsqueeze(0) all_tensor_optimistic_values[i] = all_tensor_optimistic_values[i].unsqueeze(0) if all_tensor_optimistic_values[i] is not None else None all_tensor_quantized_values[i] = all_tensor_quantized_values[i].unsqueeze(0) if all_tensor_quantized_values[i] is not None else None else: assert args[0].batch_dims == 1 masked_tensor_storage = MaskedTensorStorage(, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0) if include_tensor_optimistic_values else None,, dim=0) if include_tensor_quantized_values else None ) return TensorValue(args[0].dtype, args[0].batch_variables, masked_tensor_storage, batch_dims=1)
def _pad_tensor(tensor: torch.Tensor, target_shape: Iterable[int], dtype: TensorValueTypeBase, batch_dims: int, constant_value: float = 0.0): target_shape = tuple(target_shape) paddings = list() for size, max_size in zip(tensor.size()[batch_dims:], target_shape): paddings.extend((max_size - size, 0)) if tensor.dim() - batch_dims == len(target_shape): pass elif tensor.dim() - batch_dims == len(target_shape) + dtype.ndim(): paddings.extend([0 for _ in range(dtype.ndim() * 2)]) else: raise ValueError('Shape error during tensor padding.') paddings.reverse() # no need to add batch_dims. return F.pad(tensor, paddings, "constant", constant_value) ValueIndexElementType = Union[int, slice, List[int], torch.Tensor] ValueIndexType = Optional[Union[ValueIndexElementType, Tuple[ValueIndexElementType, ...]]] ValueSetIndexType = Union[bool, int, float, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, TensorValue]
[docs] def index_tvalue(value: TensorValue, indices: ValueIndexType) -> TensorValue: assert value.is_torch_tensor, 'Use index_pyobj_value for non-tensor values.' if isinstance(indices, (int, list, torch.Tensor)) or indices == QINDEX: indices = (indices, ) assert indices is None or isinstance(indices, tuple) if indices is None: return value.clone() if len(indices) < value.nr_variables: indices = indices + (slice(None), ) * (value.nr_variables - len(indices)) assert len(indices) == value.nr_variables batch_variables = list() for i, idx in enumerate(indices): if idx == QINDEX: batch_variables.append(value.batch_variables[i]) if value.batch_dims == 0: return type(value)( value.dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage( value.tensor[indices] if value.tensor is not None else None, value.tensor_mask[indices] if value.tensor_mask is not None else None, value.tensor_optimistic_values[indices] if value.tensor_optimistic_values is not None else None, value.tensor_quantized_values[indices] if value.tensor_quantized_values is not None else None ), batch_dims=value.batch_dims, _mask_certified_flag=value._mask_certified_flag ) elif value.batch_dims == 1: indices = (jactorch.batch,) + indices return type(value)( value.dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage( jactorch.bvindex(value.tensor)[indices][0] if value.tensor is not None else None, jactorch.bvindex(value.tensor_mask)[indices][0] if value.tensor_mask is not None else None, jactorch.bvindex(value.tensor_optimistic_values)[indices][0] if value.tensor_optimistic_values is not None else None, jactorch.bvindex(value.tensor_quantized_values)[indices][0] if value.tensor_quantized_values is not None else None ), batch_dims=value.batch_dims, _mask_certified_flag=value._mask_certified_flag ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported batched dims: {}.'.format(value.batch_dims))
[docs] def set_index_tvalue(lhs: TensorValue, indices: ValueIndexType, rhs: ValueSetIndexType) -> TensorValue: if isinstance(indices, (int, torch.Tensor)) or indices == QINDEX: indices = (indices, ) if isinstance(indices, list): raise RuntimeError('Undefined behavior for list indices. Use either tuple([...], ) for single-dimension indexing or tuple(..., ...) for multi-dimension indexing.') assert indices is None or isinstance(indices, tuple) optimistic_values, quantized_values = None, None if isinstance(rhs, (bool, int, float)): rhs = torch.tensor(rhs, dtype=lhs.tensor.dtype, device=lhs.tensor.device) elif isinstance(rhs, np.ndarray): rhs = torch.from_numpy(rhs).to(lhs.tensor.dtype).to(lhs.tensor.device) if isinstance(rhs, TensorValue): optimistic_values, quantized_values = rhs.tensor_optimistic_values, rhs.tensor_quantized_values rhs = rhs.tensor if lhs.batch_dims == 0: if indices is None or len(indices) == 0: lhs.tensor = rhs lhs.tensor_optimistic_values = optimistic_values lhs.tensor_quantized_values = quantized_values else: # We have to this cloning. Consider the following case: # v[0] = v[1] indices = indices[0] if len(indices) == 1 else indices if not isinstance(indices, tuple) or not any((isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) and len(x) == 0) for x in indices): lhs.tensor = lhs.tensor.clone() lhs.tensor[indices] = rhs if optimistic_values is not None: lhs.init_tensor_optimistic_values() lhs.tensor_optimistic_values = lhs.tensor_optimistic_values.clone() lhs.tensor_optimistic_values[indices] = optimistic_values if lhs.tensor_quantized_values is not None: assert quantized_values is not None lhs.tensor_quantized_values = lhs.tensor_quantized_values.clone() lhs.tensor_quantized_values[indices] = quantized_values else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported batched dims: {}.'.format(lhs.batch_dims)) return lhs
[docs] def index_pyobj_value(value: TensorValue, indices: ValueIndexType) -> TensorValue: if isinstance(indices, (int, slice)): indices = (indices, ) assert indices is None or isinstance(indices, tuple) if indices is None: return value.clone() assert len(indices) == value.nr_variables batch_variables = list() sizes = list() for i, idx in enumerate(indices): if idx == QINDEX: batch_variables.append(value.batch_variables[i]) sizes.append(value.get_variable_size(i)) if value.batch_dims == 0: values = _recursive_index_pyobj_value(value.tensor.values, indices) values = TensorizedPyObjValues(value.dtype, values, sizes) return type(value)(value.dtype, batch_variables, values, batch_dims=value.batch_dims) elif value.batch_dims == 1: values = [_recursive_index_pyobj_value(value.tensor.values[i], [indexer[i] for indexer in indices]) for i in range(len(value.tensor.values))] assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray) values = TensorizedPyObjValues(value.dtype, values, values.shape) return type(value)(value.dtype, batch_variables, values, batch_dims=value.batch_dims) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported batched dims: {}.'.format(value.batch_dims))
def _recursive_index_pyobj_value(np_array, indices): return np_array[indices] # if len(indices) == 1: # if isinstance(indices[0], int): # return nested_list[indices[0]] # elif indices[0] == QINDEX: # return nested_list # else: # raise ValueError(f'Invalid index: {indices[0]}.') # if isinstance(indices[0], int): # return _recursive_index_pyobj_value(nested_list[indices[0]], indices[1:]) # elif indices[0] == QINDEX: # return [_recursive_index_pyobj_value(nested_list[i], indices[1:]) for i in range(len(nested_list))] # else: # raise ValueError(f'Invalid index: {indices[0]}.')
[docs] def set_index_pyobj_value(lhs: TensorValue, indices: ValueIndexType, rhs: ValueSetIndexType) -> TensorValue: if isinstance(indices, (int, slice)): indices = (indices, ) assert indices is None or isinstance(indices, tuple) is_scalar_rhs = not isinstance(rhs, TensorValue) if lhs.batch_dims == 0: _recursive_set_index_pyobj_value(lhs.tensor.values, indices, rhs, is_scalar_rhs) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported batched dims: {}.'.format(lhs.batch_dims)) return lhs
def _recursive_set_index_pyobj_value(np_array, indices: Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...], rhs, is_scalar_rhs): if isinstance(rhs, TensorValue): rhs = rhs.tensor.values np_array[indices] = rhs # if len(indices) == 1: # if isinstance(indices[0], int): # nested_list[indices[0]] = rhs # elif indices[0] == QINDEX: # if is_scalar_rhs: # for i in range(len(nested_list)): # nested_list[i] = rhs # else: # assert len(nested_list) == len(rhs.tensor.values) # for i in range(len(nested_list)): # nested_list[i] = rhs[i] # else: # raise ValueError(f'Invalid index: {indices[0]}.') # else: # if isinstance(indices[0], int): # _recursive_set_index_pyobj_value(nested_list[indices[0]], indices[1:], rhs, is_scalar_rhs) # elif indices[0] == QINDEX: # for i in range(len(nested_list)): # _recursive_set_index_pyobj_value(nested_list[i], indices[1:], rhs[i] if not is_scalar_rhs else rhs, is_scalar_rhs) # else: # raise ValueError(f'Invalid index: {indices[0]}.')
[docs] def expand_as_tvalue(value: TensorValue, other: TensorValue) -> TensorValue: return expand_tvalue(value, other.batch_variables, other.tensor.size()[other.batch_dims: other.batch_dims + len(other.batch_variables)])
[docs] def expand_tvalue(value: TensorValue, batch_variables: Iterable[str], batch_sizes: Iterable[int]) -> TensorValue: batch_variables = tuple(batch_variables) batch_sizes = tuple(batch_sizes) data = value.tensor masked_tensor_storage_kwargs = { 'mask': value.tensor_mask, 'optimistic_values': value.tensor_optimistic_values, 'quantized_values': value.tensor_quantized_values, } current_batch_variables = list(value.batch_variables) for var in batch_variables: if var not in current_batch_variables: data = data.unsqueeze(value.batch_dims) for k, v in masked_tensor_storage_kwargs.items(): if v is not None: masked_tensor_storage_kwargs[k] = v.unsqueeze(value.batch_dims) current_batch_variables.insert(0, var) indices = list() sizes = list() # process the first "batch" dims. for i in range(value.batch_dims): indices.append(i) sizes.append(data.size(i)) # process the next "variables" dims. for var, size in zip(batch_variables, batch_sizes): indices.append(current_batch_variables.index(var) + value.batch_dims) sizes.append(size) for k, v in masked_tensor_storage_kwargs.items(): if v is not None: # corner case for "scalar" storage. if v.ndim > 0: v = v.permute(indices) masked_tensor_storage_kwargs[k] = v.expand(sizes) # process the last "data" dims. if isinstance(value.dtype, TensorValueTypeBase): for i in range(value.dtype.ndim()): indices.append(value.batch_dims + len(batch_variables)) sizes.append(data.size(value.batch_dims + len(batch_variables) + i)) # corner case for "scalar" storage. if len(indices) > 0: data = data.permute(indices) data = data.expand(sizes) rv = TensorValue( value.dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(data, **masked_tensor_storage_kwargs), batch_dims=value.batch_dims, _mask_certified_flag=False ) return rv
[docs] def expand_pyobj_value(value: TensorValue, batch_variables: Iterable[str], batch_sizes: Iterable[int]) -> TensorValue: raise NotImplementedError('expand_pyobj_value is not implemented yet.')
[docs] def is_tvalue_simple_quantizable(value: TensorValue) -> bool: """A value is simple quantizable if it is either quantized, or it has tensor_quantized_values, or it has intrinsically quantized dtypes.""" return ( value.tensor_quantized_values is not None or value.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized() )
[docs] def simple_quantize_tvalue(value: TensorValue) -> TensorValue: """Quantize a value into a quantized value using the simple rules. The simple rules are: 1. If the value is already quantized, return the value itself. 2. If the value has tensor_quantized_values, return the tensor_indices. 3. If the value has intrinsically quantized dtypes, quantize the value. - For BOOL, quantize the value with (value > 0.5).to(torch.int64). - For INT64, quantize the value with Args: value: the value to be quantized. Returns: the quantized value. """ assert value.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized() or value.tensor_quantized_values is not None if value.tensor_quantized_values is not None: rv = value.tensor_quantized_values elif value.dtype == BOOL: rv = (value.tensor > 0.5).to(torch.int64) elif value.dtype == INT64: rv = elif isinstance(value.dtype, NamedTensorValueType) and value.dtype.parent_type == BOOL: rv = (value.tensor > 0.5).to(torch.int64) elif isinstance(value.dtype, NamedTensorValueType) and value.dtype.parent_type == INT64: rv = else: raise TypeError('Unable to quantize value. Need either tensor_indices, or intrinsically quantized dtypes: {}.'.format(str(value))) rv = MaskedTensorStorage(rv, value.tensor_mask) return type(value)(value.dtype, value.batch_variables, rv, value.batch_dims, _mask_certified_flag=value._mask_certified_flag)