Source code for concepts.pdsketch.executor

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 11/18/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""This file contains the executor classes for the PDSketch framework.

All the executors are based on :class:`~concepts.dsl.tensor_value.TensorValue` classes.
It supports all expressions defined in :mod:`~concepts.dsl.expressions`, including the basic
function application expressions and a few first-order logic expression types. The executors
are designed to be "differentiable", which means we can directly do backpropagation on the
computed values.

The main entry for the executor is the :class:`PDSketchExecutor` class.
Internally it contains two executor implementations: the basic one, and an "optimistic" one,
which handles the case where the value of a variable can be unknown and "optimistic".

import itertools
import functools
import contextlib
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Iterator, Sequence, Tuple, List, Mapping, Dict, Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict
from tabulate import tabulate

import torch
import numpy as np
import jactorch
from jacinle.logging import get_logger
from jacinle.utils.debug import log_function

import concepts.dsl.expression as E
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import BOOL, TensorValueTypeBase, ScalarValueType, VectorValueType, NamedTensorValueType, PyObjValueType, QINDEX, Variable
from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import Function
from concepts.dsl.expression import Expression, BoolOpType, QuantificationOpType, VariableExpression
from concepts.dsl.expression_visitor import ExpressionVisitor
from concepts.dsl.value import ListValue
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorizedPyObjValues, TensorValue, MaskedTensorStorage
from concepts.dsl.tensor_state import StateObjectReference, StateObjectList, TensorState, NamedObjectTensorState, ObjectNameArgument, ObjectTypeArgument
from concepts.dsl.constraint import OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC, is_optimistic_value, OptimisticValue, cvt_opt_value, Constraint, EqualityConstraint, ConstraintSatisfactionProblem, AssignmentDict, SimulationFluentConstraintFunction
from concepts.dsl.parsers.parser_base import ParserBase
from concepts.dsl.executors.tensor_value_executor import BoundedVariablesDictCompatible, TensorValueExecutorBase, TensorValueExecutorReturnType, compose_bvdict_args
from concepts.pdsketch.predicate import Predicate
from concepts.pdsketch.operator import Operator, MacroOperator, OperatorApplier
from concepts.pdsketch.regression_rule import RegressionRule, RegressionRuleApplier
from concepts.pdsketch.generator import Generator
from concepts.pdsketch.domain import Domain, State

logger = get_logger(__file__)

__all__ = [
    'PythonFunctionRef', 'PythonFunctionCrossRef', 'config_function_implementation',
    'PDSketchExecutor', 'PDSketchExecutionDefaultVisitor', 'PDSketchExecutionCSPVisitor',
    'GeneratorManager', 'wrap_singletime_function_to_iterator'

[docs] class PythonFunctionRef(object): """A reference to a Python function. This class is used to wrap external function implementations in domains. """
[docs] def __init__( self, function: Callable, function_quantized: Optional[Callable] = None, *, return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, Tuple[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType], ...]]] = None, support_batch: bool = False, auto_broadcast: bool = False, use_object_names: bool = True, unwrap_values: Optional[bool] = None, include_executor_args: bool = False, is_iterator: bool = False, is_sgc_function: bool = False, executor: Optional['PDSketchExecutor'] = None ): """Initialize a Python function reference. Args: function: the function to be wrapped. function_quantized: the quantized version of the function (can be None). support_batch: whether the function supports batched inputs. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. use_object_names: whether the executor should use the object names in the state (instead of the index). unwrap_values: whether the executor should unwrap the tensor values before calling the function. include_executor_args: whether the caller should include the executor as the first argument. is_iterator: whether the function is an iterator. is_sgc_function: whether the function is an SGC function (state-goal-constraints). executor: the executor that is using this function reference. """ self.function = function self.function_quantized = function_quantized self.return_type = return_type self.support_batch = support_batch self.auto_broadcast = auto_broadcast self.use_object_names = use_object_names if unwrap_values is None: unwrap_values = not support_batch or auto_broadcast self.unwrap_values = unwrap_values self.include_executor_args = include_executor_args self.is_iterator = is_iterator self.is_sgc_function = is_sgc_function self._executor = executor
function: Callable """The internal implementation of the function.""" function_quantized: Optional[Callable] """The quantized version of the function (can be None).""" return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, Tuple[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType], ...]]] """The return type of the function.""" support_batch: bool """Whether the function supports batched inputs.""" auto_broadcast: bool """Whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function.""" use_object_names: bool """Whether the executor should use the object names in the state (instead of the index).""" unwrap_values: bool """Whether the executor should unwrap the tensor values before calling the function.""" include_executor_args: bool """Whether the caller should include the executor as the first argument.""" is_iterator: bool """Whether the function is an iterator.""" is_sgc_function: bool """Whether the function is an SGC function (state-goal-constraints)."""
[docs] def set_executor(self, executor: 'PDSketchExecutor') -> 'PythonFunctionRef': """Set the executor that is using this function reference. Args: executor: the executor that is using this function reference. Returns: the function reference itself. """ self._executor = executor return self
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( 'PythonFunctionRef(' f'{self.function}, support_batch={self.support_batch}, auto_broadcast={self.auto_broadcast}, ' f'use_object_names={self.use_object_names}, unwrap_values={self.unwrap_values}, include_executor_args={self.include_executor_args}, ' f'is_iterator={self.is_iterator}), is_sgc_function={self.is_sgc_function}' ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() @property def flags(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: return { 'support_batch': self.support_batch, 'auto_broadcast': self.auto_broadcast, 'use_object_names': self.use_object_names, 'unwrap_values': self.unwrap_values, 'include_executor_args': self.include_executor_args, 'is_iterator': self.is_iterator, 'is_sgc_function': self.is_sgc_function }
[docs] def forward( self, argument_values: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, additional_parameters: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True, function_def: Optional[Function] = None, batch_variable_names: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None ) -> Union[TensorValue, Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]: """Call the function. Args: argument_values: the arguments to the function. return_type: the type of the return value. additional_parameters: the additional parameters to the function. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. wrap_rv: whether the executor should wrap the return value. function_def: the function definition. batch_variable_names: the batch variable names. Returns: the result of the function. """ function = self.function if self.use_object_names: argument_values = [ if isinstance(v, StateObjectReference) else v for v in argument_values] else: argument_values = [v.index if isinstance(v, StateObjectReference) else v for v in argument_values] if self.support_batch: if self.auto_broadcast and auto_broadcast: argument_values = expand_argument_values(argument_values) argument_values_flat = argument_values if self.unwrap_values: argument_values_flat = [v.tensor if isinstance(v, TensorValue) else v for v in argument_values_flat] if not self.support_batch: argument_values_flat = [v.item() if isinstance(v, TensorizedPyObjValues) else v for v in argument_values_flat] if additional_parameters is not None: additional_parameters = list(additional_parameters) else: additional_parameters = [] if self.is_sgc_function: assert self._executor is not None, 'Executor is None.' additional_parameters.insert(0, self._executor.sgc) if self.include_executor_args: assert self._executor is not None, 'Executor is None.' additional_parameters.insert(0, self._executor) argument_values_flat = additional_parameters + argument_values_flat if QINDEX in argument_values_flat: if not self.support_batch: if function_def is None: raise RuntimeError('For functions with QINDEX, the function_def argument must be provided.') rv = self.forward_internal_autobatch(function_def, function, argument_values_flat, batch_variable_names) else: rv = function(*argument_values_flat) else: rv = function(*argument_values_flat) if not wrap_rv: return rv return self._wrap_rv(rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast)
[docs] def forward_internal_autobatch(self, function_def, function, argument_values_flat, batch_variable_names): options_per_argument = list() output_dims = list() batch_variables = list() for i, arg in enumerate(argument_values_flat): if arg is QINDEX: objects = self._executor.state.object_type2name[function_def.ftype.argument_types[i].typename] if self.use_object_names: options_per_argument.append(objects) else: options_per_argument.append(list(range(len(objects)))) output_dims.append(len(objects)) batch_variables.append(batch_variable_names[i]) else: options_per_argument.append([arg]) rtype = function_def.ftype.return_type if rtype != BOOL: raise TypeError('Only BOOL is supported for auto-batch functions with QINDEX.') output = torch.zeros(, dtype=torch.bool) options = list(itertools.product(*options_per_argument)) for i, option in enumerate(options): rv = function(*option) if isinstance(rv, TensorValue): rv = rv.item() if isinstance(rv, torch.Tensor): if output.device != rv.device: output.tensor = output[i] = rv output = TensorValue.from_tensor(output.reshape(output_dims), rtype, batch_variables=batch_variables) return output
[docs] def forward_generator( self, argument_values: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True ) -> Union[Iterator[TensorValue], Iterator[Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]]: """Call the function and return a generator. Args: argument_values: the arguments to the function. return_type: the type of the return value. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. wrap_rv: whether the executor should wrap the """ generator = self.forward(argument_values, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=False) if not wrap_rv: yield from generator else: for v in generator: yield self._wrap_rv(v, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast)
[docs] def forward_sgc_function( self, state: State, goal: Expression, constraints: Sequence[Expression], additional_arguments: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True ): """Call an SGC function (state-goal-constraints) function. Args: state: the current state. goal: the goal expression. constraints: the constraints, as a list of expressions. additional_arguments: the additional arguments. return_type: the type of the return value. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. wrap_rv: whether the executor should wrap the return value. """ return self.forward(additional_arguments, return_type=return_type, additional_parameters=(state, goal, constraints), auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=wrap_rv)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True) -> Union[TensorValue, Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]: assert not self.is_iterator, 'Use iter_from to call an iterator function.' return self.forward(args, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=wrap_rv)
[docs] def iter_from(self, *args, return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True) -> Union[Iterator[TensorValue], Iterator[Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]]: assert self.is_iterator, 'Use __call__ to call a non-iterator function.' return self.forward_generator(args, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=wrap_rv)
def _wrap_rv(self, rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast): if isinstance(rv, (TensorValue, ListValue)): return rv elif isinstance(rv, tuple) and all(isinstance(v, (TensorValue, ListValue)) for v in rv): return rv if return_type is None: return_type = self.return_type if return_type is None: raise RuntimeError('Return type can not be None if the function return is not a TensorValue.') if isinstance(return_type, tuple): if not isinstance(rv, tuple) and len(return_type) == 1: rv = (rv, ) return tuple(self._wrap_single_rv(v, t, argument_values, auto_broadcast) for v, t in zip(rv, return_type)) else: return self._wrap_single_rv(rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast) def _wrap_single_rv(self, rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast): if isinstance(rv, (TensorValue, ListValue)): return rv # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/11/18): have an actual type check. if return_type.alias is not None and return_type.alias.startswith('__') and return_type.alias.endswith('__'): return rv if not self.support_batch: if isinstance(return_type, PyObjValueType): if isinstance(rv, TensorizedPyObjValues): return TensorValue.from_tensorized_pyobj(rv, return_type) return TensorValue.from_scalar(rv, return_type) else: if isinstance(rv, torch.Tensor): return TensorValue.from_tensor(rv, return_type) elif isinstance(rv, (bool, int, float)): return TensorValue.from_scalar(rv, return_type) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported return type: {type(rv)}') else: if isinstance(return_type, PyObjValueType): raise TypeError('Cannot return a PyObjValueType for a batched function.') else: if isinstance(rv, torch.Tensor): first_tensor_arg = None for arg in argument_values: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): first_tensor_arg = arg break if not self.auto_broadcast or not auto_broadcast or first_tensor_arg is None: raise ValueError('Cannot return a raw PyTorch tensor for a batched function without auto_broadcast.') return TensorValue.from_tensor(rv, return_type, batch_variables=first_tensor_arg.batch_variables, batch_dims=first_tensor_arg.batch_dims) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported return type: {type(rv)}')
[docs] class PythonFunctionCrossRef(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, cross_ref_name: str): self.cross_ref_name = cross_ref_name
[docs] def config_function_implementation( function: Optional[Callable] = None, *, function_quantized: Optional[Callable] = None, support_batch: bool = False, auto_broadcast: bool = True, use_object_names: bool = True, unwrap_values: Optional[bool] = None, include_executor_args: bool = False, is_iterator: bool = False, is_sgc_function: bool = False ) -> Callable: """Configure the implementation of a function in a domain. Args: function: the function to be wrapped. function_quantized: the quantized version of the function (can be None). support_batch: whether the function supports batched inputs. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. use_object_names: whether the executor should use object names instead of indices. unwrap_values: whether the executor should unwrap the values before calling the function. include_executor_args: whether the executor should include itself as the first argument. is_iterator: whether the function is an iterator. is_sgc_function: whether the function is an SGC function. Returns: the decorator. """ function_implementation_configs = { 'function_quantized': function_quantized, 'support_batch': support_batch, 'auto_broadcast': auto_broadcast, 'use_object_names': use_object_names, 'unwrap_values': unwrap_values, 'include_executor_args': include_executor_args, 'is_iterator': is_iterator, 'is_sgc_function': is_sgc_function } def wrapper(function: Callable, configs=function_implementation_configs): return PythonFunctionRef(function, **configs) if function is None: return wrapper return wrapper(function)
def _check_no_quantized_arguments(arguments): """A helper function to check that there are no quantized arguments. This function handles the migration from quantized tensor CSP computation to non-quantized tensor CSP computation.""" # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/08/15): remove this after the migration. for arg in arguments: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): if isinstance(arg.dtype, TensorValueTypeBase): if arg.quantized and not arg.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized(): raise RuntimeError('Quantized arguments are not supported.')
[docs] @dataclass class PDSketchSGC(object): state: State goal: Expression constraints: Sequence[Expression]
[docs] class PDSketchExecutor(TensorValueExecutorBase): """Planning domain expression executor. The basic concept in planning domain execution is the "state"."""
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: Domain, parser: Optional[ParserBase] = None): """Initialize a PDSketch expression executor. Args: domain: the domain of this executor. parser: the parser to be used. This argument is optional. If provided, the execute function can take strings as input. """ super().__init__(domain, parser) self._csp = None self._optimistic_execution = False self._sgc = None self._default_visitor = PDSketchExecutionDefaultVisitor(self) self._csp_visitor = PDSketchExecutionCSPVisitor(self) self._register_default_function_implementations() self._effect_update_from_simulation = False self._effect_update_from_execution = False self._effect_action_index = None
@property def csp(self) -> Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem]: """The CSP that describes the constraints in past executions.""" return self._csp @property def sgc(self) -> Optional[PDSketchSGC]: """The SGC (state-goal-constraints) context.""" return self._sgc @property def optimistic_execution(self) -> bool: """Whether to execute the expression optimistically (i.e., treat all CSP constraints True).""" return self._optimistic_execution
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def with_csp(self, csp: Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem]): """A context manager to temporarily set the CSP of the executor.""" old_csp = self._csp self._csp = csp yield self._csp = old_csp
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def with_sgc(self, sgc: Optional[PDSketchSGC]): """A context manager to temporarily set the SGC of the executor.""" old_sgc = self._sgc self._sgc = sgc yield self._sgc = old_sgc
def _register_default_function_implementations(self): for t in self.domain.types.values(): if isinstance(t, NamedTensorValueType): if isinstance(t.base_type, ScalarValueType): self.register_function_implementation( f'type::{t.typename}::equal', PythonFunctionRef( lambda x, y: TensorValue(BOOL, x.batch_variables, torch.eq(x.tensor, y.tensor), x.batch_dims), support_batch=True, auto_broadcast=True, unwrap_values=False ) ) self.register_function_implementation( f'type::{t.typename}::hash', PythonFunctionRef(lambda x: x.tensor.item(), support_batch=False, unwrap_values=False) ) elif isinstance(t.base_type, VectorValueType): self.register_function_implementation( f'type::{t.typename}::equal', PythonFunctionRef( lambda x, y: TensorValue(BOOL, x.batch_variables, torch.eq(x.tensor, y.tensor).all(dim=-1), x.batch_dims), support_batch=True, auto_broadcast=True, unwrap_values=False ) ) for fname, cross_ref_name in self.domain.external_function_crossrefs.items(): self.register_function_implementation(fname, PythonFunctionCrossRef(cross_ref_name)) _domain: Domain @property def domain(self) -> Domain: return self._domain @property def effect_update_from_simulation(self) -> bool: """A context variable indicating whether the current effect should be updated from simulation, instead of the evaluation of expressions.""" return self._effect_update_from_simulation @property def effect_update_from_execution(self) -> bool: """A context variable indicating whether the current effect should be updated from the execution of the operator.""" return self._effect_update_from_execution @property def effect_action_index(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._effect_action_index
[docs] def parse(self, string: Union[str, Expression], *, state: Optional[State] = None, variables: Optional[Sequence[Variable]] = None) -> Expression: if isinstance(string, Expression): return string if self.parser is not None: if self._domain.pdsketch_version == 2: return self.parser.parse_expression(string) else: return self.parser.parse_expression(string, state=state, variables=variables) return self._domain.parse(string, state=state, variables=variables)
_function_implementations: Dict[str, Union[PythonFunctionRef, PythonFunctionCrossRef]] @property def function_implementations(self) -> Dict[str, Union[PythonFunctionRef, PythonFunctionCrossRef]]: return self._function_implementations
[docs] def register_function_implementation(self, name: str, func: Union[Callable, PythonFunctionRef, PythonFunctionCrossRef]): if isinstance(func, PythonFunctionRef): self._function_implementations[name] = func.set_executor(self) elif isinstance(func, PythonFunctionCrossRef): self._function_implementations[name] = func else: self._function_implementations[name] = PythonFunctionRef(func)
[docs] def get_function_implementation(self, name: str) -> PythonFunctionRef: while name in self._function_implementations: func = self._function_implementations[name] if isinstance(func, PythonFunctionCrossRef): name = func.cross_ref_name else: return func raise KeyError(f'Function {name} not found.')
[docs] def execute( self, expression: Union[Expression, str], state: Optional[TensorState] = None, bounded_variables: Optional[BoundedVariablesDictCompatible] = None, csp: Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem] = None, sgc: Optional[PDSketchSGC] = None, optimistic_execution: bool = False ) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: """Execute an expression. Args: expression: the expression to execute. state: the state to use. If None, the current state of the executor will be used. bounded_variables: the bounded variables to use. If None, the current bounded variables of the executor will be used. csp: the constraint satisfaction problem to use. If None, the current CSP of the executor will be used. sgc: the SGC (state-goal-constraints) context to use. If None, the current SGC context of the executor will be used. optimistic_execution: whether to execute the expression optimistically (i.e., treat all CSP constraints True). Returns: the TensorValue object. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = self.parse(expression) state = state if state is not None else self._state csp = csp if csp is not None else self._csp sgc = sgc if sgc is not None else self._sgc bounded_variables = bounded_variables if bounded_variables is not None else self._bounded_variables with self.with_state(state), self.with_csp(csp), self.with_sgc(sgc), self.with_bounded_variables(bounded_variables): self._optimistic_execution, backup = optimistic_execution, self._optimistic_execution try: return self._execute(expression) finally: self._optimistic_execution = backup
def _execute(self, expression: Expression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: if self.csp is not None: return self._csp_visitor.visit(expression) return self._default_visitor.visit(expression)
[docs] def apply_precondition(self, operator: Union[Operator, OperatorApplier], state: TensorState, *args, csp: Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem] = None) -> bool: """Apply the precondition of this operator to the given state. Args: operator: the operator to be applied. state: the state to be applied to. args: the arguments of the operator. csp: the CSP to be used for optimistic evaluation. Returns: bool: whether the precondition is satisfied. """ if isinstance(operator, OperatorApplier): assert len(args) == 0, 'Operator applier does not support arguments.' operator, args = operator.operator, operator.arguments bounded_variables = compose_bvdict_args(operator.arguments, args, state=state) try: with self.with_state(state), self.with_csp(csp), self.with_bounded_variables(bounded_variables): for precondition in operator.preconditions: pred_value = self._execute(precondition.bool_expr) rv = pred_value.item() if isinstance(rv, OptimisticValue): if self.csp is not None: self.csp.add_constraint(EqualityConstraint.from_bool(rv, True), note=f'precondition::{precondition.bool_expr.cached_string(-1)}') else: if rv < 0.5: return False return True except Exception: logger.warning(f'Precondition evaluation failed: {precondition.bool_expr}.') raise
[docs] def apply_precondition_debug(self, operator: Union[Operator, OperatorApplier], state: TensorState, *args, csp: Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem] = None, logging_mode: str = 'logger'): """Apply the precondition of this operator to the given state, but in a dry-run mode. It will print out the evaluation results of each precondition. Example: .. code-block:: python (succ, state), csp = executor.apply(action, state, csp=csp) if succ: pass else: executor.apply_precondition_debug(action, state, csp=csp) # will print out detailed infomation why the precondition is not satisfied. Args: operator: the operator to be applied. state: the state to be applied to. args: the arguments of the operator. csp: the CSP to be used for optimistic evaluation. """ if isinstance(operator, OperatorApplier): # assert not operator.is_macro # assert len(args) == 0, 'Operator applier does not support arguments.' operator, args = operator.operator, operator.arguments else: # NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/03/17): sanity check due to the addition of macro operators. assert isinstance(operator, Operator) logging_mode_to_func = { 'print': print, 'logger':, 'log_function': log_function.print } if logging_mode not in logging_mode_to_func: raise ValueError(f'Invalid logging mode: {logging_mode}.') logger_func = logging_mode_to_func[logging_mode] bounded_variables = compose_bvdict_args(operator.arguments, args, state=state) try: with self.with_state(state), self.with_csp(csp), self.with_bounded_variables(bounded_variables): for precondition in operator.preconditions: pred_value = self._execute(precondition.bool_expr) rv = pred_value.item() logger_func(f'Evaluate precondition: {precondition.bool_expr} = {rv}') if isinstance(rv, OptimisticValue): if self.csp is not None: constraint = EqualityConstraint.from_bool(rv, True)' Add constraint: {constraint}') except Exception: logger.warning(f'Precondition evaluation failed: {precondition.bool_expr}.') raise
[docs] def apply_effect( self, operator: Union[Operator, OperatorApplier, RegressionRule, RegressionRuleApplier], state: TensorState, *args, csp: Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem] = None, bounded_variables: Optional[BoundedVariablesDictCompatible] = None, action_index: Optional[int] = None, clone: bool = True ) -> TensorState: """Apply the effect of this operator to the given state. Args: operator: the operator to be applied. state: the state to be applied to. args: the arguments of the operator. csp: the CSP to be used for optimistic evaluation. bounded_variables: the bounded variables to use. If None, the bounded variable list will be computed from the arguments. action_index: the index of the action in the trajectory (only effective when ``effect_update_from_simulation`` is active). clone: whether to clone the state before applying the effect. Returns: the new state after applying the effect. """ if isinstance(operator, (OperatorApplier, RegressionRuleApplier)): assert len(args) == 0, 'Operator applier or regression rule applier does not support arguments.' operator, args = operator.operator, operator.arguments if clone: state = state.clone() if bounded_variables is None: bounded_variables = compose_bvdict_args(operator.arguments, args, state=state) try: with self.with_state(state), self.with_csp(csp), self.with_bounded_variables(bounded_variables): self._effect_action_index = action_index # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2024/01/23): handle the goal of the regression rule correctly. if isinstance(operator, RegressionRule): for effect in operator.iter_effects(): self._effect_update_from_simulation = effect.update_from_simulation self._effect_update_from_execution = effect.update_from_execution self._execute(effect.assign_expr) else: for effect in operator.effects: self._effect_update_from_simulation = effect.update_from_simulation self._effect_update_from_execution = effect.update_from_execution self._execute(effect.assign_expr) return state except Exception: logger.warning(f'Effect application failed: {effect.assign_expr}.') raise finally: self._effect_action_index = None self._effect_update_from_simulation = False self._effect_update_from_execution = False
[docs] def apply(self, operator: Union[Operator, OperatorApplier], state: TensorState, *args, clone: bool = True, csp: Optional[ConstraintSatisfactionProblem] = None, action_index: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[bool, TensorState]: """Apply an operator to a state. Args: operator: the operator to be applied. state: the state to be applied to. args: the arguments of the operator. clone: whether to clone the state before applying the effect. csp: the CSP to be used for optimistic evaluation. action_index: the index of the action in the trajectory (only effective when ``effect_update_from_simulation`` is active). Returns: a tuple of (whether the precondition is satisfied, the new state after applying the effect). """ if isinstance(operator, (Operator, MacroOperator)): operator = operator(*args) if operator.operator.is_macro: if action_index is not None and action_index != 0: # TODO (Jiayuan Mao @ 2024/01/15): support action_index. raise RuntimeError('Macro operators can only be applied to the initial state, since action_index is not implemented yet.') if self.apply_precondition(operator, state, csp=csp): initial_state= state if clone: state = state.clone() for i, sub_operator_applier in enumerate(operator.iter_sub_operator_appliers()): if sub_operator_applier.is_macro: raise RuntimeError('Macro operators are not supported in sub-operator appliers.') if self.apply_precondition(sub_operator_applier, state, csp=csp): state = self.apply_effect(sub_operator_applier, state, csp=csp, clone=False, action_index=action_index + i if action_index is not None else None) else: return False, initial_state self.apply_effect(operator, state, csp=csp, clone=False) return True, state else: return False, state if self.apply_precondition(operator, state, csp=csp): return True, self.apply_effect(operator, state, csp=csp, clone=clone, action_index=action_index) return False, state
[docs] def get_controller_args(self, operator: Union[Operator, OperatorApplier], state: TensorState, *args) -> Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, ...]: """Get the arguments of the controller of the given operator. Args: operator: the operator to be applied. state: the state to be applied to. args: the arguments of the operator. Returns: the arguments to the controller. """ if isinstance(operator, OperatorApplier): assert not operator.is_macro assert len(args) == 0, 'Operator applier does not support arguments.' operator, args = operator.operator, operator.arguments else: # NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/03/17): sanity check due to the addition of macro operators. assert isinstance(operator, Operator) bounded_variables = compose_bvdict_args(operator.arguments, args, state=state) try: with self.with_state(state), self.with_bounded_variables(bounded_variables): arguments = list() for arg in operator.controller.arguments: arguments.append(self._execute(arg)) return tuple(arguments) except Exception: logger.warning(f'Controller argument application failed: {arg}.') raise
[docs] def new_state(self, object_names: ObjectNameArgument, object_types: ObjectTypeArgument = None, create_context: bool = False) -> Union[TensorState, Tuple[TensorState, 'StateDefinitionHelper']]: """Create a new state. This function also creates the state definition helper if the `create_context` argument is True. See the documentation of `StateDefinitionHelper` for more details. Args: object_names: the object names. It can be a list of strings (the names of the objects), or a dictionary mapping object names to their types. In this case, the `object_types` argument should be None. object_types: the object types, which is a list of :class:`~concepts.dsl.dsl_types.ObjectType` instances. create_context: whether to create the state definition helper. Returns: the new state if `create_context` is False, otherwise a tuple of the new state and the state definition helper. """ if isinstance(object_names, dict): assert object_types is None object_types = tuple(object_names.values()) object_names = tuple(object_names.keys()) object_types_list = list() for object_type in object_types: if isinstance(object_type, str): object_types_list.append(self.domain.types[object_type]) else: object_types_list.append(object_type) object_types = tuple(object_types_list) state = State({}, object_names, object_types) if create_context: return state, StateDefinitionHelper(self, state) return state
[docs] class PDSketchExecutionDefaultVisitor(ExpressionVisitor): """The underlying default implementation for :class:`PDSketchExecutor`. This function does not handle CSPs (a.k.a. optimistic execution)."""
[docs] def __init__(self, executor: PDSketchExecutor): """Initialize a PDExpressionExecutionDefaultVisitor. Args: executor: the executor that uses this visitor. """ self.executor = executor
@property def csp(self) -> ConstraintSatisfactionProblem: return self.executor.csp
[docs] def visit_null_expression(self, expr: E.NullExpression) -> Any: return None
[docs] def visit_variable_expression(self, expr: E.VariableExpression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: variable = expr.variable return self.executor.bounded_variables[variable.dtype.typename][]
[docs] def visit_object_constant_expression(self, expr: E.ObjectConstantExpression) -> Union[StateObjectReference, ListValue]: const = expr.constant state = self.executor.state assert isinstance(state, NamedObjectTensorState) if isinstance(const, ListValue): return StateObjectList(const.dtype, [StateObjectReference(, state.get_typed_index(, c.dtype.typename)) for c in const.values]) return StateObjectReference(, state.get_typed_index(, const.dtype.typename) )
[docs] def visit_constant_expression(self, expr: E.ConstantExpression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: value = expr.constant assert isinstance(value, (TensorValue, ListValue)) return value
[docs] def visit_list_creation_expression(self, expr: E.ListCreationExpression) -> Any: argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.arguments, force_tuple=True) return ListValue(expr.return_type, argument_values)
[docs] def visit_list_expansion_expression(self, expr: E.ListExpansionExpression) -> Any: raise RuntimeError('List expansion is not supported in the expression evaluation.')
[docs] def visit_function_application_expression(self, expr: E.FunctionApplicationExpression, argument_values: Optional[Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, ...]] = None) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: function = expr.function return_type = function.return_type state = self.executor.state assert isinstance(function, Predicate) if argument_values is None: argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.arguments, force_tuple=True) if function.is_generator_placeholder: # always true branch argument_values = expand_argument_values(argument_values) _check_no_quantized_arguments(argument_values) batched_value = None for argv in argument_values: if isinstance(argv, TensorValue): batched_value = argv break assert batched_value is not None rv = torch.ones( batched_value.tensor.shape[:batched_value.total_batch_dims], dtype=torch.bool, device=batched_value.tensor.device ) assert return_type == BOOL # Add "true" asserts to the csp. if self.csp is not None and not self.executor.optimistic_execution: expr_string = expr.cached_string(-1) for ind in _iter_tensor_indices(rv): self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint.from_function( function, [argv.fast_index(tuple(ind)) for argv in argument_values], True ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}' if len(ind) > 0 else expr_string) return TensorValue( BOOL, batched_value.batch_variables, rv, batch_dims=state.batch_dims ) elif function.is_cacheable and in state.features: argument_values = [v.index if isinstance(v, StateObjectReference) else v for v in argument_values] batch_variables = [ for arg, value in zip(expr.arguments, argument_values) if value == QINDEX] value = state.features[][tuple(argument_values)] if 'dirty_features' in state.internals and in state.internals['dirty_features']: value_opt = state.features[].tensor_optimistic_values[tuple(argument_values)] if (value_opt < 0).any().item(): assert function.is_derived with self.executor.with_bounded_variables({k: v for k, v in zip(function.arguments, argument_values)}): return self.visit(function.derived_expression) return value.rename_batch_variables(batch_variables) elif function.is_derived: with self.executor.with_bounded_variables({k: v for k, v in zip(function.arguments, argument_values)}): return self.visit(function.derived_expression) else: # dynamic predicate is exactly the same thing as a pre-defined external function. # only supports external functions with a single return value. return self.forward_external_function(, argument_values, return_type, expression=expr)
[docs] def visit_list_function_application_expression(self, expr: E.ListFunctionApplicationExpression) -> Any: argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.arguments, force_tuple=True) nr_values = None for argv in argument_values: if isinstance(argv, ListValue): if nr_values is None: nr_values = len(argv.values) else: assert nr_values == len(argv.values), f'Inconsistent number of values in a list function application expression: {nr_values} vs {len(argv.values)}.' if nr_values is None: return self.visit_function_application_expression(expr, argument_values) else: rvs = list() for i in range(nr_values): this_argv = tuple(argv.values[i] if isinstance(argv, ListValue) else argv for argv in argument_values) rv = self.visit_function_application_expression(expr, this_argv) rvs.append(rv) return ListValue(expr.return_type, rvs)
[docs] def visit_bool_expression(self, expr: E.BoolExpression, argument_values: Optional[Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, ...]] = None) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: if argument_values is None: argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.arguments, force_tuple=True, expand_list_arguments=True) argument_values = expand_argument_values(argument_values) _check_no_quantized_arguments(argument_values) assert len(argument_values) > 0 assert all(isinstance(v, TensorValue) for v in argument_values) argument_value_tensors = [argv.tensor for argv in argument_values] argument_value_tensors = _make_device_consistent(argument_value_tensors) dtype = argument_values[0].dtype batch_variables = argument_values[0].batch_variables if expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.NOT: assert len(argument_values) == 1 return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, torch.logical_not(argument_value_tensors[0]) if argument_values[0].tensor.dtype == torch.bool else 1 - argument_values[0].tensor, batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) elif expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.AND: if len(argument_values) == 1: return argument_values[0] return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(torch.stack(argument_value_tensors, dim=-1).amin(dim=-1), None, argument_values[0].tensor_mask), batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) elif expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.OR: if len(argument_values) == 1: return argument_values[0] return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(torch.stack(argument_value_tensors, dim=-1).amax(dim=-1), None, argument_values[0].tensor_mask), batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) elif expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.XOR: if len(argument_values) == 1: return argument_values[0] for argv in argument_values: if argv.tensor.requires_grad: raise RuntimeError('XOR does not support gradients.') return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(torch.stack(argument_value_tensors, dim=-1).sum(dim=-1) % 2, None, argument_values[0].tensor_mask), batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) elif expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.IMPLIES: assert len(argument_values) == 2 return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(torch.max(1 - argument_value_tensors[0], argument_value_tensors[1]), None, argument_values[0].tensor_mask), batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown bool op type: {expr.bool_op}.')
[docs] def visit_quantification_expression(self, expr: E.QuantificationExpression, value: Optional[TensorValue] = None) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: if value is None: with self.executor.new_bounded_variables({expr.variable: QINDEX}): value = self.forward_args(expr.expression) assert isinstance(value, TensorValue) _check_no_quantized_arguments([value]) dtype = value.dtype batch_variables = value.batch_variables variable_index = batch_variables.index( batch_variables = batch_variables[:variable_index] + batch_variables[variable_index + 1:] if value.tensor_mask is None: tensor = value.tensor mask = None else: tensor, mask = value.tensor, value.tensor_mask if expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.FORALL: tensor = (tensor * mask + (1 - mask)).to(tensor.dtype) elif expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.EXISTS: tensor = (tensor * mask).to(tensor.dtype) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown quantification op type: {expr.quantification_op}.') if expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.FORALL: return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(tensor.amin(dim=variable_index + value.batch_dims), None, mask), batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) elif expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.EXISTS: return TensorValue( dtype, batch_variables, MaskedTensorStorage(tensor.amax(dim=variable_index + value.batch_dims), None, mask), batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims ) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown quantifier type: {expr.quantification_op}.')
[docs] def visit_object_compare_expression(self, expr: E.ObjectCompareExpression) -> Any: v1, v2 = self.forward_args(expr.arguments[0], expr.arguments[1]) values = list() batched_variables = list() for i, v in enumerate([v1, v2]): if v is QINDEX: arg = expr.arguments[i] assert isinstance(arg, E.VariableExpression), 'Quantified object comparison only supports variable arguments.' batched_variables.append( values.append(torch.arange(0, len(self.executor.state.object_type2name[arg.variable.dtype.typename]), dtype=torch.int64)) elif isinstance(v, StateObjectReference): values.append(torch.tensor(v.index, dtype=torch.int64)) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported value type: {v}.') if v1 is QINDEX: if v2 is QINDEX: value = values[0].unsqueeze(1).eq(values[1].unsqueeze(0)) else: value = values[0].eq(values[1]) else: value = values[0].eq(values[1]) if expr.compare_op is E.CompareOpType.EQ: pass elif expr.compare_op is E.CompareOpType.NEQ: value = torch.logical_not(value) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown compare op type for object types: {expr.compare_op}.') return TensorValue(BOOL, batched_variables, value, batch_dims=self.executor.state.batch_dims)
[docs] def visit_value_compare_expression(self, expr: E.ValueCompareExpression) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError('Value comparison is not supported in the expression evaluation.')
[docs] def visit_condition_expression(self, expr: E.ConditionExpression) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError('Condition expression is not supported in the expression evaluation.')
[docs] def visit_find_one_expression(self, expr: E.FindOneExpression) -> Any: with self.executor.new_bounded_variables({expr.variable: QINDEX}): values = self.visit(expr.expression) assert values.batch_dims == 0 assert len(values.batch_variables) == 1 x = (values.tensor > 0.5) objects = x.nonzero().squeeze(-1).detach().cpu().tolist() if len(objects) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No object found. Currently the executor does not support this case.') names = self.executor.state.object_type2name[expr.variable.dtype.typename] return StateObjectReference(names[objects[0]], objects[0])
[docs] def visit_find_all_expression(self, expr: E.FindAllExpression) -> Any: with self.executor.new_bounded_variables({expr.variable: QINDEX}): values = self.visit(expr.expression) assert values.batch_dims == 0 assert len(values.batch_variables) == 1 x = (values.tensor > 0.5) objects = x.nonzero().squeeze(-1).detach().cpu().tolist() names = self.executor.state.object_type2name[expr.variable.dtype.typename] return StateObjectList(expr.return_type, [StateObjectReference(names[i], i) for i in objects])
[docs] def visit_predicate_equal_expression(self, expr: E.PredicateEqualExpression, feature: Optional[TensorValue] = None, value: Optional[TensorValue] = None) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: if feature is None or value is None: feature, value = self.forward_args(expr.predicate, expr.value) feature, value = expand_argument_values([feature, value]) _check_no_quantized_arguments([feature, value]) if isinstance(feature.dtype, PyObjValueType): rv = self.forward_external_function(f'type::{feature.dtype.typename}::equal', [feature, value], BOOL, expression=expr) elif isinstance(feature.dtype, NamedTensorValueType): rv = self.forward_external_function(f'type::{feature.dtype.typename}::equal', [feature, value], BOOL, expression=expr) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported FeatureEqual computation for dtype {feature.dtype} and {value.dtype}.') return rv
[docs] def visit_assign_expression(self, expr: E.AssignExpression): # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2024/01/22): is this really the right thing to do? if self.executor.effect_update_from_simulation or self.executor.effect_update_from_execution: return state: State = self.executor.state argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.predicate.arguments, force_tuple=True) value = self.forward_args(expr.value) argument_values = [v.index if isinstance(v, StateObjectReference) else v for v in argument_values] # if state.features[].quantized: # if not value.quantized: # value = self.executor.value_quantizer.quantize_value(value) # else: # if value.quantized: # value = self.executor.value_quantizer.unquantize_value(value) function_name = if function_name not in state.features: state.init_dirty_feature(expr.predicate.function) state.features[].tensor[tuple(argument_values)] = value.tensor state.features[].tensor_optimistic_values[tuple(argument_values)] = 0 else: _check_no_quantized_arguments([value, *argument_values, state.features[]]) state.features[][tuple(argument_values)] = value
[docs] def visit_conditional_select_expression(self, expr: E.ConditionalSelectExpression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: value, condition = self.forward_args(expr.predicate, expr.condition) value = value.clone() if value.tensor_mask is None: value.tensor_mask = condition.tensor else: value.tensor_mask = torch.min(value.tensor_mask, condition.tensor) return value
[docs] def visit_deictic_select_expression(self, expr: E.DeicticSelectExpression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: with self.executor.new_bounded_variables({expr.variable: QINDEX}): return self.visit(expr.expression)
[docs] def visit_conditional_assign_expression(self, expr: E.ConditionalAssignExpression): state = self.executor.state argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.predicate.arguments, force_tuple=True) value = self.forward_args(expr.value) condition = self.forward_args(expr.condition) _check_no_quantized_arguments([value, condition, state.features[]]) condition_tensor = jactorch.quantize(condition.tensor) if self.CONDITIONAL_ASSIGN_QUANTIZE else condition.tensor feature = state.features[] origin_tensor = feature[argument_values].tensor # I am not using feature.tensor[argument_values] because the current code will handle TensorizedPyObjValues too. # assert value.tensor.dim() == condition_tensor.dim() or value.tensor.dim() == 0 if value.is_tensorized_pyobj: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot make conditional assignments for tensorized pyobj.') else: if condition_tensor.dim() < value.tensor.dim(): condition_tensor = condition_tensor.unsqueeze(-1) state.features[].tensor[argument_values] = ( * value.tensor + (1 - condition_tensor).to(origin_tensor.dtype) * origin_tensor )
[docs] def visit_deictic_assign_expression(self, expr: E.DeicticAssignExpression): with self.executor.new_bounded_variables({expr.variable: QINDEX}): self.visit(expr.expression)
[docs] def forward_args(self, *args, force_tuple: bool = False, expand_list_arguments: bool = False) -> Union[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, ...]]: if len(args) == 1 and not force_tuple: rvs = self.visit(args[0]) else: rvs = tuple(self.visit(arg) for arg in args) if expand_list_arguments: expanded_rvs = list() for rv in rvs: if isinstance(rv, ListValue): expanded_rvs.extend(rv.values) else: expanded_rvs.append(rv) if not force_tuple and len(expanded_rvs) == 1: return expanded_rvs[0] else: return tuple(expanded_rvs) else: return rvs
[docs] def forward_external_function( self, function_name: str, argument_values: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType], auto_broadcast: bool = True, expression: Optional[Expression] = None ) -> TensorValue: external_function = self.executor.get_function_implementation(function_name) assert isinstance(external_function, PythonFunctionRef) function_def = expression.function if isinstance(expression, E.FunctionApplicationExpression) else None batch_variable_names = dict() for i, argv in enumerate(argument_values): if argv == QINDEX: assert isinstance(expression.arguments[i], VariableExpression) batch_variable_names[i] = expression.arguments[i] return external_function.forward(argument_values, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, function_def=function_def, batch_variable_names=batch_variable_names)
[docs] class PDSketchExecutionCSPVisitor(PDSketchExecutionDefaultVisitor):
[docs] def __init__(self, executor: PDSketchExecutor): super().__init__(executor)
[docs] def forward_external_function( self, function_name: str, argument_values: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType], auto_broadcast: bool = True, expression: Optional[E.FunctionApplicationExpression] = None ) -> TensorValue: argument_values = expand_argument_values(argument_values) optimistic_masks = [is_optimistic_value(argv.tensor_optimistic_values) for argv in argument_values if isinstance(argv, TensorValue) and argv.tensor_optimistic_values is not None] if len(optimistic_masks) > 0: optimistic_mask = torch.stack(optimistic_masks, dim=-1).any(dim=-1) # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/01/26): fix this hack, add a proper flag to indicate whether a function has to be executed in the simulator. if not self.executor.has_function_implementation(function_name): optimistic_mask[...] = True rv = super().forward_external_function(function_name, argument_values, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, expression=expression) if optimistic_mask.sum().item() == 0: return rv rv.init_tensor_optimistic_values() if self.executor.optimistic_execution: rv.tensor_optimistic_values[optimistic_mask.nonzero(as_tuple=True)] = OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC else: expr_string = expression.cached_string(-1) constraint_function = Constraint.EQUAL if isinstance(expression, E.PredicateEqualExpression) else expression.function for ind in optimistic_mask.nonzero().tolist(): ind = tuple(ind) new_identifier = self.executor.csp.new_var(return_type, wrap=True) rv.tensor_optimistic_values[ind] = new_identifier.identifier self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint.from_function( constraint_function, [argv.fast_index(ind) for argv in argument_values], new_identifier ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}' if len(ind) > 0 else expr_string) return rv # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/08/16): implement a faster verion of the computation. # if optimistic_mask.sum().item() == 0: # pass # just do the standard execution. # else: # retain_mask = torch.logical_not(optimistic_mask) # rv = torch.zeros( # argument_values[0].tensor.shape, # dtype=torch.int64, # device=argument_values[0].tensor.device # ) # if retain_mask.sum().item() > 0: # argument_values_r = [TensorValue(argv.dtype, ['?x'], argv.tensor[retain_mask], 0, quantized=argv.quantized) for argv in argument_values] # # No need to broadcast again. # rv_r = super().forward_external_function(function_name, argument_values_r, return_type, auto_broadcast=False) # if not rv_r.quantized: # rv_r = executor.value_quantizer.quantize_value(rv_r) # rv[retain_mask] = rv_r.tensor # expr_string = expression.cached_string(-1) # for ind in optimistic_mask.nonzero().tolist(): # ind = tuple(ind) # new_identifier = self.executor.csp.new_var(return_type) # rv[ind] = new_identifier # self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint.from_function( # expression.function, # [argv.tensor[ind].item() if argv.quantized else argv.tensor[ind] for argv in argument_values], # new_identifier # ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}' if len(ind) > 0 else expr_string) # return TensorValue( # expression.function.return_type, argument_values[0].batch_variables if len(argument_values) > 0 else [], # rv, # batch_dims=executor.state.batch_dims, quantized=True # ) return super().forward_external_function(function_name, argument_values, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, expression=expression)
[docs] def visit_function_application_expression(self, expr: E.FunctionApplicationExpression, argument_values: Optional[Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, ...]] = None) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: return super().visit_function_application_expression(expr, argument_values)
[docs] def visit_bool_expression(self, expr: E.BoolExpression, argument_values: Optional[Tuple[TensorValueExecutorReturnType, ...]] = None) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: if argument_values is None: argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.arguments, force_tuple=True, expand_list_arguments=True) argument_values = list(expand_argument_values(argument_values)) for argv in argument_values: assert argv.dtype == BOOL, 'Boolean expression only supports boolean values in CSP mode.' optimistic_masks = [is_optimistic_value(argv.tensor_optimistic_values) for argv in argument_values if isinstance(argv, TensorValue) and argv.tensor_optimistic_values is not None] if len(optimistic_masks) > 0: optimistic_mask = torch.stack(optimistic_masks, dim=-1).any(dim=-1) if optimistic_mask.sum().item() > 0: rv = super().visit_bool_expression(expr, argument_values) rv.init_tensor_optimistic_values() if self.executor.optimistic_execution: rv.tensor_optimistic_values[optimistic_mask.nonzero(as_tuple=True)] = OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC else: expr_string = expr.cached_string(-1) for ind in optimistic_mask.nonzero().tolist(): ind = tuple(ind) this_argv = [argv.fast_index(ind, wrap=False) for argv in argument_values] determined = None if expr.return_type == BOOL: if expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.NOT: pass # nothing we can do. elif expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.AND: if 0 in this_argv or False in this_argv: determined = False elif expr.bool_op is BoolOpType.OR: if 1 in this_argv or True in this_argv: determined = True this_argv = [v for v in this_argv if isinstance(v, OptimisticValue)] else: # generalized boolean operations. pass if determined is None: new_identifier = self.csp.new_var(BOOL) rv.tensor_optimistic_values[ind] = new_identifier self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint( expr.bool_op, this_argv, cvt_opt_value(new_identifier, BOOL), ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}' if len(ind) > 0 else expr_string) else: rv[ind] = determined return rv else: return super().visit_bool_expression(expr, argument_values) else: # if len(optimistic_masks) == 0 return super().visit_bool_expression(expr, argument_values)
[docs] def visit_quantification_expression(self, expr: E.QuantificationExpression, value: Optional[TensorValue] = None) -> Any: if value is None: with self.executor.new_bounded_variables({expr.variable: QINDEX}): value = self.forward_args(expr.expression) assert isinstance(value, TensorValue) assert value.dtype == BOOL, 'Quantification expression only supports boolean values in CSP mode.' value.init_tensor_optimistic_values() rv = super().visit_quantification_expression(expr, value) dim = value.batch_variables.index( + value.batch_dims value_transposed = value.tensor optimistic_values_transposed = value.tensor_optimistic_values if dim != value.tensor.ndim - 1: value_transposed = value_transposed.transpose(dim, -1) # put the target dimension last. optimistic_values_transposed = optimistic_values_transposed.transpose(dim, -1) optimistic_mask_transposed = is_optimistic_value(optimistic_values_transposed) value_transposed = torch.where( optimistic_mask_transposed, optimistic_values_transposed, ) optimistic_mask = optimistic_mask_transposed.any(dim=-1) if optimistic_mask.sum().item() == 0: return rv rv.init_tensor_optimistic_values() if self.executor.optimistic_execution: rv.tensor_optimistic_values[optimistic_mask.nonzero(as_tuple=True)] = OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC else: expr_string = expr.cached_string(-1) for ind in optimistic_mask.nonzero().tolist(): ind = tuple(ind) this_argv = value_transposed[ind].tolist() determined = None if expr.quantification_op is QuantificationOpType.FORALL: if 0 in this_argv or False in this_argv: determined = False else: if 1 in this_argv or True in this_argv: determined = True this_argv = list(filter(is_optimistic_value, this_argv)) if determined is None: new_identifier = self.csp.new_var(BOOL) rv.tensor_optimistic_values[ind] = new_identifier self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint( expr.quantification_op, [OptimisticValue(value.dtype, int(v)) for v in this_argv], OptimisticValue(value.dtype, new_identifier), ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}' if len(ind) > 0 else expr_string) else: rv.tensor[ind] = determined return rv
[docs] def visit_predicate_equal_expression(self, expr: E.PredicateEqualExpression, feature: Optional[TensorValue] = None, value: Optional[TensorValue] = None) -> Any: if feature is None or value is None: feature, value = self.forward_args(expr.predicate, expr.value) feature, value = expand_argument_values([feature, value]) feature.init_tensor_optimistic_values() value.init_tensor_optimistic_values() optimistic_mask = torch.logical_or(is_optimistic_value(feature.tensor_optimistic_values), is_optimistic_value(value.tensor_optimistic_values)) if optimistic_mask.sum().item() > 0: raise NotImplementedError('Optimistic execution is not supported for predicate equal expression.') rv = super().visit_predicate_equal_expression(expr, feature, value) return rv
# feature.init_tensor_optimistic_values() # value.init_tensor_optimistic_values() # optimistic_mask = torch.logical_or(is_optimistic_value(feature.tensor_optimistic_values), is_optimistic_value(value.tensor_optimistic_values)) # if optimistic_mask.sum().item() == 0: # return rv # rv.init_tensor_optimistic_values() # if self.executor.optimistic_execution: # rv.tensor_optimistic_values[optimistic_mask.nonzero(as_tuple=True)] = OPTIM_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAGIC # else: # expr_string = expr.cached_string(-1) # for ind in optimistic_mask.nonzero().tolist(): # ind = tuple(ind) # this_argv = feature.fast_index(ind), value.fast_index(ind) # new_identifier = self.csp.new_var(BOOL) # rv.tensor_optimistic_values[ind] = new_identifier # self.csp.add_constraint(EqualityConstraint( # *[cvt_opt_value(v, feature.dtype) for v in this_argv], # OptimisticValue(BOOL, new_identifier) # ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}' if len(ind) > 0 else expr_string) # return rv
[docs] def visit_assign_expression(self, expr: E.AssignExpression) -> Any: if self.executor.effect_update_from_simulation or self.executor.effect_update_from_execution: feature = self.executor.state.features[] feature.init_tensor_optimistic_values() argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.predicate.arguments, force_tuple=True) assert self.executor.effect_action_index is not None, 'Effect action index must be set if the target predicate will be updated from simulation.' expr_string = expr.cached_string(-1) for entry_values in _expand_tensor_indices(feature, argument_values): if self.executor.optimistic_execution: raise RuntimeError('Optimistic execution is not supported for effect update from simulation.') else: opt_identifier = self.csp.new_var(feature.dtype, wrap=True) feature.tensor_optimistic_values[entry_values] = opt_identifier.identifier self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint( SimulationFluentConstraintFunction(self.executor.effect_action_index, expr.predicate.function, entry_values, is_execution_constraint=self.executor.effect_update_from_execution), [], opt_identifier, note=f'{expr_string}::{entry_values}' if len(entry_values) > 0 else expr_string )) else: return super().visit_assign_expression(expr)
[docs] def visit_conditional_select_expression(self, expr: E.ConditionalSelectExpression) -> TensorValueExecutorReturnType: return super().visit_conditional_select_expression(expr)
[docs] def visit_deictic_select_expression(self, expr: E.DeicticSelectExpression) -> Any: return super().visit_deictic_select_expression(expr)
[docs] def visit_conditional_assign_expression(self, expr: E.ConditionalAssignExpression) -> Any: if self.executor.effect_update_from_simulation or self.executor.effect_update_from_execution: raise NotImplementedError('Conditional assign is not supported in simulation mode.') if self.executor.optimistic_execution: raise RuntimeError('Optimistic execution is not supported for conditional assign.') state = self.executor.state argument_values = self.forward_args(*expr.predicate.arguments, force_tuple=True) value = self.forward_args(expr.value) condition = self.forward_args(expr.condition) _check_no_quantized_arguments([value, condition, state.features[]]) condition_tensor = jactorch.quantize(condition.tensor) if self.CONDITIONAL_ASSIGN_QUANTIZE else condition.tensor condition_tensor = (condition_tensor > 0.5).to(torch.bool) feature = state.features[] origin_tensor = feature[argument_values].tensor # I am not using feature.tensor[argument_values] because the current code will handle TensorizedPyObjValues too. # assert value.tensor.dim() == condition_tensor.dim() or value.tensor.dim() == 0 # NB(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/08/15): conditional assignment does not support "soft" assignment. if value.is_tensorized_pyobj: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot make conditional assignments for tensorized pyobj.') else: if condition_tensor.dim() < value.tensor.dim(): condition_tensor_expanded = condition_tensor.unsqueeze(-1) else: condition_tensor_expanded = condition_tensor feature.tensor[argument_values] = ( * value.tensor + (1 - condition_tensor_expanded).to(origin_tensor.dtype) * origin_tensor ) feature.init_tensor_optimistic_values() if value.tensor_optimistic_values is not None: feature.tensor_optimistic_values[argument_values] = ( * value.tensor_optimistic_values + (1 - condition_tensor).to(torch.int64) * state.features[].tensor_optimistic_values[argument_values] ) if condition.tensor_optimistic_values is None: pass else: optimistic_mask = is_optimistic_value(condition.tensor_optimistic_values) if optimistic_mask.sum().item() == 0: pass else: expr_string = expr.cached_string(-1) dtype = expr.predicate.function.return_type for ind in optimistic_mask.nonzero().tolist(): ind = tuple(ind) new_identifier = self.csp.new_var(dtype, wrap=True) neg_condition_identifier = self.csp.new_var(BOOL, wrap=True) eq_1_identifier = self.csp.new_var(BOOL, wrap=True) eq_2_identifier = self.csp.new_var(BOOL, wrap=True) condition_identifier = condition.tensor_optimistic_values[ind].item() self.csp.add_constraint(EqualityConstraint( new_identifier, cvt_opt_value(value.fast_index(ind), dtype), eq_1_identifier, ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}::eq-1') self.csp.add_constraint(EqualityConstraint( new_identifier, cvt_opt_value(origin_tensor.fast_index(ind) if isinstance(origin_tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues) else origin_tensor[ind], dtype), eq_2_identifier ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}::eq-2') self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint( BoolOpType.NOT, [OptimisticValue(BOOL, condition_identifier)], neg_condition_identifier ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}::neg-cond') self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint( BoolOpType.OR, [neg_condition_identifier, eq_1_identifier], cvt_opt_value(True, BOOL) ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}::implies-new') self.csp.add_constraint(Constraint( BoolOpType.OR, [OptimisticValue(BOOL, condition_identifier), eq_2_identifier], cvt_opt_value(True, BOOL) ), note=f'{expr_string}::{ind}::implies-old') feature.tensor_optimistic_values[ind] = new_identifier.identifier
[docs] def visit_deictic_assign_expression(self, expr: E.DeicticAssignExpression) -> Any: return super().visit_deictic_assign_expression(expr)
def _make_device_consistent(tensors: List[torch.Tensor]) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """Make a list of tensors device consistent. If there is at least one tensor that is on the GPU, all tensors will be moved to the GPU. Args: tensors: a list of tensors. Returns: the device consistent tensors. # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2024/05/08): this is a temporary solution. In principle, we should have a mechanism in expand_argument_values to make sure all tensors are on the same device (and their masks) """ if len(tensors) == 0: return tensors device = None for tensor in tensors: if tensor.device.type == 'cuda': device = tensor.device break return [ for tensor in tensors] def _iter_tensor_indices(target_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, ...]]: """Iterate from the indices of a tensor. """ for ind in torch.nonzero(torch.ones_like(target_tensor)): yield tuple(ind.tolist()) def _expand_tensor_indices(target_value: TensorValue, input_indices: Tuple[Union[int, slice, StateObjectReference], ...]) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, ...]]: """Iterate over entry indices based on the input indices. Supported indices are int and QINDEX (:). Args: target_value: the target value, used to determine the size of ``QINDEX``. input_indices: the indices to iterate over. Yields: the entry indices. """ indices = list() for i, ind in enumerate(input_indices): if isinstance(ind, int): indices.append(torch.tensor([ind], dtype=torch.int64)) elif isinstance(ind, slice): assert ind.step is None and ind.start is None and ind.stop is None # == ':' indices.append(torch.arange(target_value.tensor.shape[i], dtype=torch.int64)) elif isinstance(ind, StateObjectReference): indices.append(torch.tensor([ind.index], dtype=torch.int64)) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid index type: {ind}') if len(indices) == 0: yield tuple() return if len(indices) == 1: for x in indices[0]: yield tuple([x.item()], ) return indices = torch.meshgrid(*indices, indexing='ij') indices = [i.flatten() for i in indices] for i in range(len(indices[0])): yield tuple(indices[j][i].item() for j in range(len(indices)))
[docs] def expand_argument_values(argument_values: Sequence[Union[TensorValue, int, str, slice, StateObjectReference]]) -> List[TensorValue]: """Expand a list of argument values to the same batch size. Args: argument_values: a list of argument values. Returns: the result list of argument values. All return values will have the same batch size. """ has_slot_var = False for arg in argument_values: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): for var in arg.batch_variables: if var == '??': has_slot_var = True break if has_slot_var: return list(argument_values) if len(argument_values) < 2: return list(argument_values) argument_values = list(argument_values) batch_variables = list() batch_sizes = list() for arg in argument_values: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): for var in arg.batch_variables: if var not in batch_variables: batch_variables.append(var) batch_sizes.append(arg.get_variable_size(var)) else: assert isinstance(arg, (int, str, slice, StateObjectReference)), arg masks = list() for i, arg in enumerate(argument_values): if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): argument_values[i] = arg.expand(batch_variables, batch_sizes) if argument_values[i].tensor_mask is not None: masks.append(argument_values[i].tensor_mask) if len(masks) > 0: final_mask = torch.stack(masks, dim=-1).amin(dim=-1) for arg in argument_values: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): arg.tensor_mask = final_mask arg._mask_certified_flag = True # now we have corrected the mask. return argument_values
class _StateDefPredicate(object): def __init__(self, function, arguments): self.function = function self.arguments = arguments class _StateDefPredicateApplier(object): def __init__(self, function): self.function = function def __call__(self, *args): return _StateDefPredicate(self.function, args)
[docs] class StateDefinitionHelper(object): """A helper class to define the planning domain state (:class:`~concepts.pdsketch.domain.State`). Typically you should use :meth:`~PDSketchExecutor.new_state` to create an instance of this helper class. The most important feature of this class is that it supports a human-friendly definition of Boolean predicates. For example, you can define the grounding values for a predicate ``p`` as follows: .. code-block:: python state, ctx = executor.new_state({'a': ObjectType('person'), 'b': ObjectType('person')}) state.define_predicates([ ctx.p('a', 'b') ]) # define the predicate p(a, b) as True. All other values are False by convention. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain_or_executor: Union[PDSketchExecutor, Domain], state: State): """Initialize a new instance of the state definition helper. Args: domain_or_executor: the domain or an executor. state: a (possibly empty) state to be modified. """ if isinstance(domain_or_executor, PDSketchExecutor): self.executor = domain_or_executor self.domain = self.executor.domain else: self.executor = None self.domain = domain_or_executor self.state = state
[docs] def get_predicate(self, name: str) -> _StateDefPredicateApplier: """Get a predicate definition helper by name. This can be used to define the grounding values of a predicate, e.g., ``ctx.get_predicate('p')('a', 'b')``. Args: name: the name of the predicate. Returns: a predicate definition helper. """ if name in self.domain.functions: return _StateDefPredicateApplier(self.domain.functions[name]) else: name = name.replace('_', '-') if name in self.domain.functions: return _StateDefPredicateApplier(self.domain.functions[name]) else: raise NameError(f'Predicate {name} is not defined in the domain.')
def __getattr__(self, name): return self.get_predicate(name)
[docs] def define_predicates(self, predicates: Sequence[_StateDefPredicate]): """Define a list of grounding values of predicates. See the example in :class:`StateDefinitionHelper`. Args: predicates: a list of grounding values, created by ``ctx.p('a', 'b')``. """ for function in self.domain.functions.values(): if function.return_type != BOOL: continue if in self.state.features.all_feature_names: continue if function.is_state_variable: sizes = list() for arg_def in function.arguments: sizes.append(len(self.state.object_type2name[arg_def.typename]) if arg_def.typename in self.state.object_type2name else 0) self.state.features[] = TensorValue.make_empty(BOOL, [ for var in function.arguments], tuple(sizes)) for pred in predicates: assert isinstance(pred, _StateDefPredicate) assert pred.function.return_type == BOOL name = arguments = [self.state.get_typed_index(arg) for arg in pred.arguments] self.state.features[name].tensor[tuple(arguments)] = 1
[docs] def define_feature(self, feature_name: str, tensor_or_mapping: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues, Mapping[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], Union[bool, int, float, torch.Tensor, TensorizedPyObjValues]]]): """Define a relational feature directly with :class:`torch.Tensor` objects. For example, .. code-block:: python state, ctx = executor.new_state({'a': ObjectType('person'), 'b': ObjectType('person')}) # assume p is a Boolean predicate with the signature person x person -> bool state.define_feature('p', torch.tensor([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), quantized=True) Args: feature_name: the name of the feature. tensor_or_mapping: a tensor or a mapping from argument values to tensors. If a tensor is given, it is assumed that the tensor has exactly the same shape as the tensor of the feature. If the input is a mapping, the keys of the mapping are tuples (entry indices), and the values are tensors. The tensors will be filled into an all-zero tensor of the same shape as the feature tensor. """ function = self.domain.functions[feature_name] sizes = list() for arg_def in function.arguments: sizes.append(len(self.state.object_type2name[arg_def.typename]) if arg_def.typename in self.state.object_type2name else 0) sizes = tuple(sizes) batch_variables = [ for var in function.arguments] return_type = function.return_type if isinstance(return_type, PyObjValueType): if isinstance(tensor_or_mapping, TensorizedPyObjValues): self.state.features[feature_name] = TensorValue.from_tensorized_pyobj(tensor_or_mapping, return_type, batch_variables) return else: if isinstance(tensor_or_mapping, torch.Tensor): self.state.features[feature_name] = TensorValue.from_tensor(tensor_or_mapping, return_type, batch_variables) return self.state.features[feature_name] = feature = TensorValue.make_empty(return_type, [ for var in function.arguments], sizes) for key, value in tensor_or_mapping.items(): if isinstance(key, tuple): args = [self.state.get_typed_index(arg) for arg in key] else: assert isinstance(key, str) args = [self.state.get_typed_index(key)] feature[tuple(args)] = value
[docs] def define_pyobj_feature(self, feature_name: str, pyobj_list: List[Any]): """Define a feature with a list of Python objects. The objects will be converted to tensors using the underlying :class:`~concepts.dsl.executors.tensor_value_executor.PyObjStore` of the executor. Args: feature_name: the name of the feature. pyobj_list: a list of Python objects (they can also be nested lists). """ function = self.domain.functions[feature_name] sizes = list() for arg_def in function.arguments: sizes.append(len(self.state.object_type2name[arg_def.typename]) if arg_def.typename in self.state.object_type2name else 0) sizes = tuple(sizes) batch_variables = [ for var in function.arguments] return_type = function.return_type value = TensorValue.from_tensorized_pyobj( TensorizedPyObjValues(return_type, pyobj_list, sizes), dtype=return_type, batch_variables=batch_variables ) self.state.features[feature_name] = value
[docs] def init_feature(self, feature_name: str): """Initialize a feature tensor with all zeros. This is useful when you want to define a feature with a custom function. .. code-block:: python state, ctx = executor.new_state({'a': ObjectType('person'), 'b': ObjectType('person')}) # assume p is a Boolean predicate with the signature person x person -> bool state.init_feature('p') state.set_value('p', ('a', 'b'), 1, quantized=True) Args: feature_name: the name of the feature. """ function = self.domain.functions[feature_name] return_type = function.return_type if feature_name not in self.state.features: sizes = list() for arg_def in function.arguments: sizes.append(len(self.state.object_type2name[arg_def.typename]) if arg_def.typename in self.state.object_type2name else 0) sizes = tuple(sizes) self.state.features[feature_name] = TensorValue.make_empty(return_type, [ for var in function.arguments], sizes)
[docs] def set_value(self, feature_name, arguments: Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[int]], value: Union[torch.Tensor, bool, int, float, Any]): """Set a single entry in the feature representation. When the feature tensor has not been created, it will be created automatically. Note that, when creating the feature tensor, we will use ``quantized`` to determine whether the feature should be quantized or not in the state. .. code-block:: python state, ctx = executor.new_state({'a': ObjectType('person'), 'b': ObjectType('person')}) # assume p is a Boolean predicate with the signature person x person -> bool state.set_value('p', ('a', 'b'), 1, quantized=True) Args: feature_name: the name of the feature. arguments: the argument values of the entry. value: the value of the entry. """ function = self.domain.functions[feature_name] self.init_feature(feature_name) assert len(arguments) == len(function.arguments) arguments = [self.state.get_typed_index(arg, arg_def.dtype.typename) if isinstance(arg, str) else arg for arg, arg_def in zip(arguments, function.arguments)] self.state.features[feature_name][tuple(arguments)] = value
[docs] class GeneratorManager(object): """The :class:`GeneratorManager` is used to manage calls to generators in the function dmoain. It is particularly useful for keep tracking of historical values generated by the generators."""
[docs] def __init__(self, executor: PDSketchExecutor, store_history: bool = True): """Initialize the generator manager. Args: executor: the executor. store_history: whether to store the historical values generated by the generators. """ self.executor = executor self.generator_calls = defaultdict(list) self.generator_calls_successful = defaultdict(list) self.generator_calls_count = defaultdict(int) self._store_history = store_history
executor: PDSketchExecutor """The executor.""" generator_calls: Dict[str, List[Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Tuple[Any, ...]]]] """Mappings from generator names to the list of calls made to the generator, including a tuple of the arguments and a tuple of the return values.""" generator_calls_successful: Dict[str, List[bool]] """Mappings from generator names to the list of Boolean values indicating whether the generated values lead to successful solution.""" @property def store_history(self) -> bool: """Whether to store the historical values generated by the generators.""" return self._store_history
[docs] def call(self, g: Generator, max_generator_trials: int, args: Tuple[Any, ...], constraint_list: Optional[List[Constraint]] = None) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[str, int], Any]]: """Call a generator. Args: g: the generator. max_generator_trials: the maximum number of trials to generate values. args: the arguments of the generator. constraint_list: the list of constraints to be satisfied by the generated values. This will be passed to the generator function if the list contains more than one constraint. Yields: A tuple of (index, generated value). The index is a tuple of (generator_name, value_index). """ if g.implementation is None: generator_name = else: generator_name = generator = wrap_singletime_function_to_iterator( self.executor.get_function_implementation(generator_name), max_generator_trials ) if constraint_list is not None or not isinstance(constraint_list, list): generator = generator(*args, return_type=g.output_types) else: generator = generator(*args, constraint_list, return_type=g.output_types) self.generator_calls_count[generator_name] += 1 first = True for result in generator: if self._store_history: self.generator_calls[generator_name].append((args, result)) self.generator_calls_successful[generator_name].append(False) if not first: self.generator_calls_count[generator_name] += 1 else: first = False index = generator_name, len(self.generator_calls[generator_name]) - 1 if not isinstance(result, tuple) and g.function.ftype.is_singular_return: result = (result, ) if not g.function.ftype.is_singular_return: assert len(result) == len(g.function.return_type) yield index, result
[docs] def mark_success(self, assignment_dict: AssignmentDict): """Mark the values in an assignment dictionary as successful. Args: assignment_dict: the assignment dictionary. """ assert self._store_history, 'Cannot mark success if history is not stored.' for _, value in assignment_dict.items(): if value.generator_index is not None: name, index = value.generator_index self.generator_calls_successful[name][index] = True
[docs] def export_generator_calls(self) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Tuple[Any, ...], bool]]]: """Export the generator calls. Returns: a dictionary mapping from generator names to the list of calls made to the generator, including a tuple of the arguments and a tuple of the return values, and a Boolean value indicating whether the generated values lead to successful solution. """ output_dict = defaultdict(list) for name, calls in self.generator_calls.items(): for index, (args, result) in enumerate(calls): output_dict[name].append((args, result, self.generator_calls_successful[name][index])) return output_dict
[docs] def export_generator_stats(self, divide_by: float = 1) -> str: """Export the generator statistics. Returns: a string containing the generator statistics. """ rows = list() for name, count in self.generator_calls_count.items(): rows.append((name, count / divide_by)) rows.append(('Total', sum(count / divide_by for count in self.generator_calls_count.values()))) return tabulate(rows, headers=['Generator', 'Calls'])
[docs] def wrap_singletime_function_to_iterator(function: PythonFunctionRef, max_examples: int) -> Callable[..., Iterator[Any]]: """Wrap a function that returns a single value to an iterator function. Args: function: the function. max_examples: the maximum number of examples. Returns: the iterator function. """ if function.is_iterator: @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Any]: try: yield from itertools.islice(function.iter_from(*args, **kwargs), max_examples) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Exception raised when calling generator {function}: {e}') return wrapped @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Any]: for _ in range(max_examples): rv = function(*args, **kwargs) if rv is None: break yield rv return wrapped