Source code for concepts.simulator.pybullet.manipulation_utils.grasping_samplers

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 09/06/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import numpy as np
import trimesh
import open3d as o3d

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple

from concepts.math.rotationlib_xyzw import mat2quat, find_orthogonal_vector
from concepts.simulator.pybullet.components.robot_base import BulletArmRobotBase

[docs] @dataclass class GraspGeneratorConfig(object): pass
[docs] @dataclass class GraspReturn(object): point1: np.ndarray normal1: np.ndarray point2: np.ndarray normal2: np.ndarray ee_pos: np.ndarray ee_quat: np.ndarray qpos: np.ndarray
[docs] class GraspSampler(object): """Generate grasps for the input mesh."""
[docs] def __init__(self, robot: BulletArmRobotBase, gripper_size: float, gripper_gap: float, reachability_min_bound: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, reachability_max_bound: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """Initialize the grasp generator. Args: robot: the robot instance. gripper_size: the size of the gripper (assumed to be a square contact surface). gripper_gap: the gap between the gripper fingers. reachability_min_bound: the minimum bound of the reachable workspace. If specified, will be used to filter out grasps that are not reachable. reachability_max_bound: the maximum bound of the reachable workspace. If specified, will be used to filter out grasps that are not reachable. """ self.robot = robot self.gripper_size = gripper_size self.gripper_gap = gripper_gap self.reachability_min_bound = reachability_min_bound self.reachability_max_bound = reachability_max_bound
[docs] def sample_grasp(self, input_shape: Union[np.ndarray, o3d.geometry.PointCloud, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh]) -> Optional[GraspReturn]: """Sample a grasp from the input point cloud, or mesh Args: input_pc: the input point cloud. Returns: GraspReturn: The sampled grasp. """ if isinstance(input_shape, np.ndarray): input_shape = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() input_shape.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(input_shape) input_shape.estimate_normals() if self.reachability_min_bound is not None and self.reachability_max_bound is not None: if isinstance(input_shape, o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh): aabb = o3d.geometry.AxisAlignedBoundingBox(self.reachability_min_bound, self.reachability_max_bound) input_shape = input_shape.crop(aabb) if len(input_shape.triangles) < 10: return None elif isinstance(input_shape, o3d.geometry.PointCloud): aabb = o3d.geometry.AxisAlignedBoundingBox(self.reachability_min_bound, self.reachability_max_bound) input_shape = input_shape.crop(aabb) if len(input_shape.points) < 10: return None else: raise TypeError(f'Unknown supported type {type(input_shape)}.') return self._sample_grasp_pcd(input_shape)
def _sample_grasp_pcd(self, input_pc: o3d.geometry.PointCloud) -> Optional[GraspReturn]: raise TypeError('PCD grasp sampling is not implemented.') def _sample_grasp_mesh(self, input_mesh: o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh) -> Optional[GraspReturn]: raise TypeError('Mesh grasp sampling is not implemented.')
[docs] @dataclass class LocalConvexificationGraspGeneratorConfig(GraspGeneratorConfig): """The minimum number of points in the point cloud to perform local convexification.""" min_pointcloud_size: int = 10 """The minimum gap between two gripper attachment points.""" min_gripper_gap: float = 0.01 """The minimum difference between the two normals of the gripper attachment points.""" min_normal_difference: float = 0.9 """The minimum quaternion norm.""" min_quat_norm: float = 0.5 """The maximum difference between the ik solution and the target.""" max_ik_diff: float = 0.02 """If true, the z-axis of the gripper should point to the front.""" constraint_pos_x: bool = True """Visualize the configuration returned by the grasp generator.""" debug_vis_return: bool = False """Visualize the each configuration tested by the grasp generator.""" debug_vis_trials: bool = False
[docs] class LocalConvexificationGraspSampler(GraspSampler): config: LocalConvexificationGraspGeneratorConfig
[docs] def __init__( self, robot: BulletArmRobotBase, gripper_size: float, gripper_gap: float, reachability_min_bound: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, reachability_max_bound: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, config: Optional[LocalConvexificationGraspGeneratorConfig] = None, **kwargs ): super().__init__(robot, gripper_size, gripper_gap, reachability_min_bound, reachability_max_bound) if config is None: self.config = LocalConvexificationGraspGeneratorConfig(**kwargs) else: assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'Cannot specify both config and kwargs.' self.config = config
def _sample_grasp_pcd(self, pcd: o3d.geometry.PointCloud, trials: int = 100) -> Optional[GraspReturn]: for _ in range(trials): # Sample a point in the point cloud. index = np.random.randint(0, len(pcd.points)) point1 = pcd.points[index] normal1 = -pcd.normals[index] # Make a local crop of the point cloud. min_bound = point1 - self.gripper_size * 2 max_bound = point1 + self.gripper_size * 2 pcd_crop = pcd.crop(o3d.geometry.AxisAlignedBoundingBox(min_bound, max_bound)) if len(pcd_crop.points) < self.config.min_pointcloud_size: continue # Perform local convexification. # print(np.asarray(pcd_crop.points)) # print(pcd_crop.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box()) hull, _ = pcd_crop.compute_convex_hull() # Create the triangular mesh with the vertices and faces from open3d. tmesh = trimesh.Trimesh(np.asarray(hull.vertices), np.asarray(hull.triangles), vertex_normals=np.asarray(hull.vertex_normals)) # Ray casting the point cloud to find the other point on the mesh. intersector = trimesh.ray.ray_triangle.RayMeshIntersector(tmesh) index, point2 = _trimesh_ray_casting(intersector, point1, normal1) if index is not None: normal2 = tmesh.face_normals[index] # Filter the gap. gap = np.linalg.norm(point1 - point2) if gap < self.config.min_gripper_gap: continue if gap > self.gripper_gap: continue # Filter the normal. if np.abs(, normal2)) < self.config.min_normal_difference: continue # Construct three axes for the gripper. ee_pos = (point1 + point2) / 2 ee_d = (point2 - point1) / np.linalg.norm(point2 - point1) ee_u = find_orthogonal_vector(point2 - point1) ee_v = np.cross(ee_d, ee_u) with self.robot.client.w.save_world() as world_saver: for ee_norm1 in [ee_u, ee_v, -ee_u, -ee_v]: if self.config.debug_vis_trials: world_saver.restore() ee_norm2 = np.cross(ee_d, ee_norm1) # if self.config.constraint_pos_x and ee_norm2[0] < 0: # continue # if self.config.constraint_pos_x and ee_norm2[0] > 0: # ee_norm2 = -ee_norm2 # ee_norm1 = -ee_norm1 ee_quat = self._construct_quat(ee_norm2, ee_d, ee_norm1) if self.config.debug_vis_trials: print(f'Testing x={ee_norm2}, y={ee_d}, z={ee_norm1}, point1={point1}, point2={point2}.') ee_grasp = self._check_collision(ee_pos, ee_quat) if self.config.debug_vis_trials: self.robot.client.step(2) input('Press enter to continue.') if ee_grasp is not None: return GraspReturn(point1, normal1, point2, normal2, *ee_grasp) else: continue return None def _construct_quat(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, z: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Construct a quaternion from the new x-y-z coordinate axes of the gripper.""" return mat2quat(np.stack([x, y, z], axis=1)) def _check_collision(self, ee_pos, ee_quat) -> Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Check if the grasping is collision-free.""" if np.linalg.norm(ee_quat) < self.config.min_quat_norm: if self.config.debug_vis_trials: print('Quaternion checking failed.') return None qpos = self.robot.ik(ee_pos, ee_quat, force=True) if qpos is None: if self.config.debug_vis_trials: print('IK failed.') return None self.robot.set_qpos(qpos) if np.linalg.norm(self.robot.get_ee_pose()[0] - ee_pos) > self.config.max_ik_diff: if self.config.debug_vis_trials: print('IK post checking failed: ', np.linalg.norm(self.robot.get_ee_pose()[0] - ee_pos)) return None self.robot.client.p.performCollisionDetection() # self.robot.client.step(1) # input('Press enter to continue') contacts = self.robot.client.w.get_contact(a=self.robot.get_body_id()) all_contact_bodies = {c.body_b for c in contacts} - {self.robot.get_body_id()} all_contact_body_names = [self.robot.client.w.body_names[b] for b in all_contact_bodies] if self.config.debug_vis_return: if len(all_contact_bodies) == 0: print('No contact') print('-' * 80) print(*contacts, sep='\n') print(all_contact_body_names) self.robot.client.step(5) if self.config.debug_vis_trials: print('Contacts') for c in contacts: print(c.body_a_name, c.body_b_name, c.link_a_name, c.link_b_name, c.position_on_a, c.position_on_b) if len(all_contact_body_names) > 0: return None return ee_pos, ee_quat, qpos
def _trimesh_ray_casting(intersector, point, normal): """Ray casting using trimesh ray interesector.""" index, _, locations = intersector.intersects_id([point], [normal], return_locations=True, multiple_hits=True) if len(index) > 0: if len(index) > 1: distances = np.linalg.norm(locations - point, axis=1) i = np.argmax(distances) return index[i], locations[i] return index[0], locations[0] return None, None