Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 03/17/2024
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Iterator, Sequence, Tuple, Dict, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import torch

from concepts.dsl.dsl_functions import Function
from concepts.dsl.dsl_types import BOOL, PyObjValueType, ObjectType, UniformSequenceType, TupleType, QINDEX, TensorValueTypeBase
from concepts.dsl.executors.tensor_value_executor import TensorValueExecutorReturnType
from concepts.dsl.expression import Expression
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value import TensorValue, TensorizedPyObjValues
from concepts.dsl.tensor_state import StateObjectReference
from concepts.dsl.tensor_value_utils import expand_argument_values
from concepts.dsl.value import ListValue

from import CrowState

    from import CrowExecutor

__all__ = ['CrowPythonFunctionRef', 'CrowPythonFunctionCrossRef', 'config_function_implementation', 'CrowSGC']

[docs] class CrowPythonFunctionRef(object): """A reference to a Python function. This class is used to wrap external function implementations in domains. """
[docs] def __init__( self, function: Callable, function_quantized: Optional[Callable] = None, *, return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, Tuple[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType], ...]]] = None, support_batch: bool = False, auto_broadcast: bool = False, use_object_names: bool = True, unwrap_values: Optional[bool] = None, include_executor_args: bool = False, is_iterator: bool = False, is_sgc_function: bool = False, executor: Optional['CrowExecutor'] = None ): """Initialize a Python function reference. Args: function: the function to be wrapped. function_quantized: the quantized version of the function (can be None). support_batch: whether the function supports batched inputs. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. use_object_names: whether the executor should use the object names in the state (instead of the index). unwrap_values: whether the executor should unwrap the tensor values before calling the function. include_executor_args: whether the caller should include the executor as the first argument. is_iterator: whether the function is an iterator. is_sgc_function: whether the function is an SGC function (state-goal-constraints). executor: the executor that is using this function reference. """ self.function = function self.function_quantized = function_quantized self.return_type = return_type self.support_batch = support_batch self.auto_broadcast = auto_broadcast self.use_object_names = use_object_names if unwrap_values is None: unwrap_values = not support_batch or auto_broadcast self.unwrap_values = unwrap_values self.include_executor_args = include_executor_args self.is_iterator = is_iterator self.is_sgc_function = is_sgc_function self._executor = executor
function: Callable """The internal implementation of the function.""" function_quantized: Optional[Callable] """The quantized version of the function (can be None).""" return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType, Tuple[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType], ...]]] """The return type of the function.""" support_batch: bool """Whether the function supports batched inputs.""" auto_broadcast: bool """Whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function.""" use_object_names: bool """Whether the executor should use the object names in the state (instead of the index).""" unwrap_values: bool """Whether the executor should unwrap the tensor values before calling the function.""" include_executor_args: bool """Whether the caller should include the executor as the first argument.""" is_iterator: bool """Whether the function is an iterator.""" is_sgc_function: bool """Whether the function is an SGC function (state-goal-constraints)."""
[docs] def set_executor(self, executor: 'CrowExecutor') -> 'CrowPythonFunctionRef': """Set the executor that is using this function reference. Args: executor: the executor that is using this function reference. Returns: the function reference itself. """ self._executor = executor return self
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( 'PythonFunctionRef(' f'{self.function}, support_batch={self.support_batch}, auto_broadcast={self.auto_broadcast}, ' f'use_object_names={self.use_object_names}, unwrap_values={self.unwrap_values}, include_executor_args={self.include_executor_args}, ' f'is_iterator={self.is_iterator}), is_sgc_function={self.is_sgc_function}' ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() @property def flags(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: return { 'support_batch': self.support_batch, 'auto_broadcast': self.auto_broadcast, 'use_object_names': self.use_object_names, 'unwrap_values': self.unwrap_values, 'include_executor_args': self.include_executor_args, 'is_iterator': self.is_iterator, 'is_sgc_function': self.is_sgc_function }
[docs] def forward( self, argument_values: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, additional_parameters: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True, function_def: Optional[Function] = None ) -> Union[TensorValue, Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]: """Call the function. Args: argument_values: the arguments to the function. return_type: the type of the return value. additional_parameters: the additional parameters to the function. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. wrap_rv: whether the executor should wrap the return value. function_def: the function definition, used to wrap return values and to handle QINDEX. Returns: the result of the function. """ function = self.function if self.unwrap_values: if self.use_object_names: argument_values = [ if isinstance(v, StateObjectReference) else v for v in argument_values] else: argument_values = [v.index if isinstance(v, StateObjectReference) else v for v in argument_values] if self.support_batch: if self.auto_broadcast and auto_broadcast: argument_values = expand_argument_values(argument_values) else: # If the function does not support batch, we will have to automatically batch the processing. argument_values = expand_argument_values(argument_values) argument_values_flat = list(argument_values) if additional_parameters is not None: additional_parameters = list(additional_parameters) else: additional_parameters = [] if self.is_sgc_function: assert self._executor is not None, 'Executor is None.' additional_parameters.insert(0, self._executor.sgc) if self.include_executor_args: assert self._executor is not None, 'Executor is None.' additional_parameters.insert(0, self._executor) argument_values_flat = additional_parameters + argument_values_flat if QINDEX in argument_values_flat: if not self.support_batch: if function_def is None: raise RuntimeError('For functions with QINDEX, the function_def argument must be provided.') rv = self.forward_internal_autobatch(function_def, function, argument_values_flat) else: if self.unwrap_values: argument_values_flat = [v.tensor if isinstance(v, TensorValue) else v for v in argument_values_flat] if not self.support_batch: argument_values_flat = [v.item() if isinstance(v, TensorizedPyObjValues) else v for v in argument_values_flat] rv = function(*argument_values_flat) else: if self.unwrap_values: argument_values_flat = [v.tensor if isinstance(v, TensorValue) else v for v in argument_values_flat] if not self.support_batch: argument_values_flat = [v.item() if isinstance(v, TensorizedPyObjValues) else v for v in argument_values_flat] rv = function(*argument_values_flat) if not wrap_rv: return rv return self._wrap_rv(rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast)
[docs] def forward_internal_autobatch(self, function_def, function, argument_values_flat): options_per_argument = list() output_dims = list() batch_variables = list() for i, arg in enumerate(argument_values_flat): if arg is QINDEX: objects = self._executor.state.object_type2name[function_def.ftype.argument_types[i].typename] if self.use_object_names: options_per_argument.append(objects) else: options_per_argument.append(list(range(len(objects)))) output_dims.append(len(objects)) batch_variables.append(function_def.ftype.argument_names[i]) else: options_per_argument.append([arg]) rtype = function_def.ftype.return_type if rtype != BOOL: raise TypeError('Only BOOL is supported for auto-batch functions with QINDEX.') output = torch.zeros(, dtype=torch.bool) options = list(itertools.product(*options_per_argument)) for i, option in enumerate(options): rv = function(*option) if isinstance(rv, TensorValue): rv = rv.item() if isinstance(rv, torch.Tensor): if output.device != rv.device: output.tensor = output[i] = rv output = TensorValue.from_tensor(output.reshape(output_dims), rtype, batch_variables=batch_variables) return output
[docs] def forward_internal_autobatch2(self, function_def, function, argument_values_flat): options_per_argument = list() output_dims = list() batch_variables = list() other_batch_variables = None for i, arg in enumerate(argument_values_flat): if arg is QINDEX: objects = self._executor.state.object_type2name[function_def.ftype.argument_types[i].typename] if self.use_object_names: options_per_argument.append(objects) else: options_per_argument.append(list(range(len(objects)))) output_dims.append(len(objects)) batch_variables.append(function_def.ftype.argument_names[i]) else: options_per_argument.append([arg]) if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): if other_batch_variables is None: other_batch_variables = arg.batch_variables else: assert tuple(other_batch_variables) == tuple(arg.batch_variables), 'Inconsistent batch variables.' rtype = function_def.ftype.return_type if not isinstance(rtype, (TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType)): raise TypeError('Only TensorValueTypeBase and PyObjValueType are supported for auto-batch functions with QINDEX.') options = list(itertools.product(*options_per_argument)) for i, option in enumerate(options): option = list(option) pass
[docs] def forward_generator( self, argument_values: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True ) -> Union[Iterator[TensorValue], Iterator[Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]]: """Call the function and return a generator. Args: argument_values: the arguments to the function. return_type: the type of the return value. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. wrap_rv: whether the executor should wrap the """ generator = self.forward(argument_values, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=False) if not wrap_rv: yield from generator else: for v in generator: yield self._wrap_rv(v, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast)
[docs] def forward_sgc_function( self, state: CrowState, goal: Expression, constraints: Sequence[Expression], additional_arguments: Sequence[TensorValueExecutorReturnType], return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True ): """Call an SGC function (state-goal-constraints) function. Args: state: the current state. goal: the goal expression. constraints: the constraints, as a list of expressions. additional_arguments: the additional arguments. return_type: the type of the return value. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. wrap_rv: whether the executor should wrap the return value. """ return self.forward(additional_arguments, return_type=return_type, additional_parameters=(state, goal, constraints), auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=wrap_rv)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True) -> Union[TensorValue, Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]: assert not self.is_iterator, 'Use iter_from to call an iterator function.' return self.forward(args, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=wrap_rv)
[docs] def iter_from(self, *args, return_type: Optional[Union[TensorValueTypeBase, PyObjValueType]] = None, auto_broadcast: bool = True, wrap_rv: bool = True) -> Union[Iterator[TensorValue], Iterator[Tuple[TensorValue, ...]]]: assert self.is_iterator, 'Use __call__ to call a non-iterator function.' return self.forward_generator(args, return_type=return_type, auto_broadcast=auto_broadcast, wrap_rv=wrap_rv)
def _wrap_rv(self, rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast): if isinstance(rv, (TensorValue, ListValue)): return rv elif isinstance(rv, tuple) and all(isinstance(v, (TensorValue, ListValue)) for v in rv): return rv if return_type is None: return_type = self.return_type if return_type is None: raise RuntimeError('Return type can not be None if the function return is not a TensorValue.') if isinstance(return_type, TupleType): if not isinstance(rv, tuple) and len(return_type) == 1: rv = (rv, ) return tuple(self._wrap_single_rv(v, t, argument_values, auto_broadcast) for v, t in zip(rv, return_type.element_types)) else: return self._wrap_single_rv(rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast) def _wrap_single_rv(self, rv, return_type, argument_values, auto_broadcast): if isinstance(rv, (TensorValue, ListValue)): return rv # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/11/18): have an actual type check. if return_type.alias is not None and return_type.alias.startswith('__') and return_type.alias.endswith('__'): return rv if not self.support_batch: if isinstance(return_type, PyObjValueType): if isinstance(rv, TensorizedPyObjValues): return TensorValue.from_tensorized_pyobj(rv, return_type) return TensorValue.from_scalar(rv, return_type) elif isinstance(return_type, ObjectType): if isinstance(rv, str): return self._executor.state.get_state_object_reference(return_type, name=rv) elif isinstance(rv, int): return self._executor.state.get_state_object_reference(return_type, index=rv) else: return rv elif isinstance(return_type, UniformSequenceType) and isinstance(return_type.element_type, ObjectType): if isinstance(rv, (list, tuple)): if len(rv) == 0: return self._executor.state.get_state_object_list(return_type.element_type, []) else: if isinstance(rv[0], str): return self._executor.state.get_state_object_list(return_type.element_type, names=rv) elif isinstance(rv[0], int): return self._executor.state.get_state_object_list(return_type.element_type, indices=rv) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported return type: {rv}') else: return rv else: if isinstance(rv, torch.Tensor): return TensorValue.from_tensor(rv, return_type) elif isinstance(rv, (bool, int, float)): return TensorValue.from_scalar(rv, return_type) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported return type: {type(rv)}') else: if isinstance(return_type, PyObjValueType): raise TypeError('Cannot return a PyObjValueType for a batched function.') else: if isinstance(rv, torch.Tensor): first_tensor_arg = None for arg in argument_values: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): first_tensor_arg = arg break if not self.auto_broadcast or not auto_broadcast or first_tensor_arg is None: raise ValueError('Cannot return a raw PyTorch tensor for a batched function without auto_broadcast.') return TensorValue.from_tensor(rv, return_type, batch_variables=first_tensor_arg.batch_variables, batch_dims=first_tensor_arg.batch_dims) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported return type: {type(rv)}')
[docs] class CrowPythonFunctionCrossRef(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, cross_ref_name: str): self.cross_ref_name = cross_ref_name
[docs] def config_function_implementation( function: Optional[Callable] = None, *, function_quantized: Optional[Callable] = None, support_batch: bool = False, auto_broadcast: bool = True, use_object_names: bool = True, unwrap_values: Optional[bool] = None, include_executor_args: bool = False, is_iterator: bool = False, is_sgc_function: bool = False ) -> Callable: """Configure the implementation of a function in a domain. Args: function: the function to be wrapped. function_quantized: the quantized version of the function (can be None). support_batch: whether the function supports batched inputs. auto_broadcast: whether the executor should automatically broadcast the arguments before calling the function. use_object_names: whether the executor should use object names instead of indices. unwrap_values: whether the executor should unwrap the values before calling the function. include_executor_args: whether the executor should include itself as the first argument. is_iterator: whether the function is an iterator. is_sgc_function: whether the function is an SGC function. Returns: the decorator. """ function_implementation_configs = { 'function_quantized': function_quantized, 'support_batch': support_batch, 'auto_broadcast': auto_broadcast, 'use_object_names': use_object_names, 'unwrap_values': unwrap_values, 'include_executor_args': include_executor_args, 'is_iterator': is_iterator, 'is_sgc_function': is_sgc_function } def wrapper(function: Callable, configs=function_implementation_configs): return CrowPythonFunctionRef(function, **configs) if function is None: return wrapper return wrapper(function)
def _check_no_quantized_arguments(arguments): """A helper function to check that there are no quantized arguments. This function handles the migration from quantized tensor CSP computation to non-quantized tensor CSP computation.""" # TODO(Jiayuan Mao @ 2023/08/15): remove this after the migration. for arg in arguments: if isinstance(arg, TensorValue): if isinstance(arg.dtype, TensorValueTypeBase): if arg.quantized and not arg.dtype.is_intrinsically_quantized(): raise RuntimeError('Quantized arguments are not supported.')
[docs] @dataclass class CrowSGC(object): state: CrowState goal: Expression constraints: Sequence[Expression]