Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File   :
# Author : Jiayuan Mao
# Email  :
# Date   : 08/25/2022
# This file is part of Project Concepts.
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

import math
import collections
import numpy as np
import pybullet as p

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple
from concepts.math.rotationlib_xyzw import rpy

__all__ = [
    'CameraConfig', 'RealSenseD415', 'TopDownOracle', 'RS200Gazebo', 'KinectFranka', 'CLIPortCamera',
    'get_point_cloud', 'get_point_cloud_image', 'get_orthographic_heightmap', 'lookat_rpy',
    'kabsch_transform', 'SimpleCameraTransform'

[docs] class CameraConfig(collections.namedtuple('_CameraConfig', ['image_size', 'intrinsics', 'position', 'rotation', 'zrange', 'shadow'])): """ Mostly based on """
[docs] def get_view_and_projection_matricies(self, image_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: if image_size is None: image_size = self.image_size view_matrix = self.get_view_matrix() projection_matrix = self.get_projection_matrix(image_size) return view_matrix, projection_matrix
[docs] def get_view_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: lookdir = np.float32([0, 0, 1]).reshape(3, 1) updir = np.float32([0, -1, 0]).reshape(3, 1) rotation = p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(rpy(*self.rotation)) rotm = np.float32(rotation).reshape(3, 3) lookdir = (rotm @ lookdir).reshape(-1) updir = (rotm @ updir).reshape(-1) lookat = self.position + lookdir return p.computeViewMatrix(self.position, lookat, updir)
[docs] def get_projection_matrix(self, image_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> np.ndarray: focal_len = self.intrinsics[0] znear, zfar = self.zrange fovh = (image_size[0] / 2) / focal_len fovh = 180 * np.arctan(fovh) * 2 / np.pi # Notes: 1) FOV is vertical FOV 2) aspect must be float aspect_ratio = float(image_size[1]) / image_size[0] return p.computeProjectionMatrixFOV(fovh, aspect_ratio, znear, zfar)
[docs] class RealSenseD415(object): """Default configuration with 3 RealSense RGB-D cameras.""" # Mimic RealSense D415 RGB-D camera parameters. image_size = (480, 640) intrinsics = (450., 0, 320., 0, 450., 240., 0, 0, 1) # Set default camera poses. front_position = (1., 0, 0.75) front_rotation = np.rad2deg((np.pi / 4, np.pi, -np.pi / 2)) left_position = (0, 0.5, 0.75) left_rotation = np.rad2deg((np.pi / 4.5, np.pi, np.pi / 4)) right_position = (0, -0.5, 0.75) right_rotation = np.rad2deg((np.pi / 4.5, np.pi, 3 * np.pi / 4))
[docs] @classmethod def get_configs(cls): return [ CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.front_position, cls.front_rotation, (0.1, 10.), True), CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.left_position, cls.left_rotation, (0.1, 10.), True), CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.right_position, cls.right_rotation, (0.1, 10.), True) ]
[docs] class TopDownOracle(object): """Top-down noiseless image used only by the oracle demonstrator.""" # Near-orthographic projection. image_size = (480, 640) intrinsics = (63e4, 0, 320., 0, 63e4, 240., 0, 0, 1) position = (0.5, 0, 1000.) rotation = np.rad2deg((0, np.pi, -np.pi / 2))
[docs] @classmethod def get_configs(cls): return [CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.position, cls.rotation, (999.7, 1001.), False)]
[docs] class RS200Gazebo(object): """Gazebo Camera""" # Near-orthographic projection. image_size = (480, 640) intrinsics = (554.3826904296875, 0.0, 320.0, 0.0, 554.3826904296875, 240.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) position = (0.5, 0, 1.0) rotation = np.rad2deg((0, np.pi, np.pi / 2))
[docs] @classmethod def get_configs(cls): return [CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.position, cls.rotation, (0.1, 10.), False)]
[docs] class KinectFranka(object): """Kinect Franka Camera""" # Near-orthographic projection. image_size = (424, 512) intrinsics = (365.57489013671875, 0.0, 257.5205078125, 0.0, 365.57489013671875, 205.26710510253906, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) position = (1.082, -0.041, 1.027) rotation = np.rad2deg((-2.611, 0.010, 1.553))
[docs] @classmethod def get_configs(cls): return [CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.position, cls.rotation, (0.1, 10.), True)]
[docs] class CLIPortCamera(object): """CLIPort camera configuration.""" image_size = (480, 640) intrinsics = (450., 0, 320., 0, 450., 240., 0, 0, 1) position1 = (1.5, 0, 0.8) rotation1 = (0, -115, 90) position2 = (0, -1, 0.8) rotation2 = (-120, 20, 10) position3 = (0, 1, 0.8) rotation3 = (120, 20, 170)
[docs] @classmethod def get_configs(cls): return [ CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.position1, cls.rotation1, (0.1, 10.), False), CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.position2, cls.rotation2, (0.1, 10.), False), CameraConfig(cls.image_size, cls.intrinsics, cls.position3, cls.rotation3, (0.1, 10.), False) ]
[docs] def get_point_cloud(config, color, depth, segmentation=None): """Reconstruct point clouds from the color and depth images.""" # based on height, width = depth.shape[0:2] view_matrix, proj_matrix = config.get_view_and_projection_matricies() # create a 4x4 transform matrix that goes from pixel coordinates (and depth values) to world coordinates proj_matrix = np.asarray(proj_matrix).reshape([4, 4], order="F") view_matrix = np.asarray(view_matrix).reshape([4, 4], order="F") tran_pix_world = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(proj_matrix, view_matrix)) # create a grid with pixel coordinates and depth values y, x = np.mgrid[-1:1:2 / height, -1:1:2 / width] y *= -1. x, y, z = x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1), depth.reshape(-1) h = np.ones_like(z) pixels = np.stack([x, y, z, h], axis=1) mask = z < 0.99 # mask = ... # filter out "infinite" depths pixels = pixels[mask] pixels[:, 2] = 2 * pixels[:, 2] - 1 # turn pixels to world coordinates points = np.matmul(tran_pix_world, pixels.T).T points /= points[:, 3: 4] points = points[:, :3] if segmentation is not None: return points, color.reshape(-1, color.shape[-1])[mask], segmentation.reshape(-1)[mask] return points, color.reshape(-1, color.shape[-1])[mask]
[docs] def get_point_cloud_image(config: CameraConfig, depth: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Reconstruct point clouds from the depth image. This function differs from the :func:`get_point_cloud` function in that it returns a point cloud "image", that is, a 3D point for each pixel in the depth image. Args: config: camera configuration. depth: depth image, of shape (H, W). Returns: points: point cloud image, of shape (H, W, 3). """ intrinsics = np.array(config.intrinsics).reshape(3, 3) height, width = depth.shape[0:2] xlin = np.linspace(0, width - 1, width) ylin = np.linspace(0, height - 1, height) px, py = np.meshgrid(xlin, ylin) px = (px - intrinsics[0, 2]) * (depth / intrinsics[0, 0]) py = (py - intrinsics[1, 2]) * (depth / intrinsics[1, 1]) points = np.float32([px, py, depth]).transpose(1, 2, 0) position = np.array(config.position).reshape(3, 1) rotation = np.array(p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(rpy(*config.rotation))).reshape(3, 3) transform = np.eye(4) transform[:3, :] = np.hstack((rotation, position)) padding = ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)) homogen_points = np.pad( points.copy(), padding, 'constant', constant_values=1 ) for i in range(3): points[..., i] = np.sum(transform[i, :] * homogen_points, axis=-1) return points
[docs] def get_orthographic_heightmap(pcd_image: np.ndarray, color_image: np.ndarray, bounds: np.ndarray, pixel_size: float, segmentation: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Get a top-down (z-axis) orthographic heightmap image from 3D pointcloud. Args: pcd_image: HxWx3 float array of 3D points in world coordinates. color_image: HxWx3 uint8 array of values in range 0-255 aligned with points. bounds: 3x2 float array of values (rows: X,Y,Z; columns: min,max) defining the region in 3D space to generate heightmap in world coordinates. pixel_size: float defining size of each pixel in meters. segmentation: HxW int32 array of segmentation mask aligned with points. Returns: heightmap: HxW float array of height (from lower z-bound) in meters. colormap: HxWx3 uint8 array of backprojected color aligned with heightmap. segmentation: HxW int32 array of backprojected segmentation mask aligned with heightmap. """ if segmentation is not None: color_image = np.concatenate((color_image, segmentation[..., None]), axis=2) width = int(np.round((bounds[0, 1] - bounds[0, 0]) / pixel_size)) height = int(np.round((bounds[1, 1] - bounds[1, 0]) / pixel_size)) heightmap = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.float32) colormap = np.zeros((height, width, color_image.shape[-1]), dtype=np.uint8) # Filter out 3D points that are outside of the predefined bounds. ix = (pcd_image[Ellipsis, 0] >= bounds[0, 0]) & (pcd_image[Ellipsis, 0] < bounds[0, 1]) iy = (pcd_image[Ellipsis, 1] >= bounds[1, 0]) & (pcd_image[Ellipsis, 1] < bounds[1, 1]) iz = (pcd_image[Ellipsis, 2] >= bounds[2, 0]) & (pcd_image[Ellipsis, 2] < bounds[2, 1]) valid = ix & iy & iz pcd_image = pcd_image[valid] color_image = color_image[valid] # Sort 3D points by z-value, which works with array assignment to simulate # z-buffering for rendering the heightmap image. iz = np.argsort(pcd_image[:, -1]) pcd_image, color_image = pcd_image[iz], color_image[iz] px = np.int32(np.floor((pcd_image[:, 0] - bounds[0, 0]) / pixel_size)) py = np.int32(np.floor((pcd_image[:, 1] - bounds[1, 0]) / pixel_size)) px = np.clip(px, 0, width - 1) py = np.clip(py, 0, height - 1) heightmap[py, px] = pcd_image[:, 2] - bounds[2, 0] for c in range(color_image.shape[-1]): colormap[py, px, c] = color_image[:, c] if segmentation is not None: return heightmap, colormap[..., :3], colormap[..., 3] return heightmap, colormap
[docs] def lookat_rpy(camera_pos: np.ndarray, target_pos: np.ndarray, roll: float = 0) -> np.ndarray: """Construct the roll, pitch, yaw angles of a camera looking at a target. This function assumes that the camera is pointing to the z-axis ([0, 0, 1]), in the camera frame. Args: camera_pos: the position of the camera. target_pos: the target position. roll: the roll angle of the camera. Returns: a numpy array of the roll, pitch, yaw angles in degrees. """ camera_pos = np.asarray(camera_pos) target_pos = np.asarray(target_pos) delta = target_pos - camera_pos pitch = math.atan2(-np.linalg.norm(delta[:2]), delta[2]) yaw = math.atan2(-delta[1], -delta[0]) rv = np.array([np.deg2rad(roll), pitch, yaw], dtype="float32") return np.rad2deg(rv)
[docs] def kabsch_transform(x, y, verbose: bool = False): """Find optimal rotation and translation to map vectors in x to y Args: x: ndarray of size (N, 3). y: ndarray of size (N, 3). verbose: whether to print the intermediate results. Returns: rotation: ndarray of size (3, 3). translation: ndarray of size (3,). """ # Calculate centroids centroid_x = np.mean(x, axis=0) centroid_y = np.mean(y, axis=0) # Centre the vectors x_centred = x - centroid_x y_centred = y - centroid_y # Calculate covariance matrix H =, y_centred) # Singular Value Decomposition U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H) if verbose: print('kabsch_transform::SVD') print(U, S, Vt) # Calculate rotation d = (np.linalg.det(U) * np.linalg.det(Vt)) < 0.0 if d: S[-1] = -S[-1] U[:, -1] = -U[:, -1] rotation =, U.T) # Calculate translation translation = centroid_y -, centroid_x) if verbose: print('kabsch_transform::Rotation:') print(rotation) print('kabsch_transform::Translation:') print(translation) matrix = np.eye(4) matrix[:3, :3] = rotation matrix[:3, 3] = translation return matrix
[docs] class SimpleCameraTransform(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, intrinsics, extrinsics): self.intrinsics = intrinsics self.extrinsics = extrinsics
[docs] def w2c(self, x, y, z): x, y, z, _ =, np.array([x, y, z, 1])) u, v, z =, np.array([x, y, z])) u, v = int(u / z), int(v / z) return u, v
[docs] def c2w(u, v, d): x, y, z =, np.array([u * d, v * d, d])) x, y, z, _ =, np.array([x, y, z, 1])) return x, y, z