Basic data structures and utilities (e.g., parser, executor) for domain-specific languages.
Data structures for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). |
The base calss for domain definitions: containing custom types, constants, and functions. |
Data structures representing functions in a DSL. |
Data structures for custom types in a DSL. |
The baseclass for all executors of domain-specific languages and a few implementations for simple function domains and tensor-based value representations. |
Data structures for expressions in a DSL. |
Utilities for manipulating expressions. |
A visitor for iterating over expressions. |
Function domain contains the definition for a collection of types and function types. |
Simple search-based algorithms for learning expressions in a DSL. |
Baseclass for all parsers of domain-specific languages and the implementation of a simple function domain parser. |
Data structures for tensor states. |
Data structures and simple shape-related operations for tensor values. |
The baseclass for all value representations of domain-specific languages. |